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English in Mind 2 课本答案 Unit 10

Music makers(第十单元)

1.Read and Listen

A:1 He is from Brazil. He is a famous musician. 2 He opened a music school and trained hundreds of people to play instruments.

B:1 It's the capital of the state of Bahia in Brazil and you hear a lot of music there. 2 He saw music as a way of helping them escape drugs and violence. 3 They start by playing complex samba rhythms on plastic containers and tin cans. 4 It has started working together with government programmes. 5 Because it is a labour of love.


B:has been training; it's been doing; has been working

Positive:'s(has) been

Negative: haven't(have not)been

Question: Has/been

Short answer: have/haven't/has/hasn't

Rule: past

C:2 He's been cooking all morning. 3 I haven't been feeling well. 4 You haven't been practising enough!5 They have been playing football. 6 We have been watching too much TV!

D:2 I've been waiting for you for ages! 3 He hasn't been sleeping enough. 4 I haven't been learning English very long. 5 How long have you been eating? 6 They've been doing their homework for three hours.


A:present perfect simple;present perfect continuous

present perfect simple;present perfect continuous

B:2 read 3 had 4 cut 5 been cutting 6 won 7 has known 8 been reading

C:2 Haven't/finished 3 has/been doing 4 Has/made 5 haven't started 6's cleaned 7 's been raining


B:Student A:He's been singing for more than 30 years.(How long has he been singing?)

He's been playing/He's played the saxophone for more than 40 years.

He's been making records since 1964.(How long has he been making records?)

He has been in more than 15 films.

He has been married for more than ten years.

Student B:He's been playing/He's played the saxophone for more than 40 years.

He's made more than five films.


A:1 classical 2 rock 3 jazz 4 reggae 5 country 6 hip-hop

B:A 4 a violin 

B 9 a synthesiser

C 6 an electric guitar

D 2 drums

E 8 a flute

3 a trumpet

1 a piano

5 a clarinet

7 a saxophone

10 a keyboard

C:1 live music: music that is seen or heard while it is happening; recorded music: music that is put onto magnetic tape or CDs using electronic equipment in a studio

2 an album: a CD or a record with several pieces of music/songs on it; a single: a CD or a record with one main piece of music/song on it

3 MP3: is a format that can play audio; MP4:is a format that can play audio and video


Talent? Me?

9.Read and Listen

A:Debbie thinks Joel has a lot of talent. Pete doesn't care.Joel thinks anyone can learn an instrument.

B:1 True 2 False-music's not his thing 3 False-he thinks he's good 4 False-he tells her to watch some videos 5 True 6 False-she takes his advice

10.Everyday English

A:1Debbie 2 Debbie 3 Debbie 4 Joel 5 Joel 6 Joel

B:2 What do you mean? 3 loads of 4 I'm just saying that 5 I have to say 6 got nothing to do with


A:She wants to know what music Sandy likes and why,and how she prefers listening to music.

B:She's been a country music fan for two years. She likes Faith Hill, Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, Meredith Edwards and Jessica Andrews, because they have great voices and good lyrics. She listens to country music nearly all the time, usually on her headphones in her bedroom.

Check your progress 


a:2 nothing 3 someone 4 everything 5 somewhere 6 none of them 7 no one 

b:2 don't have to 3 mustn't 4 mustn't 5 doesn't have to 6 mustn't 

c:2 sent 3 been talking 4 been playing 5 visited 6 been reading; finished


a:2 guess 3 concentrate 4 believe in 5 recognise 6 imagine

b:Instruments: trombone; trumpet guitar, clarinet Types of music: reggae; jazz; rock; country

How did you do?

Check that students are marking their scores. Collect these in and check them as necessary and discuss any further work needed with specific students.

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