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power up6级别Activity book答案(unit1-unit3)

Activity Book Answer Key

Unit 1

Page 5

Key: 1 jazz 2 DJ 3 recording4 stage 5 studio

Key: 1 classical music 2 disco 3 folk 4 opera

Key: 1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no

Page 6

Key: 1 A 2 A 3B 4 A

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 7

Key: 2 in 3 of 4 about 5 of6 of 7 about8 on

Key: 2 of 3 for 4 about 5 in 6 about 7 for

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 8

Key: 2 serious 3 reliable 4 intelligent 5 patient6 generous 7 charming

8 rude 9 bossy

Key: 1 Emiliano 2 Selin 3 Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 9

1 Key: 2 Nor did Laura.3 So would I. 4 Nor am I.5 So did you.

6 Nor have I.

2 Key: 1 be Superman, Spiderman; So would I.

2 take a snake; Nor can I. 3 haven't been; Nor have I.

4 invited Charlie; So did I.

Key: Who do you live with? 2 tennis, athletics,football 3 Sara

5 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 How old are you? 2 Sara, tell us about what type of music you like?

Page 10

1 Key: 2 Don't know (the text says there is a competition on this Sunday, but not whether there is one every Sunday-) 3 Yes (the text tells us that Julie 'couldn't think of a better name.') 4 Don't Know (the text tells us that 'each band does three songs, but it doesn't tell us whether the songs are ones the bands have written.) 5 No(the text quotes Julie's mother, who says "1 just prefer classical music,darling, and so does your father:') 6 Yes (the text says "we came third in the competition.')

2-3 Key: Learners' own answers

4 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 12

1 Key: 2 Beethoven first learned to play the piano,violin and viola. Mozart first learned the harpsicord and the violin.3 Their childhood was probably very hard because they had to study hard to please their

fathers.They did not have much time to play with other children.4Beethoven lost his hearing and Mozart had financial problems and bad health. 5 Beethoven was fifty-seven and Mozart was thirty-five.

2-3 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 13

1 Key: 1 C 2 B 3 B 4A 5 C

Page 14

Key: 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a

Page 15

Key: 1 about 2 at 3 for 4 of 5 in 6 for

Key: 2F 3B 4E 5A 6D

Key: 2 bossy 3 folk 4 opera 5 generous 6 reliable

Key: 2 good at 3 so am I 4 patient 5 jazz6 hip-hop 7 opera 8 nor do we

Unit 2

Page 17
Key: 2 Africa 3 North America 4 Europe5 Antarctica 6 Australia

7 South America

2 Key: 1 china, red 2 Mexico 3 Australia4 The UK,5 Europe 7 Ireland

3 Key: 1 languages 2 nationalities 3 climate4landscape 5 culture

Page 18

Key: 1 pic 2 2 pic 5 3 pic 1 4 pic 45 pic 6 6 pic 3

Key: 2 ice-skating 3 train 4 120 5 heat 6-sea coast

Page 19

Key: 1 which, tick 2 who, tick 3 where 4 whose

Key: 1 whose mum comes from Shanghai 2 which is spoken by over 100 million people 3 where Portuguese is spoken

Key: 2 E whose 3 F where 4 A whose 5 D who 6 B which

Key: Sample answers Paris, which is the capital city of France, is famous for the Eiffel Tower.That's the White House where the president of the USA lives. Ed Sheer an,who plays the guitar, is a successful singer. Koke is a footballer who plays for Atlético Madrid.

Page 20

1 Key: 2 canal 3 scenery 4 port 5 cliffs6 harbour 7 Bay 8 seaside

9 valleys

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 21

1 Key: 2 more 3 the fewest 4 less 5 the least 6 the most

2 Key: 1 Natalia has fewer football cards than Thiago.2 Felipe has the fewest football cards.3 Simba has less space than Rory.4 Paws has the least space.

3 Key: B E C D A

4-5 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 Well 2 um 3 I don't know 4 oh sorry,I don"t know the word.

Page 22

1 Key: 2 It is celebrated around the world because a lot of Hindu people live in many places like Europe and North America.3 It's called the Monkey Buffet because people put out food for the monkeys 4 Monkeys are important in Thailand because people believe they bring good luck. 5 The people of Sampan go spend a lot of time their free time preparing kites. 6 The messages on the kites tell us that the people of Sampango care about the environment and want people to protect it.

Key: 2 celebrates 3 Festival 4 new 5 explodes 6 festivities

Page 23

Key: 1 c 2 b 3c 4 b 5 a 6 c

Page 24

1 Key: 1 E 2 D 3 A 4 B C

Key: 1 The ice is melting so the level of the ocean is getting higher. 2 The ice is melting because the Earth is getting warmer. 3 The Earth is getting warmer because we produce a lot of carbon dioxide.This gas stops the heat from Earth escaping back into space.4 We should plant more trees because plants take in carbon dioxide when they make their food. 5 If the level of the ocean continues to get higher, places on the coast will be covered by water.


Page 25

1-2 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 26

Key: 1 C 2A 3H4B 5D

Page 27

1 Key: 1 C 2D 3A 4E 5B

Key: 2 more 3 least 4 the most 5 less6 the fewest

Key: Learners' own answers

Unit 3

Page 29


Key: 1 22.50  2 33.75  3 6.25  4 15  5 17.25  6 2.75

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 30

1 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 B 2D 3A 4 C 5 B 6D

Page 31

1 Key: 2 to sell 3 watching 4 doing 5 to travel 6 learning

Key: 2 to be 3 to be 4 to win 5 hitting6 getting 7 watching 8 to buy

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 32

1 Key: 2 damaged 3 sale 4 reduced 5 exchange 6return 7 spend 8 for sale 9 sold 10 luxury 11 cost12 reasonable

Key: 1A  2A  3B  4 B

Page 33

1 Key: 2 having 3 Shopping 4 Eating 5Looking 6 swimming

Key: 1 The best thing about cycling is that you can get home quickly. 2 The worst thing about washing up is that my sister is always too busy to help. 3 Im keen on visiting Japan when I'm older. 4 Not doing your

homework for Mr Thomas is not a good idea! 5 Watching a film tonight is a good suggestion.

KeyAgreeing: I agree that; We both agree; I guess so;l agree

Disagreeing: I don't agree that; I like your idea, but.;I'm not sure about that

Giving your own opinion: In my view; In my opinion

Key: Learners' own answers

5 Key

Page 34

Key: B It is about the journey of a banknote.

Key: Learners draw lines as follows: 3,4,1,2,6,5

Key: 2 yes 3 yes 4 yes 5no 6 yes

Key: 2A 3E 4F 5D 6B

Page 35

Key: Sample answers 1 how much pocket money the person gets and what they have to do for it 2 how the person spends it 3 how they feel about it

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 36

Key: 1C2 E3B4A 5D

2-4 Key: Learners own answers

Page 37

1 Key: Learners own answers

Page 38

1 Key: 1 as 2 of 3 at 4is 5 most 6 than

Page 39

1 Key: 2 not to put 3 playing 4 visiting 5 to return6 to speak

Key: 1 Watching, drinking 2 Cycling 3 doing4checking 5 Wearing 6 going

3 Key: 2 receipt 3 reasonable 4 reduced 5 euros6 damaged

4-5 Key: Learners" own answers

Review Units 1-3

Page 40

1 Key: 2E 3A 4F 5D 6C

Key: 2 than 3 have 4 who 5on 6 drinking/having

Key: 2 Do you plan to do your homework tonight? 3 Lucy' s the shop assistant who helped me choose some shoes.4A DJ is a person who plays music. 5 I enjoy running when it's cold. 6We stopped listening to music at 11 pm last night.

Key: 1 certificate 2 coast 3cash damaged

Page 41

3 Key: excited/surprised, confused

Key: 1 terrified 2 cheerful 3 amazed/surprised4 amazed/surprised

Key: Learners' own answers

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