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English in Mind 4 课本答案 Unit 12

12 Nature’s best(十二单元)

1.a:A Meeting of the waters

B Muir Woods

C Ayers Rock/(Uluru)

b:1Ayers Rock text 2Muir Woods text 3 The Meeting of the Waters text

c:1. Muir Woods are in California; the trees are over 70 m tall; some of the trees are over 1,000 years old. 2. Its aboriginal name is Uluru; it is 9 km in circumference; there is a 1.6 km climb to the top. 3. 1 muddy 2 little 3 ahead 4 painted

2.a:A you (the reader)B we (the writers)

b:1b 2a Rule: present, past

c:2 Waving her hands, she tried to keep the flies from her face. 3 Walking between the trees, you can see the sun coming through the branches. 4 Having watched the sunset on the rock, the visitors walked back to their hotel. 5 Having travelled 1,000 km, the Amazon River meets the Rio Negro. 6 Standing in the forest, the trees seem to be indestructible. 7 Listening to the sounds of nature, the man felt very alone.

3.b:1 c a coral reef  2 a a bay  3 j a lake  4 f a canyon  5 g a waterfall  6 b a mountain range  7 e a cliff  8 d a plain  9 h a glacier  10 i a desert

5.b:1 F (they also went to Ecuador) 2 F (they took a train) 3 T 4 T 5 F (only backpacks) 6 F (it had rained the night before) 7 F (the two front wheels came off)

6.a:1 No, they were going back the same day. 2 Yes. No.

b:didn’t do; did

c:1 didn’t need to take 2 needn’t have taken 3 needn’t have bought 4 didn’t need to phone 5 needn’t have phoned 6 didn’t need to buy

d:1 needn’t have worried 2 didn’t need to get up 3 needn’t have taken 4 needn’t have bought 5 didn’t need to use 6 didn’t need to wait

7.a:1on 2off 3off

b:1 cruise 2home 3taxi 4bicycle 5flight 6 car

c:1 drove 2went, set, got 3went, took 4 got, rode 5going, go 6got/went, go 7 going away 8gets, rides 9’re leaving / setting off

10.a:Students’ own ideas

b:1 land 2dreamed 3skies 4dreams 5 a star 6clouds are 7troubles 8find 9 blue 10birds

c:1 high above 2way up high 3far behind

12.a:The writer’s bedroom

b:1 The unusual colour (he/she seems to be an imaginative person with a strong personality); the objects in the room (he/she seems to be quite untidy, he/she seems to like pop music and he/she enjoys watching the world on his/her own). 2 The questions make you feel that the writer is talking to you personally. They make you want to continue reading to find the answers.

c:Students’ own answers

Check your progress


a:2 Do you know how many people there were at the party? 3 Could you tell me where the post office is? 4 Let’s find out when the concert starts. 5 I don’t know who the teacher said was responsible.

b:3 Looking out of the window, she thought about her father. 4 Having climbed the mountain, they sat down to look at the view. 5 Having swum across the lake, he collapsed on the shore. 6 Seeing the Aurora Borealis, we gasped in amazement.

c:2 It wasn’t raining, so we didn’t need to take our raincoats. 3 I needn’t have studied all weekend because the test on Monday was cancelled. 4 There was no test, so I didn’t need to study at the weekend. 5 We didn’t need to cook any food because there

was a restaurant.


a:2 F (you don’t sing the words) 3 T 4 T

b:1 bay 2 lake 3 glacier 4 coral reef 5 range 6 plain 7 canyon

How did you do? 

Students work out their scores. Check how they have done and follow up any problem areas with revision work.

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