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English in Mind S 练习册答案 Unit 3

3.She lives in Washington(三单元)

1.2f 3a 4c 5b 6e

2.a:1 speak 2 stop 3 understand 4 listen 6 play 7 study 8 read 9 watch 10 live 11 write 12 work

b:2 watches 3 goes 4 speaks 5 listens 6 finishes 7 works 8 studies

c:2 writes 3 watch 4 play 5 speaks 6 live 7 understand

d:2 We play tennis but we don't play computer games.

3 Sam doesn't like dogs but he likes cats.

4 Julie doesn't listen to CDs but she listens to MP3s.

5 Tony and Jill watch cartoons but they don't watch football.

e:Does 3 Does 4 Do 5 Do Do 7 Does

f:2 Do you always finish your homework? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

3 Does your best friend like football? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn't.

4 Do you and your friends play volleyball? Yes, we do. / No, we don't.

5 Does your teacher speak English? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn't.

6 Do your friends understand Russian? Yes, they do. / No, they don't.


4.a:2 cousin 3 brothers 4 grandmother 5 aunt 6 Barbara's 7 parents 8 Barbara's 9 David's

b and c Students' own answers.

d:1 mother-in-law 2 grandson 3 granddaughter 4 grandchildren 5 grandparents 6 father-in-law

5.2 your 3 his 4 her 5 our 6 its 7 their

6.2 grocery shop 3 flat 4 house 5 vegetables 6 secretary

7.Example answers

work: in a hospital;

play: tennis , the piano;

watch: television, a film;

write: an email, a letter ;

read: a book , a message;

listen to: a band, your teacher

8.Uncle: So tell me about your friend Rebecca . Her family lives in London , is that right ?

Alice: Yes, that's right. She lives in London with her mum and her two brothers . They're eight and ten. Her mother 's a nurse - she works in a hospital.

Uncle: And what are Rebecca's hobbies ?

Alice: Well , she reads a lot. She doesn't watch a lot of TV, but she really likes books .

Uncle: And what do you do together , you and Rebecca? Do you go to concerts ?

Alice: No , we don't, but we go to the cinema , and

we play music together a lot. Also , we go to the same school , so I often study with Rebecca at her house.

2 X 3 X 4 5 X 6 7  

9.Example answer

Mateo's sister is Sonia and his brother is Marco . They're twelve and nine. His father works in a shop. Mateo's best friend is Franco. Mateo and Franco don't play tennis , but the y play football together . Mateo speaks Italian and English.

Unit check 

1.1 live 2 their 3 doesn't 4 Tara's 5 learn 6 speaks 7 volleyball 8 have 9 don't

2.2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 b 7 c 8 c 9 c

3.2 grandfather 3 husband; wife 4 father-in-law 5 grandchildren 6 brother-in-law; mother-in-law; sister-in-law

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