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LOOK 4 练习册答案 Anthology+Look and Remember


1 Firefighters of Edo


Activity 1: 1. T; 2. E; 3. E; 4. E; 5. T

Activity 2: 1. very small; 2. very quickly; 3. stop; 4. on top; 5. go towards

2 Diego and the Table


Activity 1: B1; D2; F3; A4; G5; E6; C7

Activity 2: 1. Diego was an honest boy.; 2. They took the cow to the market to sell it.; 3. He was angry because Diego traded the cow for a table.; 4. He didn’t want to leave the table on the ground.; 5. They carried the coins back to the market and gave them back to the merchants.

3 A Weekend in Dubai


Activity 1: 1. At the indoor ski slope; 2. At school; 3. From the tallest building; 4. At home; 5. From a speedboat; 6. In the desert

Activity 2: 1. Thursday; 2. They want to have an adventure.; 3. It’s one of the most beautiful hotels in Dubai.; 4. penguins; 5. It’s the tallest building in the world.

4 The Museum Quiz


Activity 1: A3; B4; C1; D2

Activity 2: 1. True; 2. False; 3. True; 4. True; 5. False

5 Superhero Powers


Activity 1: 1C; 2A; 3D; 4B

Activity 2: 1. The Falcon Heavy; 2. a human hair; 3. geckos; 4. small tiles with silicon rubber hairs on them; 5. a smartphone camera

6 The King and the Drums


Activity 1: 1C; 2B; 3B; 4A

Activity 2: 1. Baiju telling his wife the king’s secret.; 2. Because he thought he told everyone about the king’s ears.; 3. take care of his people.


Look and Remember

Lesson 1

1 These four men work in the National Park. Who is Mr. Place? Read the description and check (✓) the box.


2 Write a description of one of the other men in Activity 1

Sample answer:

Man C is very tall and thin. He has short, dark curly hair.

He has a moustache and a beard. He’s strong.

3 Complete the sentences about you. Use always, usually, sometimes, or never.


4 Listen and check (✓) the correct answer. 

1A 2C 3C

5 Answer the questions.

(Students’ own answers)

2 Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

3 Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

4 Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

5 Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

6 Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

7 Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

Lesson 2

1 Listen to a person talking about African penguins. Circle the correct answer.

2 Read about emperor penguins. Correct the sentences.

1 Emperor penguins are bigger than other penguins.

2 They are very good swimmers.

3 They can swim underwater for about 20 minutes.

4 They live in the Antarctic.

5 The male penguin keeps the egg on its feet.

3 Match to make questions.

4 Write your answers to the questions in Activity 3.

Sample answers:

1 I have two sisters.

2 My grandparents live in the countryside.

3 My mom is from Madrid and my dad is from Cádiz.

4 My mom is older than my dad.

5 We like going to the movies and walking on the beach.

6 My mom is reading and my dad is playing video games.

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