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Great writing三级别答案(1.2单元)


UNIT 1 Paragraphs


Activity 1, page 5

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a   

Activity 2, pages 6–7

1. Throughout history, explorers have been inspired to investigate land, space, and sea.

2. have been inspired to investigate land, space, and sea

3. three

4. c

Activity 3, page 8

1. air conditioners; a  2. biomedical engineering; b  3. snowboarding; b

Activity 4, page 9

1. a. Europeans drink far more coffee than people from other

parts of the world.

2. b. Roller coaster safety has improved tremendously over

the last 200 years.

3. c. The sport of track-and-field has increased in popularity in

recent years.

Activity 5, page 9

Possible answers:

1. Lying in the workplace can result in a number of problems.

2. Working hard is the first step to reaching your goals.

3. The Eiffel Tower, located in Paris, France, is significant for

several reasons.

Activity 6, pages 10-11

Possible answers:

Paragraph 1.2: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Paragraph 1.3: Acting can be categorized into three different

types: stage acting, television acting, and film acting.

Paragraph 1.4: Job-search websites can be a great tool to help a

job seeker find a new job.

Activity 7, page 12

Possible answers:

Paragraph 1.2: An Important Meal; Breakfast

Paragraph 1.3: Three Kinds of Acting; Acting Three Ways

Paragraph 1.4: The Benefits of Job-Search Websites; A Job

Search Tool

Activity 8, page 12

Answers will vary.

Activity 9, page 12

Answers will vary.

Activity 10, page 14

Possible answers:

1. What kinds of pesticides should not be used? Why should

we avoid using pesticides?

2. Why are coffee producers using environmentally friendly

farming methods? What are the benefits to using

environmentally friendly farming methods, if any?

3. What are the differences between snow skiing and water

skiing? What are the similarities between snow skiing and

water skiing?

4. Why is trophy hunting controversial? How might trophy

hunting actually help preserve endangered animals?

5. Why are extracurricular activities beneficial to children?

What extracurricular activities can children participate in to

improve their self-confidence?

Activity 11, pages 15–16

Paragraph 1.5

Sentence 1:Good

Sentence 2: Unrelated

Sentence 3: Good

Paragraph 1.6

Sentence 1: Good

Sentence 2: Unrelated

Sentence 3: Good

Activity 12, page 17

1. F; Students encounter an incredible amount of new

vocabulary in English every day.

2. F; Some learners solve this problem by using flash cards.

3. C; What are flash cards?

4. C; How do language learners use them?

5. F; A flash card is a small card for learning vocabulary.

6. C; Learners write the new word on one side of the card.

7. F; Then they write a definition on the other side.

8. C; Students test themselves on the vocabulary words by

guessing the meaning and then checking the answer.

9. C; Because learners create their own cards, they can focus

on words that are important for them.

10. F; Even though it is a traditional method, using flash cards

is extremely useful.

Activity 13, page 18

1. families  2. C  3. members  4. elders  5. women  6. hours

7. health  8. time

Activity 14, page 19

Answers will vary.

Activity 15, page 20

Answers will vary.

Activity 16, page 20

Answers will vary.

Activity 17, page 21

Possible answers:

1. In conclusion, all good restaurants share similar qualities.

(restates the main idea)

2. The monuments and museums in Washington, DC, provide

both inspiration and enjoyment to millions of visitors each

year. (gives an opinion)

Activity 18, pages 22–23

1. The purpose of this paragraph is to talk about why the

Summer Olympics are so popular.

2. There are many reasons for their popularity.

3. many reasons for their popularity.

4. Overall, this competition is one of the most popular

sporting events in the world. (restatement)

5. In the Winter Olympics, one of the most popular sports

is ice skating. This sentence doesn’t belong because it

talks about the Winter Olympics instead of the Summer

Olympics. It does not support the topic sentence.

6. The writer could provide an additional reason why the

Summer Olympics are so popular.

Activity 19, page 24

Topic sentence: Although tsunamis and hurricanes both cause a

lot of damage, they are each very different.

