曜影医疗 微信认证
曜影医疗(SinoUnited Health)是以上海为总部,国内领先的高品质医疗服务连锁机构。
首席专家 | 曲伸教授担任内分泌代谢及甲状腺中心主任


介绍 Introduction 



曲医生现任《Frontier Endocrinology》、《中华内分泌代谢杂志》和《国际内分泌代谢杂志》编委;以第一责任人承担国内外基金30余项(主持国自然5项);第一获奖人获国家医学科技奖、教育部自然科学奖,上海市科技进步奖等6项;发表SCI文章200余篇,主、参编专著10余部。



Dr. Shawn Qu is Chief & Chief Expert of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Thyroid Center at SinoUnited Health. He has more than 35 years’ experience of clinical practice at nationally renowned hospitals (including ChangHai Hospital, ZhongShan Hospital, and Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital). He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of complicated diseases such as thyroid diseases and metabolic disorders (including Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Fatty Liver Disease, etc.). Dr. Qu initiated the center-based management style for thyroid and metabolic disorders in China. He serves as a distinguished visiting professor and chief specialist at multiple Chinese colleges and institutions. Meanwhile, he has been a visiting specialist at international clinics and institutions for many years. 

Dr. Qu is the member of Editorial Board for Frontier Endocrinology, Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, and International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. He led 5 Grants of National Science Foundation, and has undertaken over 30 projects under National and International Foundations as leading personnel. Dr. Qu is the winner of various prestigious awards including the National Medical Science and Technology Award, the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education, and the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award. Dr. Qu published more than 10 books as chief or corresponding editors, in addition to over 200 papers in SCI journals. 

Dr. Qu has been awarded with several honorary titles, including “Leading Scientist of Shanghai”, “Leading Expert of Medicine”, and “Pujiang Talent of Shanghai”.


经历 Experience

  • 现任曜影医疗内分泌代谢及甲状腺中心 中心主任,首席专家

  • 上海市甲状腺疾病研究中心 执行主任

  • 同济大学医学院甲状腺疾病研究所 所长

  • 同济大学医学院肥胖症研究所 所长

  • 上海市第十人民医院内分泌代谢中心 主任

  • 国家卫健委首届科普专家及医疗事故鉴定专家

  • 中华医学会内分泌学会常委 脂肪肝及代谢学组组长

  • 上海市内分泌学会副主任委员 肥胖学组组长

  • 上海市内分泌医师协会 副会长

  • 美国甲状腺协会和糖尿病协会 专业委员

  • 美国Baylor医学院 UPMC博士后/留美学者

  • Chief & Chief Expert of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Thyroid Center, SinoUnited Health

  • Executive Director, Shanghai Thyroid Research Center 

  • Dean, Institute of Thyroid Disease, Tongji University School of Medicine

  • Dean, Institute of Obesity Research, Tongji University School of Medicine

  • Chief, Endocrinology and Metabolism Center, Shanghai 10th People's Hospital

  • Expert of Popular Science and Medical Malpractice Identification, National Health Commission

  • Committee Member of Endocrinology Society and Chief of Fatty liver and Metabolism committee, Chinese Medical Association

  • Vice President and Chief of Obesity Committee, Shanghai Endocrinology Association 

  • Vice President, Shanghai Endocrinology Physician Association

  • Professional Member, American Thyroid Association and American Diabetes Association  

  • Post-Doctorate, Baylor College of Medicine & University of Pittsburgh, USA


语言 Language


English, Mandarin


看诊年龄范围 Patient Age Range


Above 10 years old

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