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LOOK 2 练习册答案 Function3 +School Trip3

Function 3: Being polite

1 Read and circle. Then listen and check.

Oliver: Help / Excuse me. Can I please see those orange soccer shoes?

Store clerk: Sure. Here you are.

Oliver: Oh, they’re small. Can I now / please have some bigger ones?

Store clerk: I’m sorry / happy. I don’t have any bigger ones in orange.

Oliver: That’s OK. Oh, I love those basketball shoes. Can I see them?

Store clerk: Sure / Sorry. Here you are. They look great on you!

Oliver: Yes, I’d like / I want them. How much are they?

Store clerk: They’re 25 dollars.

Oliver: Here you are / do: 25 dollars.

Store clerk: Thank you! Have a nice day!

2 Write the phrases below in a polite way.

1 Excuse 2 Can I please 3 Here you are 4 I'd like 5 sorry

School Trip 3: The National Zoo, US

1 Remember the video. Check (✓) the things that go in Tian Tian’s cake.

2 Look, read, and write.

1 cake 2 sixteen 3 car 4 outside / at a zoo 5 eating

3 Write.

Sample answers:

1 I like to eat cake, and burgers, and pizza.

2 We have a big party with a lot of people, and we dance all evening.

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX