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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 7

7.Learning Languages(七单元)

1.2d 3f 4a 5b 6e

2.a:-0small; local; old; excellent;Russian;different; strange; good; determined;big; exciting


c:Possible answers:

2 Coffee is more expensive in Efes Cafe. 

3 Sandwiches are cheaper in Cafe Paradiso. 

4 The atmosphere is more relaxing in Cafe Paradiso. 

5 Cafe Efes is bigger than Cafe Paradiso. 

6 Efes Cafe is noisier than Cafe Paradiso.

3.a:2 c 3 d 4 a 5 b 6 h 7 f 8 g

b:1 guess 2 lookup 3 have 4 imitate 5 make 6 translate

c:2 mother tongue 3 native speaker/foreign 4 fluent 5 bilingual 6 accurate 7 dialect


b:2 biggest 3 worst 4 most beautiful 5 easiest 6 richest 7 heaviest \

c:1 most expensive 2 bigger than 3 older 4 best 5 the friendliest 6 more difficult 7 most delicious 8 better than 9most successful

d:Students'own answers



6.1 hang around 2 expressions 3 decades 4 groovy 5 ace 6 group 7 creative 8 rents

7.Students'own answers

8.a:Mary5B  Juliette1E  Carla 4A  Alice3D

b:2F 3T 4T 5F 6F

My names Adrian. I'm 16 and I'm interested in art. I want to be a painter when I leave school. I've got four sisters.Mary is the oldest, but she isn't the tallest-she's shorter than Carla and Alice. Mary's got very short hair-our parents don't like it but I think it looks cool. She's got a boyfriend called Terry and she talks about him all the time-it gets a bit boring, really.
Juliette is my favourite sister. She's the youngest-
she's only ten but I think she's very intelligent and she's also the funniest person in our family-she can really make you laugh. She loves animals and she keeps a pet rabbit in the garden.
Carla and Alice are twins-they were born on the
same day and now they're both twelve. They look similar, but Carlas got longer hair and bigger eyes than Alice. They have arguments about music all the time - Carlaloves all the young girl bands but Alice hates them.Alice is a sporty kid-she's a good swimmer and she's in the girls' football team at school.

9.Students'own answers

Unit check

1.1 speak 2 than 3 difficult 4 easier 5 worst 6 guess 7 look 8 accent 9 imitate

2.2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 b 9c

3.2 accent 3 corrects 4 means 5 guess 6 foreign 7 accurate 8 decade 9 expression

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