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power up6级别Activity book答案(unit4-unit6)

Unit 4

Page 43

Key: 2 boarding pass 3 duty free 4 flight 5 land 6 pilots

Key: 2 departures 3 gate 4 exchange rate 5 arrivals6 announcement

Key: 1 pilot 2 exchange rate

Page 44

Key: jetlag, arrivals, pilot, boarding pass, departures

Key: 1B 2A 3C 4C 5A

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 45

Key: 2 hasn't been made 3 is given 4 aren't provided 5 were stopped 6 was taken

Key: 2 has been opened by 3 haven't been found4 was lost 5 aren't worn 6 weren't told

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 46

Key: 1 tunnel 2 ferry 3 luggage 4 ambulance 5 tram

Key: 2 backpacker 3 tour guide 4 luggage5 waiting room 6 guidebooks

3 Key: Sample answers

In picture A, there aren't any seats in the waiting room,but there are some seats in picture B.

In picture A, there are two backpackers.In picture B there are three backpackers.

In picture A, the man has a blue passport. In picture B he has a red passport.

In picture A, the woman has a guidebook to New York. In picture B she has a guidebook to Paris.

In picture A, the tour guide has a monkey on her shoulder. In picture B she has a parrot.

Page 47

Key: 2 kept X on talking. 3 checked us in x 4 Put your seatbelt on X/ Put X on your seatbelt 5 looks X after his little sister 6 take x up baking

2 Key: 1 Please give back my gloves by the end of the day./ Please give my gloves back by the end of the day.2 I put the very important thing away, but I can't remember where!/ I put away the very important thing,but I can't remember where! 3 Don't throw away my passport!/ Don't throw my passport away! 4 Turn off the TV before you go to bed./ Turn the TV off before you go to bed.

Key: 1 Well 2 you know 3 and things like that 4 Um 5 Let's see

4 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 Well, I like travelling by plane.

2 I think I would rather go to a different country.

3 I prefer to travel by boat or train. I'm scared of flying.

Page 48


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 49

Key: 1C 2F 3B 4G 5A

1 Key: 1 Amy Johnson was a British pilot. 2 She left London to fly to Australia on May 5th 1930.3 Amy had to fly across high mountains,deserts and seas and through bad weather to try and break the record.

4 She lost a lot of time because her propeller was broken.5 She took nineteen and a half days to fly from London to Australia.


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 51

Key: 1B 2E 3H 4 A 5F

Page 52

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 53

1 Key: 2All flights to Canada have been can celled today.3 Tennis isn't played with a basketball. 4The Eiffel Tower was completed in 1889.5 The backpacker's passport hasn't been found yet. 6 We weren't invited to Michael's birthday.

2 Key:2 for them 3 plane takes 4 hamster down 5 it up 6 find out

Key: 2 Ambulance 3 Departures 4 Backpacker5 Exchange rate 6 Tour guide

Key: Learners' own answers

Unit 5

Page 55

Key: 2 level 3 project 4 instructions 5 mark 6 essay

Key: 1 course 2 information 3 term 4 test

Page 56

1 Key: 1E 2G 3H 4B 5D

Page 57

Key: 1 went 2 've, read 3 Have, finished 4 Did, get 5 hasn't spoken

2 Key: 1E 2D 3B 4A 5C

3 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 58

Key: confident, delighted, interested, bored, nervous,calm, excited, worried

2 Key: 1 bored, worried/nervous 2 interested 3 nervous/worried, calm 4 delighted, excited 5 confident

3 Key:A 3 B 1 C 2

Key: 1 nervous (she's asking lots of questions and won't get on the plane) 2 interested (he's asking lots of questions when the tour guide and other tourists want to finish) 3 excited (she wants to start before the instructor has finished speaking)

Page 59

Key: 2 'd just locked 3 hadn't visited 4 had been5 'd told 6 hadn't spoken

2 Key: 2 'd chosen 3 had checked 4 'd made 5 'd upset6 hadn't done 7 had wanted

Key: 3

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 60

1 KeyTitle: My first camping trip Main characters: the writer, Joe, Sophie supporting characters: Natalie, the scarecrow Setting:campsite in forest Problems: 1 Therwas a lot of traffic, so they were late to the campsite and it was dark. 2 The campsite was empty, so they felt anxious. 3 The tent poles were missing, so they couldn't put a tent up and had to sleep in the open. Solutions: 1 They used the light from the moon. 2 Joe tried to keep everyone calm and they had hot chocolate. 3 Joe said would be a good test and they slept under the stars.

2 Key: 2 Sophie didn't want to go camping. 3 They arrivevery late at the campsite. 4 They all sat around the campfire and told scary stories.5 They couldn't find the tent poles so they slept under the stars.6 Next day Sophie found the tent poles in the forest.