Not a good supporting sentence: Tsunamis are very frightening.

Possible answer for concluding sentence: While both tsunamis

and hurricanes can be devastating, they are very different from

each other.


Activity 20, page 25

1. like  2. thankful  3. good  4. type  5. make happen

6. find  7. perform  8. not have enough of  9. big  10. in general

Activity 21, pages 25–26

1. investigate  2. disaster  3. rely on  4. regardless of

5. characteristic  6. recommendation  7. appreciate

8. tend to  9. process  10. throughout

Activity 22, page 26

1. categories  2. categorize  3. entirely  4. entire

5. maintenance  6. maintain  7. occurred  8. occurrence

9. prediction  10. predicted

Activity 23, page 27

Answers will vary.


Activity 24, page 27

Sloths are amazing animals that live in Central and South

America. These animals are well known for their laziness.

Scientists believe that their slow movement helps them escape

from predators—animals that might hurt them. Because many

predators have sharp eyesight, they are looking for animals

that move quickly. When sloths see a predator, they actually

move more slowly, hoping that they will disappear in the

background. For sloths, being slow has its rewards.

Activity 25, page 28

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Sugary drinks are harmful to children’s teeth.

2. Drones can be used for fun, for exploration, or for


3. The United Nations maintains international peace and

provides humanitarian aid to countries in need.

Activity 26, page 29

Answers will vary.


Activities 27–28, pages 29–30

Answers will vary.

UNIT 2 Features of Good Writing


Activity 1, pages 34–35

Pre-Paragraph Questions

Possible answers:

1. Bees help pollinate plants, which helps plants reproduce.

2. Some extinct animals are the passenger pigeon (hunted to

extinction) and the woolly mammoth (may have died out

from climate change, hunting, and meteorites or comets).

Post-Paragraph Questions

1. The purpose of this paragraph is to persuade the reader

that the decline in bee populations is a serious problem.

2. Bee populations across the world have dropped

significantly, and this is a serious problem.

3. a. Farmers and gardeners can use alternatives to

dangerous pesticides. b. Beehives can be placed closer to

food crops.

Activity 2, page 37

Possible answers:

1. Purpose statement 1: The purpose of this paragraph is to

give reasons for the popularity of fast-food restaurants.

Purpose statement 2: The purpose of this paragraph is to

argue that there are negative effects of eating fast-food.

2. Purpose statement 1: The purpose of this paragraph is to

describe clean energy alternatives. Purpose statement 2:

The purpose of this paragraph is to argue the importance

of using clean energy.

3. Purpose statement 1: The purpose of this paragraph

is to describe the importance of the invention of the

Internet. Purpose statement 2: The purpose of this

paragraph is to describe the importance of the invention

of communications satellites.

4. Purpose statement 1: The purpose of this paragraph is to

explain steps you can take to improve your friendships.

Purpose statement 2: The purpose of this paragraph is to

describe different kinds of friendships.

5. Purpose statement 1: The purpose of this paragraph is to

summarize the best study habits. Purpose statement 2: The

purpose of this paragraph is to compare and contrast good

study habits and bad study habits.

Activity 3, page 39

Possible answers:

1. wonderful, incredible, delightful

2. awful, terrible, poor

3. extremely, incredibly, especially

4. gigantic, massive, enormous

5. engaging, fascinating, intriguing

6. friendly, admirable, agreeable

Activity 4, page 40

Possible answers:

1. the historic house in the mountain village

2. the long, windy road through the country

3. an amazingly generous gift from a friend

4. the majestic mountain range

5. an extremely long and complicated exam

Activity 5, page 40

Possible answers:

1. The network administrator has a great deal of knowledge

about programming computers.

2. The new student’s stylish clothing fits him well.

3. Tokyo is the largest city in the world with a population of

38 million people.

4. The start up business upgraded its communications sytems

to increase efficiency.

