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power up5级别Activity book答案(unit7-unit9)

Unit 7

Page 81

Key: 1 relaxed 2 annoyed 3 embarrassed4bored 5 miserable 6 positive

2 Key: 1 amazing 2 interested 3 worried 4 negative

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 82

1 Key: a spider

Key: amazed, bored, satisfied, worried

3 Key: 1A 2A 3B 4C 5C

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 83

Key: 1 needn't 2 have to 3 should 4 ought to5 must 6 mustn't

2 Key: 1 should,B 2 have to,D 3 mustn't,A4 needn't,C

Key: 2 must 3 likes 4 mustn't 5 ought to

Page 84

Key: 1 jogging 2 ache 3 recover 4 stress5 exercise 6 keep fit 7 gym 8 health 9 diet10 breathe deeply

3 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 85

Key: 1 such, that 2 so, that 3 such, that 4 so, that

Key: 1 so 2 so 3 such 4 so 5 that 6 such7 that

Key: 1 What about you? 2 Do you like going to the gym?3 How much water do you like to drink? 4 Do you like to sleep a lot? 5 Do you like to sleep a lot? 6 What do you think about spending a lot of time outside? 7 What about you?

Key: 1 do to keep fit 2 such a quick sport3 do to reduce stress 4 talk to my parents

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 86

1 Key: 2 He was worried the wolf might kill the calves.3 Cody decided to leave Buck to protect the calves. 4 He didn't like it. He was bored and lonely. 5 He wanted to see and talk to someone. 6 The men came to help him.7 She suspected that he was lying.8 Nobody believed Buck when he cried 'Wolf', so they didn't come and the wolves killed the calves.

2 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 87

Key: 1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 yes 5 no 6 yes

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 88

Key: Sample answers 1 sad/ sad, angry,

2 disappointed/ sad 3 Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

3 Key: The girl in conversation 1 and the first boy in conversation 4.

Key:A E F

Page 89

Key: 1 B 2C 3B 4A 5 C

Page 90

Key: 1 A 2C 3B 4A 5A

Page 91

Key:2 must 3 needn't 4 should / ought to5have to/ must 6 mustn't

2 Key: 1 Josh is so cold that he's wearing three jumpers!

2 I ran so fast yesterday that mg legs ache today.

3 It's such a friendly dog that everyone stops to say hello.

4 We're so happy that we're going to cry.

5 Alicia is such a fast swimmer that she wins every race.

6 We're such good students that we always get ten out of ten.

Key: 2 annoyed, Breathe deeply 3 miserable, aches4 embarrassed, jogging 5 worried, healthy diet4

Key: Sample answers To look after my health, I always eat healthy food and do lots of exercise. I go to the doctor when I'm ill. When I'm stressed, I think about happy things.

Unit 8

Page 93

Key: 1 music festival 2 monument 3 sculpture4 palace 5 collection

6 tower

Key: 1 sightseeing 2 department store 3 gallery 4 cruise

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 94

Key: 1 puppy flower sculpture 2 spider sculpture

3 boat in bottle 4 department store 5 photo of city

Key: 1 A 2C3B4B

Page 95

Key: 2 what I can see 3 where Sara his 4 how much it costs

Key: (in any order) Do you know where I can take great photos? Do you know when the museum is open?

Could you tell me where I can buy concert tickets?

Do you know where the sculpture is?

Key: You can take great photos from the hill in Artxanda.

The museum is not open on Monday, but you can go the other days and at the weekend. You can buy concert tickets in the centre of the city at the department store.  The sculpture is next to the river.

Key:a no b no yes

Page 96

Key: 2 tourist information centre 3 opening hours

4 car park 5 cash machine 6 signpost 7 pavement

8 underground 9 roundabout

2 Key: 1 hotel 2 bridge 3 museum 4 river 5 park

Page 97

1 Key: 1 1 used to hate broccoli.2 which sports did you use to play? 3 Shakira used to live in Colombia.

4 When I was three, 1 didn't use to do homework.

Key: 1 The world's tallest tower used to be in New York.2 This train station used to be an art gallery. 3 Did this monument use to be gold? 4 People didn't use to use cash machines.

