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正版 盐的代价 英文原版小说 Carol Film Tie-in 卡罗尔 电影原著小说 英文版 奥斯卡提名 The Price of Salt 进口英语书籍

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正版 盐的代价 英文原版小说 Carol Film Tie-in 卡罗尔 电影原著小说 英文版 奥斯卡提名 The Price of Salt 进口英语书籍 商品图0
正版 盐的代价 英文原版小说 Carol Film Tie-in 卡罗尔 电影原著小说 英文版 奥斯卡提名 The Price of Salt 进口英语书籍 商品图1
正版 盐的代价 英文原版小说 Carol Film Tie-in 卡罗尔 电影原著小说 英文版 奥斯卡提名 The Price of Salt 进口英语书籍 商品图2
正版 盐的代价 英文原版小说 Carol Film Tie-in 卡罗尔 电影原著小说 英文版 奥斯卡提名 The Price of Salt 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图0 正版 盐的代价 英文原版小说 Carol Film Tie-in 卡罗尔 电影原著小说 英文版 奥斯卡提名 The Price of Salt 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图1 正版 盐的代价 英文原版小说 Carol Film Tie-in 卡罗尔 电影原著小说 英文版 奥斯卡提名 The Price of Salt 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图2


书名:Carol  卡罗尔/盐的代价

作者:Patricia Highsmith帕特里夏·海史密斯

出版社名称:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC




商品尺寸:13.1 x 2.1 x 19.8 cm



Carol《卡罗尔》是美国作家帕特里夏·海史密斯(Patricia Highsmith)创作的小说,曾以The Price of Salt《盐的代价》为书名出版。 由小说改编、奥斯卡影后凯特·布兰切特和“龙文身的女孩”鲁妮·玛拉主演的电影《卡罗尔》在2015-2016年度横扫各大电影颁奖礼,超过一百项业内/评论界提名,斩获超过40个奖项。 推荐理由: 1.凯特·布兰切特、鲁妮·玛拉主演电影《卡罗尔》原著小说; 2.《天才雷普利》《火车怪客》作者帕特里夏·海史密斯匿名之作; 3. 英文原版,内容无删减,由英国作家VAL McDERMID作序。 精彩书评: “勇敢逐爱的完美记录。” ——《独立报》 “对爱情,对真正的幸福的追寻……典型的海史密斯,颤栗、阴影,还有她独特的天才的焦虑。”——《星期天时报》 “一位伟大的美国作家……海史密斯的写作反复具有魔力一般,在你身上施下了咒语。” ——《娱乐周刊》 WITH A NEW FOREWORD BY VAL McDERMID Therese is just an ordinary sales assistant working in a New York department store when a beautiful, alluring woman in her thirties walks up to her counter. Standing there, Therese is wholly unprepared for the first shock of love. Therese is an awkward nineteen-year-old with a job she hates and a boyfriend she doesn’t love; Carol is a sophisticated, bored suburban housewife in the throes of a divorce and a custody battle for her only daughter. As Therese becomes irresistibly drawn into Carol’s world, she soon realizes how much they both stand to lose... First published pseudonymously in 1952 asThe Price of Salt, Carol is a hauntingly atmospheric love story set against the backdrop of fifties’ New York. Review “Has the drive of a thriller but the imagery of a romance ... This is a book that is hard to set aside; it demands to be read late into the night with eyes burning and heart racing.”  —Val McDermid “A document of persecuted love ... perfect”  —Independent “Gently exploratory, genuinely moving”  —Mail on Sunday “An original, honest novel, a remarkable imaginative achievement by any standard ... compelling”  —Financial Times

年轻女孩特芮丝在纽约追逐舞台设计师的梦想,却只能在百货公司做售货小姐。某日,她和身陷婚姻危机的中年主妇卡罗尔在百货公司偶遇,相互吸引的两人开始书信往返、电报传情,甚至一起公路旅行。然而,这在当时的美国社会是不被允许的,特芮丝的男友认为她只是一时迷惘,卡罗尔的丈夫则请私家侦探调查取证,希望在离婚诉讼中让卡罗尔一无所有。考验两名女性的时刻终于到来,两人能否冲破社会的禁忌,坚持走到美好的结局?她们愿意付出多少代价,来守护这份爱情? Therese is just an ordinary sales assistant working in a New York department store when a beautiful, alluring woman in her thirties walks up to her counter. Standing there, Therese is wholly unprepared for the first shock of love. Therese is an awkward nineteen-year-old with a job she hates and a boyfriend she doesn’t love; Carol is a sophisticated, bored suburban housewife in the throes of a divorce and a custody battle for her only daughter. As Therese becomes irresistibly drawn into Carol’s world, she soon realizes how much they both stand to lose...