5. The French soccer team won the World Cup in 2018.

Activity 6, page 41 

Activity 8, pages 43–44

1. Miami  2. Chicago’s  3. Miami

4. the residents of Chicago and Miami

5. the residents of Miami

Activity 9, page 45

Possible answers:

1. Before students choose a major, she they should always

speak to an academic advisor.

2. One should carpool if you want one wants to save on gas.

3. Doctors warn people that you they should watch the kind

of food you they eat every day.

4. The population of the United States has grown steadily over

the past century, and they continue it continues to grow.

5. Alligators and crocodiles are distinct in that it is they are

either a freshwater or saltwater reptile.

6. It is important for a company to respond quickly to

problems we it may face.

7. Many computer users hate software updates because of

the interruption to our their work.

Activity 10, page 45

Biomedical engineering is one of the fastest-growing

segments of the tech industry. Students who choose to study

this major are likely to have many job opportunities after her 

their graduation. Biomedical engineering is a hybrid science.

They incorporate It incorporates engineering principles with

medicine and biology. Every year, biomedical engineers introduce

new technologies to help people overcome her their physical

handicaps. Biomedical engineering has also evolved to meet

the needs of people looking for alternative treatments—ones

that are very different from what her their doctors traditionally

provided in the past. They People say that this field of study is

perfect for people who are as interested in medicine as they are in

engineering and technology, as they it can satisfy needs for both.

These individuals are sure to thrive in this new and exciting field.

Activity 11, page 46

1. The purpose of this paragraph is to show the benefits of

cleaning up a messy workspace.

2. This may be a good time to think about saving money and

buying fewer office supplies.

Activity 12, page 47

1. There are many ways to classify movies, and one method is

by general category—fiction, true story, and hybrid.

2. 5, 10, 12

Activity 13, page 48

a. 4  b. 3  c. does not belong  d. 7  e. 1  f. 5  g. 6  h. 2

Activity 14, page 49

Possible answers:

1. Physical fitness for college students

2. The purpose of this paragraph is to give two different ways

college students can stay in shape.

3. fit, fitness, active, college students, students

Activity 15, page 50

1. Before  2. First  3. In addition  4. For instance  5. Finally


Activity 16, page 51

1. simply  2. decrease  3. thing  4. unreal  5. mixed up  6. normally

7. story line  8. dangerous  9. bring together  10. different

Activity 17, pages 51–52

1. alternative  2. reduce  3. major  4. decline  5. significantly

6. signal  7. productive  8. interfere  9. substance  10. release

Activity 18, pages 52–53

1. adaptive  2. adapt  3. concentration  4. concentrated  5. conflict

6. conflicting  7. permanent  8. permanently  9. stimulation

10. stimulate

Activity 19, page 53

Answers will vary.


Activity 20, page 54

Coffee and tea are two of the most popular beverages in

the world, but they are vastly different. First of all, tea is more

ancient than coffee. It was discovered thousands of years ago

in Asia. Coffee, on the other hand, originated in Yemen and

Ethiopia in the ninth century. Another difference between the

two drinks is their original form. Coffee is cultivated from a bean

while tea is made from tea leaves. This means that the method

of production also differs, with coffee being more difficult.

Finally, researchers have found some benefits to drinking

coffee but also some harmful effects. Tea, on the other hand,

contains tannins, which may reduce the risk of cancer and heart

disease. Regardless of personal preference, both of these drinks

are enjoyed by millions of people every day.

Activity 21, page 55

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Children should learn appropriate behavior in the


2. Using cell phones during meetings is disruptive and


3. A home can be permanently damaged by hurricane-force


Activity 22, page 55

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Unlike some companies, Apple is a huge success because it

has been able to adapt.

2. If a room is left messy for a long period of time, it may stay

that way permanently.

3. Due to a major conflict, the two businessmen decided to

stop working together.

4. Reducing the price of a product can signal to customers

that the seller is desperate.

5. Social media can interfere with your work and make you

less productive.


Activities 23–25, pages 56–57

Answers will vary. 

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