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LOOK 2 练习册答案 Unit 9

9 Animals(九单元)

1 Words

1 Find and circle four words. What’s the secret word?

2 Look and write.

1 elephant

2 hippo

3 zebra

4 giraffe

3 Listen and color the animals in Activity 2. Write.

1 hippos

2 elephants

3 giraffes;orange

4 zebras;black and white

2 Grammar

1 Listen and write.

Oh! There’s a tiger. Is the tiger sleeping?

Shh, shh. Yes, it is.

Oh! There’s a snake. Is the snake sleeping?

Shh, shh. Yes, it is.

Oh! There’s a crocodile.

Is the croc sleeping?

Snap, snap! No, it isn’t!

Help! There’s a crocodile. Is the croc running ?

Snap, snap! Yes, it is ! SNAP

2 Look and write.

2. giraffe / drink water is the giraffe drinking water?

No, it isn’t

3. lion / run Is the lion running?

Yes, it is

4. zebras / walk Are the zebras walking?

No,they aren't.

3 Draw yourself in the picture. Then write.

1 Are you watching the monkeys;[Yes, I am]

2 Are you climbing the tree;[No, I'm not]

3 Are you taking photos;[No, I'm not]

3 Reading

1 Circle the words that are opposites. Underline the word that’s an animal.

2 Read and write.

Gertjie and Matimba are baby white rhinos. They live at an animal home in South Africa. They don’t have mothers, so workers at the home are helping them. Gertjie and Matimba also have a friend, a sheep called Lammie. Sheep and rhinos aren’t usually friends . But Gertjie, Matimba, and Lammie play together. It’s fun to watch!

Lammie is small and fast. The rhinos are bigger than Lammie, and they’re slower, too. Lammie is older than Gertjie and Matimba, so she takes care of them. At bath time, Lammie sits next to the water. At bedtime, she sleeps outside their room. They don’t have a mom, but Gertjie and Matimba are happy they have Lammie!

3 Write.

Sample answers:

1 fast 2 Lammie 3 a tiger; a duck 4 swim; play

4 Grammar

1 Read and circle.

1. A snake is long / longer than a monkey.

2. A mouse is a small / smaller animal.

3. A duck is slow / slower than a crocodile.

4. I’m young / younger than my cousin.

5. My brother is big / bigger and old / older than me.

6. My bike is new / newer and fast / faster!

2 Listen and write a check (✓) or an ✗.

1× 2√ 3√ 4× 5√ 6×

3 Write about you, your friends, and your family.

Sample answers:

1. My friend and I: I’m smaller than my friend.

2. My sister and I: I’m older than my sister.

3. My dad and my uncle :My dad is faster than my uncle.

5 Phonics

1 Listen and number.

tape3 cape6 plane1

cap2 plan4 tap5

2 Color green the parts with a_e as in cake. Then say. What’s the hidden picture? 

a snake

6 Value

1 Look and check (✓).

2 Be a good friend. Score from 1 (OK) to 5 (very good). Circle.


3 Read and draw


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