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2015 Issue 1

Masters of kung-fu, sources of ancient and infallible wisdom, religious leaders beyond reproach—the Buddhist monk and the grand tradition of monasteries is of incalculable value to the culture of China. But, the modern world brings with it something far more dangerous to these traditions than all the martial arts and religious purges in the world: money. For the faithful, the introduction of the free market is finishing off the work that the Cultural Revolution started. “Fake” monasteries have become the new norm, and places of worship are becoming money pits and tourist traps. While this modern trend does ensure the spread and popularity of Buddhism, purists and the monks are fighting against the tide and losing badly. Also this issue, you can learn about howChinais changing the world of experimental and applied physics, how ancient Chinese zodiac superstitions affect modern life, and how the recyclers inChinabrave the fickle whims of the free market. Enjoy.

封面故事:历史上的“灭佛运动”和文革的“破四旧”让佛教历经坎坷。今天,一座座金碧辉煌的新寺院在全国拔地而起,学佛也成了最流行的风潮。但资本的性质与佛门静地似乎并不相宜。地产商业开发是如何改变寺院的运营的,又给出家人带来了什么新困境?汉传佛教离复兴还有多远?请关注本期封面故事《商潮中的佛土: 黄金加身,是否佛心依旧?》

主题故事 :在主题故事《垃圾帝国》中,作者深入探访了走街串巷的垃圾回收者,呈现出了一幅全面的垃圾回收的经济结构图。我们身边的这个庞大的隐形帝国里,无数从业者在默默地搬运、分解和循环着,他们也有各自有各自的梦想与辛酸。



 2015 Issue 2

 In the thousands of years of history held in the footsteps along the Silk Road, there are millions of stories. We bring you three of them. The first is from the Tang Dynasty, following a grizzled Chinese general to the gates of Central  Asia where he fights a brutal battle to maintain his country’s most important trade route. The second tale follows a humble servant, an attendant to the Portuguese Jesuit Benedict Goës, as the two travel in search of a mythical Christian kingdom hidden in Cathay. Finally, we take a look at a humble truck driver who follows the twists and turns of the modern Silk Road throughChinaand beyond—a modern look at a trade route that has weathered millennia. Off the Silk Road and into the sky, we also look at howChinabecame a haven for odd architecture. Next, the microscope is put onChina's recent plastic surgery craze and its sometimes shocking consequences. You can also have a look at how a sport gets off the ground inChina, this time with under the lens of American football. Beyond that, we have fiction on ancient Chinese medicine, paintings from a prodigy changing to a darker hue, book reviews that span the universe, and even a little bit of hospital advice—all accompanied by the usual news, photography, and interviews that you've hopefully come to expect from TWOC. Enjoy!

封面故事: 丝绸之路上有多少脚印就有多少故事。 想当年,大唐将领高仙芝翻越葱岭远击黑衣大食,却兵败丝路要塞怛罗斯;17世纪初,忠诚的仆人Issac追随葡萄牙旅者 Benedict Goës 沿丝绸之路东行,寻找传说中失落的基督教帝国,最终中国经历了一段奇遇;时光流转,朝代更迭,英雄与平民俱归于尘埃,只有丝绸之路绵延至今。奔波在乌鲁木齐至中亚的公路上的卡车司机周师傅就从事着对外贸易这个古老又现代的职业。



2015 Issue 3

How China became a hotbed of entrepreneurship, pop music reborn, money and marriage, and career cleaners—all that and more inside.

Just a few decades ago being an entrepreneur or small business owner was practically a criminal offense in some areas of the country. But, somehow, over the past few years,Chinahas grown into a startup superpower. This issue also features "The Ayi Industry". Once upon a time, as in just a decade ago,China’s large families looked after the children, the elderly, and did the housework, but contemporary households have different needs. Also, check out "Rock the Pop" for a look at how reality television is changing Chinese pop music for the better, and take a look at "Money and Matrimony" for a peek into how marriage has changed in recent years. As usual we bring you the quality fiction, news, stories, and photography you've come to expect from us here at TWOC.