帕特里夏·海史密斯,美国女作家,一九二一年生于美国德州沃斯堡,六岁时随父母迁居至纽约,曾就读于纽约的朱莉亚·里奇蒙高中与巴纳德女子学院。她的首本小说《列车上的陌生人》于一九五一年由大导演希区柯克改编为电影,一鸣惊人。一九五五年出版的《天才雷普利》更是奠定其在类型文学中的至高地位。读者目瞪口呆地发现,雷普利在这本名作及其后的续篇中,始终在光明与黑暗之间徘徊,在“无间道”中经历“一念天堂一念地狱”的考验,带着“案底”逍遥法外,并在此后的连锁反应中犯下新的罪孽。 帕特里夏·海史密斯的作品以犯罪小说及短篇小说为主,她常年旅居欧洲各地,在欧洲受欢迎的程度远胜于美国。在世时,海史密斯曾以《天才雷普利》及《双面门神》分获法国侦探文学奖、爱伦坡奖以及英国犯罪作家协会颁发的银匕首奖;近年来,随着评论家不断发掘其作品的内涵,她身后的声誉甚至比生前还高。在数年前美国《时代》周刊选出的50位伟大的犯罪小说作家中,帕特里夏·海史密斯仍高居榜首。 海史密斯擅写人物之异常的心理状态,步步为营、幽微复杂,气氛往往如乌云罩顶,对善恶的界定也常常与其他犯罪小说大异其趣。她的作品总量不多,但以“雷普利系列”为代表的独特风格,得到诸多纯文学名家——如格雷厄姆·格林、朱利安·西蒙斯和乔伊斯·卡洛·欧茨的高度评价。同时,这些小说以其强烈的画面感和震撼力吸引着众多电影从业者,大导演明格拉、文德斯和电影明星阿兰·德龙、马科维奇、马特·达蒙、裘德·洛都是她的忠实书迷,他们协力创制出的前后几个“雷普利电影”版本,都成为脍炙人口的影史经典。 Patricia Highsmith is the author of classics such asStrangers on a Train andThe Talented Mr Ripley. Born in Texas, she spent much of her life in England, France and Switzerland. She died in 1995 in Locarno, Switzerland.

CHAPTER 1 THE LUNCH HOUR in the co-workers’ cafeteria at Frankenberg’s had reached its peak. There was no room left at any of the long tables, and more and more people were arriving to wait back of the wooden barricades by the cash register. People who had already got their trays of food wandered about between the tables in search of a spot they could squeeze into, or a place that somebody was about to leave, but there was no place. The roar of dishes, chairs, voices, shuffling feet, and the bra-a-ack of the turnstiles in the bare-walled room was like the din of a single huge machine. Therese ate nervously, with the "Welcome to Frankenberg" booklet propped up in front of her against a sugar container. She had read the thick booklet through last week, in the first day of training class, but she had nothing else with her to read, and in the co-workers’ cafeteria, she felt it necessary to concentrate on something. So she read again about vacation benefits, the three weeks’ vacation given to people who had worked fifteen years at Frankenberg’s, she ate the hot plate special of the day--a grayish slice of roast beef with a ball of mashed potatoes covered with brown gravy, a heap of peas, and a tiny paper cup of horseradish. She tried to imagine what it would be like to have worked fifteen years in Frankenberg’s department store, and she found she was unable to. "Twenty-five Yearers" got four weeks’ vacation, the booklet said. Frankenberg’s also provided a camp for summer and winter vacationers. They should have a church, too, she thought, and a hospital for the birth of babies. The store was organized so much like a prison, it frightened her now and then to realize she was a part of it. She turned the page quickly, and saw in big black script across two pages:"Are You Frankenberg Material?" She glanced across the room at the windows and tried to think of something else. Of the beautiful black and red Norwegian sweater she had seen at Saks and might buy for Richard for Christmas, if she couldn’t find a better-looking wallet than the ones she had seen for twenty dollars. Of the possibility of driving with the Kellys next Sunday up to West Point to see a hockey game. The great square window across the room looked like a painting by--Who was it? Mondrian. The little square section of window in the corner open to a white sky. And no bird to fly in or out. What kind of a set would one make for a play that took place in a department store? She was back again. But it’s so different with you, Terry, Richard had said to her. You’ve got an absolute conviction you’ll be out of it in a few weeks and the others haven’t. Richard said she could be in France next summer. Would be. Richard wanted her to go with him, and there was really nothing that stood in the way of her going with him. And Richard’s friend Phil McElroy had written him that he might be able to get her a job with a theatre group next month. Therese had not met Phil yet, but she had very little faith that he could get her a job. She had combed New York since September, gone back and combed it a few times more, and she hadn’t found anything. Who gave a job in the middle of the winter to a stage designer apprentice just beginning to be an apprentice? It didn’t seem real either that she might be in Europe with Richard next summer, sitting with him in sidewalk cafes, walking with him in Aries, finding the places Van Gogh had painted, she and Richard choosing towns to stop in for a while and paint. It seemed less real these last few days since she had been working at the store.

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