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English in Mind 5 练习册答案 Unit 12

12.The beauty hunters(十二单元)

1.a:2 enticing 3 social circle 4 gimmick 5 ethics 6 opting 7 underestimate 8 frown lines

2.a:2 wish 3 time 4 time S only 6 wish

b:2 knew 3 stopped 4 weren't I wouldn't be 5 wasn't 6 took 7 went 8 were

c:2 was in the national team 3 did/would do their homework on time 4 didn't bring dogs in with them 5 gave the tests back 6 didn't play football on the grass 7 wouldn't feed the animals 8 built more car parks

d:2 I wish I had less homework to do. 3 If only my friends were here. 4 I'd rather you didn't make so much noise. 5 If only I could buy a new digital camera. 6 I wish you wouldn't do that. 7 I'd sooner go to the cinema. 8 It's high time something were done about this.

3.a:2 effect 3 loose 4 raise S advise 6 persecuted 7 lie 8 ensure

b:2 loose 3 sensitive 4 persecuted 5 affect 6 advise 7 sensible 8 effect 9 advice 10 ensured 11 prosecuted 12 insured

c:2 bear; bare 3 brake; broke 4 complimented; complemented 5 dessert; desert 6 disinterested; uninterested 7 principles; principal

4.a:Possible answers: 2 down 3 took 4 who 5 began/started 6 was/became 7 much/somewhat 8 take 9 up 10 long

b:2. 3 3. 4 4. 50 million 5.TLC 6. the USA 7. 10 8. 40 million 9. Speed 10. Japan

c:1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F

Well. as you all must know by now, today is International Women's Day and in honour of this, I thought I'd take a look at some of the greatest girl groups of all time. So with a little help from the internet I discovered exactly who the queens of pop are.

And the best selling girl group of all time? Well, no surprises here. It is, of course, the Spice Girls with more than 80 million records sold worldwide. 80 million, that's the same as Prince. But what's really amazing is that they only released three CDs. In fact, their first two CDs, Spice and Spiceworld, are the top two best-selling girl group records of all time, selling around 23 million and 20 million copies respectively. Let's hear it for Girl Power. The next two best selling groups are both from the US: Destiny's Child, who sold 50 million copies between their four CDs, and the group known as TLC, also with four CDs and total sales of 45 million. Of course, Beyonce was a member of Destiny's Child and she's gone on to even greater things since then.

Now at number four on the list there's quite a surprise, a band from the 80s. It's Bananarama, no less. Now I knew these girls had been quite successful here in the UK but I was quite shocked to learn that they've sold around 40 million CDs all over the world. They've also released ten CDs and they're still going strong today, thirty years after they formed! Though, apparently there's only two of them now. Finally, the fifth most successful girl group of all time. Speed! Who? I hear you asking. Well, Speed are a Japanese group who are incredibly popular in their homeland. They've released four CDs and sold around 20 million copies. If, like me, you have never heard of them, well here you are; a little bit of Speed- dedicated to women all over the world.

5.a:A3 B1 C4

Unit check

1.2 sensible 3 ensure 4 circle 5 fake 6 affected 7 prosecute 8 hadn't 10 underestimate

2.2b 3a 4a 5c 6a 7c 8c 9b

3.2 loose 3 insured 4 advice 5 sensitive 6 dessert 7 compliment 8 broke 9 except

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