Key: 1,2 and 4

Key: like, peaceful, castle, monuments, typical

Key: Learners 'own answers

Key: 1 what's, surname 2 how, spell 3 study, English,school

4 where, come

Page 98

Key: 1 box of chocolates 2 tennis racket 3 toothbrush 4 apple juice 5 black tie 6 clothes

2 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 2 He's a secret detective.3 He thinks Arabella Von Thursday stole it 4 Learners' own answers.5 They say they know where the Black Diamond is.

Page 99

Key: 1 A 2B 3B 4C

5 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 100

Key: 1 Locations 2 What to do 3 Sumatran wildlife 

4Local culture 5 when to go

3 Key: 1 coastal plains, forested valleys, rivers, mountains 2Tourism is helping to protect the park and in this way it is also helping to protect these beautiful big cats.3 Learners' own answers

Page 101

Key: 1B 2C 3A 4C 5A 6C

Page 102

Key: 1 FOR  2To 3 THERE 4 BUT 5 IF 6 ON

Page 103

1 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 b 2 d 3a 4 c

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 pavement 2 rock concert, booking office

3 roundabout, underground, car park 4 signpost, gallery5 department store, opening hours

6 Key: Learners' own answers

Unit 9

Page 105

Key: 1 cartoon 2 comedy 3 drama 4 the news 5 quiz show

2 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 106

1 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 A2B 3C 4 C

Page 107

Key: 2 had 3 having 4 have 5 had 6 have

Key: 1 Get/Have, washed 2 Have/Get, wrapped3 gets/has, brushed 4 get/have, painted

3 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 108

1 Key: review, scene,hero,celebrity, channel,interview, series, programme, studio,advert,performance

2 Key: 1 advert 2 celebrity 3 programme 4 channel5 review 6 interview 7 studio 8 performances

3 Key: 1 series 2 celebrity 3 adverts 4 channel5 hero Mystery word: scene

Page 109

Key: 1 met, 'd be 2 became, would move3 were, would you go 4 wouldn't speak, lived5 would watch, wasn't 6 Would you make, could2

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: in the centre, at the back, on the left, on the right,at the front

Key: Learners 'own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 110

1 Key: Sample answers The writer says it's a monster.The writer says the TV is sitting there.It's big and ugly.It's ready to attack. You can't escape it. The screen catches you.

2 Key: Tick ALL the boxes.

3Key:black/attack,stare/there,red/bed,wings/things,floor/more, square/unfair, phone/alone, happy/chatty,television/mission.

4 Key:2

Page 111

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 A 2B 3B 4A 5 A6 B

Page 112

1 Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 113

1 Key: Sample answer Kim saw an advert on TV for a lovely

handbags. In the evening, Kim wore it and went out with her friends. She had a great time.

Page 114

1 Key: Sample answer 

Hi Sahar,

wow, what an interesting project! Of course I'd love to help you.Let's do it on Thursday after school.I can come to your house at about 4 pm.

I think the cartoon show The Simpsons would be a good choice because even if Bart is naughty, the other characters are really funny. His dad is so lazy, but Lisa is my favourite!She's more intelligent than she seems.Why don't we go and see that new comedy film? It's on at the cinema near my house.The tickets are cheaper on Thursday evenings too.call me later.


Page 115

Key: 2 had/got,fixed 3 to have / to get, made 4 had/got, dyed 5 having/getting, taken 6 had/got, stolen

Key: 1 C 2A 3 F 4B 5 E 6D

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 interview, heroine 2 The news, channel3 review, action film 4 performance, horror movie 5 studio, quiz show

Review Units 7-9

Page 116

1 Key: 1 should 2 ought to 3 so 4 such a 5 used

6 the last sightseeing tour is 7 how many people work8 had

2 Key: 2 must to go: You must go to the gym more often if you want to be as strong as Hulk!

3 don't must do: You don't have to do your homework tonight because it's the weekend.

4 use to be: There used to be a tourist information centre on King Street, but there isn't now.

5 used to was: I used to be embarrassed when I sang, but now I don't mind.

would see: If you saw a monster reading the news,you'd be amazed.

Key: A 5 worried B 6 breathe C 2 sculpture D 1 roundabout E 4 cartoon F 3 celebrity

Page 117

2 Key: Questions: What would you rather do? Where would you like to eat? Anyway, could you tell me what time your train arrives? Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: Learners' own answers

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX