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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Unit 9

9.The truth is out there!(九单元)

1.a:2 bought 3 don't feel like 4 didn't go 5 feel like 6 didn't buy

b:2 Although 3 even though 4 Although 5 in spite of

c:Example answers

2 In spite of his very strong accent, we could understand. 3 Although I wasn't very hungry, I ate two pieces of cake. 4 The main course was delicious. However, the desert was a bit disappointing. 5 Despite not being very tall, he plays basketball really well.

2.1 Nobody knows except Joe. 2 Don't drive so slowly in the snow. 3 Even though she didn't go,I enjoyed the show. 4 Although she won't tell me,I already know.

3.a:2 over 3 up 4 away 5 over 6 up 7on 8 back 9 out 

b:1 come up with 2 think it over 3 make up my mind 4 sleep on it 5 talk it over 6 go away 7 come back 8 sort it out

c:2 cause 3 running 4 headache 5 a problem 6 halved 7 overcome 8 drawback

4.a:2f 3b 4a 5c 6e

b:2 She can't be happy. 3 They might not speak English. 4 You must like olives. 5 They might know. 6 He can't live near here.

c:2 might 3 can't 4 might 5 can't 6 must

d:Example answers

2 must be exhausted 3 can't be very good 4 must be very boring 5 must be famous 6 can't have many friends

5.a:2c 3a 4b5d 6a

b:2a 3e 4b 5f 6c

6.1C 2E 3G 4D 5F 6B

Unit check

1.1 Although 2 result 3 Moreover 4 go away 5 coming back 6 came up 7 official 8 minds 9 ignored

2.2a 3b 4b 5 b 6b 7a 8a 9a

3.1 deal 2 sort 3 think 4 came 5 causing 6overcome 7 makes 8 halved

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