主题故事 :不久之前, 一个典型的中国式大家庭还有足够的人手打理家务、照顾老人与孩子。 然而,在这个迅速发展中的现代社会,传统的家庭结构已经全面收缩,日常生活的挑战却越来越大。中国家庭对家政服务的需求急剧膨胀,但“阿姨”们的专业化程度还未跟上。《“阿姨”的大时代》探讨了当前中国家庭和阿姨们面临的各种困境和前景。

让人眼花缭乱的各类音乐真人秀节目也许让部分观众审美疲劳,但就是它们让在盗版中几近没落的中国流行音乐产业重新焕发出了活力, 请阅读《唱响真人秀》。


2015 Issue 4

For many a corrupt official and outdated policy Judgment Day has come; we look at three ways China’s beleaguered court system is changing for the better, from reeducation through labor to paying judges properly. From the courts to the fields, we also look at how the differences inherent in cultivation—the grizzled independence of wheat and the wise solidarity of rice—has affected Chinese culture from north to south. However, that land once tilled by farm hands now plays host to outlet malls, so we take a look at how people change and adapt to the life relocated as the countryside makes way for modernity. Beneath even the soil itself lies one ofChina’s greatest treasures: a wealth of hominid remains; the bones inChina’s earth tell the story of mankind—from the lost bones of the Peking Man to the “dragon bones” of the Lantian Women. Besides all that, we bring you the best in fiction, travel, art, film, interviews, language, and storytelling we hope you’ve come to expect from us here at TWOC.


主题故事 :五湖四海的中国人聚在一起闲聊,少不了关于南北差异的话题。调侃归调侃,谁知有人居然较起了真儿。美国学者Thomas Talhelm是第一个拿科学的方法来研究这种差异的人。他说,这都是种小麦和种水稻种出来的。关于这个问题,你怎么看?


 2015 Issue 5

The modern military is more than tech savvy weapons and hardware rolling down Chang’an Avenue—it’s soldiers, men and women who sign up for very different reasons. From college grads hoping for a cushy job to kids wearing camo, the military is made up of an eclectic group of young people looking to make their mark. We look at the nation’s hunt for qualified graduates and the tradition of compulsory military training in a developedChina, a country where the job of military recruiter has become more difficult. This issue also features a light-hearted feature about how baseball is taking off in Xinjiang in “Stepping up to the Plate”, the perils of being a canine inChina’s cities in “A Dog’s Life”, and the battle of the cab apps raging around the nation in “Cab Wars”. For a more cultured view of the Middle Kingdom, check out original fiction from up-and-comer Li Jingrui and some groundbreaking artwork from Zhang Linhai, as well as the usual news, views, reviews, photography, and language you’ve come to expect from us here at TWOC.


主题故事 :在极其简陋的训练条件下,一支由维吾尔族和汉族球员组成的新疆棒球队登上了大学生棒球锦标赛亚军的领奖台。新疆教练帕尔哈提还有一个更远大的梦想,就是让中国棒球在世界赛场上击出全垒打。请看主题故事《维吾尔族教练的棒球梦》。

滴滴、快滴、优步……打车软件来了,出租车行业翻天覆地。它们对乘客、司机和私车主来说意味着什么? 面对缺乏规范造成的漏洞和隐患,这个全新的行业该如何完善自己?请看主题故事《打车软件之战》。


 2015 Issue 6

Today, mental health is an issue discussed at the highest levels of government, but the mechanisms in place and social discourse alike are sorely in need of an update. Also, as the tattoo industry grows, consumers are looking for quality over quantity, something they can find in “Middle Ink-dom”. In “Game Theory” you can learn more about how China’s international needs are changing gaming, and “Unwed and Undefended” will take you into the harrowing world single moms face every day. This issue also has an in-depth interview with Hugo Award Winner Liu Cixin, where he tells us all about his newly-translated Dark Forrest, his views on science fiction, and the upcoming film for the Three-Body Problem. Along with all that, we host the news, views, and issues you’ve come to expect from us here at The World of Chinese.


主题故事 :为顺利打入中国市场,以《魔兽世界》代表的一系列在线游戏都进行了本土化改造。这并不单单是为了通过审查,因为从语言、审美到付费习惯,海外玩家都与本土玩家天差地别。今天,游戏本土化已经成为了价值千万的产业。美国和中国是世界上最大的两个游戏市场,中美两国的游戏开发者和运营者为了进入对方市场,都在努力理解和适应对方。在未来的游戏产业中,本土化会更加精细复杂,中国和美国两个电子游戏大国也将继续扮演主角。




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