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English in Mind 1 课本答案 Unit 14

14.Crazy records(第十四单元)


b:4 (the motorcycle is 3.4m tall.5m long and weighs about 3 tons)


Positive: has
Negative: haven't; has not  Questions: Have; Has

b:2 done 3 gone 4 seen 5 written 6 bitten 7 spoken 8 eaten 9 driven 10 flown 11 swum 12 won

c:2. 've never seen 3. Have;ever driven 4. 's gone 5.'s been;'s never eaten

5.a:2b 3d 4f 5c 6a

b:1 won;broke 2 are building 3 raises 4 took 5 tells

c:2 having a shower 3 tells stories 4 make dinner 5 spend time 6 taking an exam



c:1. 203 2. 103 kilometres 3. less than an hour

7.c:11 days

d:1. An article about a man breaking records. 2. She thinks he is crazy. 3. He falls asleep.4. He says he daydreams about being in The Guinness Book of Records. 5. In 1965 6. 14 hours

8.b:Dreaming: experiencing mental images while you are asleep.

Daydreaming: having pleasant thoughts while you are awake.

c:2 go to sleep 3 dreamed/dreamt 4 is asleep 5 was awake 6 woke up; got up 7 daydreams

9.a:2 sleep 3 up 4 wake 5 dream 6 daydream

10.b:b 5 Debbie thinks they should go to the cafe again.

c 1 Joel says he's got a pet snake,but he's only joking.

d 3 Pete says they have to talk about their hobbies.

e 6 Pete doesn't tell them what he's going to talk about.

f 4 Pete offers to buy drinks for everyone.

11.a:1 Debbie 2 Jess 3 Pete 4 Jess 5 Jess 6 Pete

b:2 Tell you what 3 such good fun 4 for a while 5 Careful 6 By the way

14.a:She asks: about the family her friend is staying with

about things her friend has done in Los Angeles

about people her friend has met

if her friend has visited Hollywood

if her friend has seen any film stars

Check your progress 


a:2 should 3 should 4 should; shouldn't 5 shouldn't 6 Should

b:2 My brother has never studied a foreign language. 3 My parents have never flown in a plane. 4 I have never got 100% in a test. 5 Richard has never eaten frogs legs. 6 Has your teacher ever shouted at you?7 Have you ever spoken to a British person?8 Have your parents ever won a competition?


a:2 unkind 3 disorganised 4 miserable 5 unfriendly 6 impolite 7 lazy 8 nervous

b:2 raise 3 tellig 4 build 5 have 6 spends 7 do

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