Key: Learners' own answers

5 Key: 1A 2C 3A 4C 5A 6B

Page 62


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 63

Key: 1A 2C 3D 4B 5C 6A

Page 64

1 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 65

Key: 2 weren't 3 Did you post 4 haven't decorated5 broke 6 's played 7 looked 8 Have we followed

Key: 1 I was disappointed with mg test mark because I'd tried really hard! 2 She hadn't read the email before Tim phoned her. 3 He'd finished his test and then he turned the page and found five more questions. 4 They'd got in the car when they realised the tickets were on the kitchen table.

Key: 2 bored 3 excited 4 essay 5 calm 6 term

Key: Learners' own answers

Unit 6

Page 67

Key: 2 a hairdresser 3 a cleaner 4 a scientist 5a musician 6a sailor 7 a librarian 8a politician

Key: 2 publisher 3 programmer 4 architect 5 hairdresser 6 cleaner

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 68

Key:Tick 1,5

Key: 1A 2B 3B 4A 5C

Page 69

1 Key: 1 can't 2 might 3 could 4 must 5 may

Key: B 4, can't C2 might, could, may; might, could,may D 1 might, could, may E 6 can't F5 must

3 Key: 2 may/might/could 3 can't 4 may/might/could 5 may/might/could 6 can't

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 70

1 Key: 3 quit 4 part-time 5 salary 6 staff 7 retires8 unemployed 9 career 10earn 11 full-time

2 Key: 2 quit 3 boss 4 part-time 5 colleagues 6 retires7 unemployed 8 earn 9 staff 10 full-time 11 salary

Page 71

Key: 2 Has, been helping 3 hasn't been sitting 4 has been working 5 haven't been talking 6 Have, been waiting

2 Key: 1 Has he been watching TV today?

2 We've been reading a brilliant article about Miley Cyrus.

3 How long have you been travelling around Australia?

4 They haven't been doing their homework.

Key: 1A 2F 3C 4 B 5D

Key: 1 yes 2 no 3 yes 4 no 5 yes

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 guess;might; circled: guess, might, architect,looks, building 2 could; something; Circled: could, office,hotel, something 3 could; Circled: other, could be, colleagues 4 looks; circled: looks, meeting

Page 72

Key:2 He was working on a project about famous people in technology.3 He found out that Mark Zuckerberg was only12 when he became a computer programmer. 4 His dad wasn't serious about the dog-walking.He was only joking.5 Mike designed an app to advertise his company. 6 Mike was too busy with his new company to daydream anymore.

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 73


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 74

1 Key: A health - tertiary B construction - secondary C farming - primary D education - tertiary E food industry - secondary F mining industry - primary

Key: 1 yes 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 5 no

Key: Learners' own answers

Sample answers: Wheat: Flour, bread, cakes,cereals Olives: Oil Milk: Cheese, yogurt, butter Strawberries:Jam Cotton: T-shirts, sheets, dresses Leather: Shoes,bags, belts, boots and jackets Sand: Glass, cement Wood:Paper, furniture

Key: Sample answers 1 Pic 2: Cows on the farm produce milk. 2 Pic 4: The milk is transported by lorry to a factory.3 Pic 6:The milk is processed and turned into cheese and other products. 4 Pic 3: The cheese is packed ready for the shops. 5 Pic 1: The cheese is taken to shops.6 Pic 5: The cheese is bought from a shop or market.

Page 75

Key: 1 A 2 C 3 A 4C 5 B 6 A

Page 76

Key: 1 over 2of 3 the 4 to 5 if/when 6 as

Page 77

Key: 1 may/might/could 2 may/might/could3 can't 4 must 5 may/might/could

Key: 2 has been playing 3 have you been driving4 Has, been painting 5 haven't been sunbathing6 hasn't been cooking

Key: Across 3 publisher 5 colleague 6 scientist Down 1 unemployed 2 architect 4 retire

Key: Learners' own answers

Review 2 Units 4-6

Page 78

Key: 2 is shown 3 Have, phoned; spoke 4 've been reading 5 had passed 6 could have been worn

Key: 2 I've been working as a tour guide since July last year and I love my job. 3 The pilot is called Robert and he works full time. 4 We saw our local politician in the village at the weekend. 5 I don't have to take a taxi to the airport because my mum's going to drive me.

6 Next term, I'm going to take up the violin. I've always wanted to learn how to play it. 7 I've won a competition to meet some children's authors next week. 8 Eliza kept on arguing with Nicolas, even though she knew she was wrong. 9We've already done our project on great explorers.

Key: 2 musician 3 jealous 4 backpacker 5 pilot 6 boss

Page 79

Key: 1 yes 2 yes 3no 4 no

3 Key: Learners' own answers

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