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English in Mind 4 练习册答案 Unit 3

3.Time travellers(三单元)

1.a:2c 3a 4e 5f 6d 7h 8i 9g

b:2 Call 3 Did you take 4 I’ll call 5 I saw 6 I’m going out

c:2 No, I haven’t, but I’m reading the book. 3 Will you lend me the book when you’ve

finished with it? 4 What do you know about the author? 5 The author, J. K. Rowling, has always wanted to write books.


b:1 took 2 gives 3 spends 4 ’ve wasted

c:1 off 2 in 3 on 4 out

d:2 time off 3 take your time 4 ran out of time 5 just in time

e:2 of all 3 from 4 to lose 5 a matter of 6 a lot f 7 at the 8 to kill


4.a:2a 3b 4h 5d 6c 7f 8e

b: Dad: Hello, Pete Richmond speaking. Cathy: Hello, Dad. It’s me, Cathy. I was just ringing to see if you got my letter.

Dad: Hi, Cathy. Yes, I got it last week. Thanks for writing.

Cathy: And …?

Dad: And what?

Cathy: And what do you think? Did you find it interesting?

Dad: Well, to be honest with you, I just skimmed through it. I didn’t have enough time to sit and read it properly.

Cathy: Oh, Dad! That’s exactly why I wrote to you. You need to start making time for yourself. You work too hard. You need to take some time off.

Dad: Now, don’t tell me what to do, young lady. I’m not going to listen to an eighteen-year-old who wanted to leave school three years ago.

Cathy: That’s right, Dad. But you told me to think carefully and you also told me it was your duty to tell me what you thought. Now I’m doing the same thing for you. I love you. I can’t stop you working and I don’t want to. But I do want you to start making some time for yourself.

Dad: OK, OK. I get the message. As soon as I hang up I’ll sit down and read your letter properly. Now what was the party like?

2 got 3 didn’t read it properly 4 take time off 5 refuses 6 read the letter

c: 2 Laura recommended buying / that I buy the latest Coldplay album. 3 Their mum warned them never to do that again. 4 She suggested going / that they go to the

cinema at the weekend. 5 Jane advised me not to buy that mobile phone. 6 The instructor claimed that if we joined their gym, we’d be super fit in just a month. 7 She denied breaking / that she had broken the vase. 8 The teacher emphasised that he/she

wouldn’t accept homework that wasn’t done on time.

5.a: 2c 3a 4c 5c 6a 7b 8a

b:1 Because there was a small swell. 2 Because there was a sense of repression and

he was breathing very fast. 3 Because he was frightened by the scream. 4 A reddish piece of rock.

6. a: It’s about the future. We know because it says that the earth has been destroyed.

b: b conversely c misinterpreted d sophisticated e elegant f subtle

c:1b 2c 3a 4b

Unit check

1.2 on 3 asked 4 that 5 offering 6 warned 7 spent 8 time 9 denied 10 has promised

2. 2a 3b 4b 5c 6b 7c 8b 9c

3. 2 waste 3 off 4 all 5 life 6 give 7 out 8 in 9 take

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