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正版 玫瑰的名字 英文原版 The Name Of The Rose 玫瑰之名 英文版电影原著小说 翁贝托埃科成名作 推理小说 进口书籍 商品图0
正版 玫瑰的名字 英文原版 The Name Of The Rose 玫瑰之名 英文版电影原著小说 翁贝托埃科成名作 推理小说 进口书籍 商品图1
正版 玫瑰的名字 英文原版 The Name Of The Rose 玫瑰之名 英文版电影原著小说 翁贝托埃科成名作 推理小说 进口书籍 商品图2
正版 玫瑰的名字 英文原版 The Name Of The Rose 玫瑰之名 英文版电影原著小说 翁贝托埃科成名作 推理小说 进口书籍 商品缩略图0 正版 玫瑰的名字 英文原版 The Name Of The Rose 玫瑰之名 英文版电影原著小说 翁贝托埃科成名作 推理小说 进口书籍 商品缩略图1 正版 玫瑰的名字 英文原版 The Name Of The Rose 玫瑰之名 英文版电影原著小说 翁贝托埃科成名作 推理小说 进口书籍 商品缩略图2


书名:The Name Of The Rose 玫瑰的名字 

作者:Umberto Eco

出版社名称:Vintage Classics




商品尺寸:12.7 x 3.3x 19.6cm



★当代符号学大师、小说家翁贝托·埃科轰动世界的成名作 ★入围美国推理作家协会评选的25部经典推理小说 ★日本“这本推理小说了不起”大奖创设20年以来总评榜前列 The Name Of The Rose《玫瑰的名字》是埃科的第1本小说,赢得各界一致好评,荣获意大利两个文学奖和法国的美第奇文学奖,并席卷了世界各地的畅销书排行榜,被译成35种语言,至今总销量超过1600万册。 本书是作为通俗小说来写的,但埃科在书中表达了丰富的主题,同时还涉及大量的历史知识,这些对于作为符号学家的埃科来说,正是他的专业优势。在欧洲,众多埃科迷和有教养的读者到了“人手一册”的程度。书中细节成为无数后人进行小说研究和创作模仿的对象,小说还被大导演让-雅克·阿诺改编为同名电影,由“007”肖恩·康纳利扮演威廉。 媒体评论:《玫瑰的名字》仿佛书中描述的那座迷宫般的图书馆,密布精心设计的暗道和密室……引人入胜……匠心独具……让人目眩神迷。——新闻周刊 无论你是福尔摩斯、孟泰尤、博尔赫斯的拥趸,还是新批评派、本笃会教规、形而上学、图书馆设计的爱好者,抑或是“地窖之物”唱片专辑的粉丝,都会爱不释手。谁又会错过呢? ——星期日泰晤士报 The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate.When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey where extraordinary things are happening under the over of night. A spectacular popular and critical success, The Name of the Rose is not only a narrative of a murder investigation but an astonishing chronicle of the Middle Ages. Review"The late medieval world, teetering on the edge of discoveries and ideas that will hurl it into one more recognisably like ours...evoked with a force and wit that are breathtaking" (Financial Times) "A novel of sunning intelligence, linguistic richness, thematic complexity" (Il Giorno) "This novel belongs with Voltaire' philosophical tales-in the entertaining guise of an erudite fiction story, it is also a vibrant plea for freedom, moderation and wisdom" (L'Express) "A brilliant deconstruction of the traditional crime novel" (Iain Rankin Mail on Sunday) "Whether you’re into Sherlock Holmes, Montaillou, Borges, the nouvelle critique, the Rule of St. Benedict, metaphysics, library design, or The Thing from the Crypt, you’ll love it. Who can that miss out?"(Sunday Times)

故事发生在意大利中世纪一座修道院里。方济各会修士威廉与弟子阿德索前往该处,为神圣罗马帝国皇帝与教皇的调解做准备。二人刚一到达,修道院就发生了命案。精于推理的威廉受修道院院长的委托着手调查。命案并没有停止,每天都有一个人死于非命。迷宫似的修道院蕴含着诸多秘密。当秘密被揭穿之际,命案也真相大白。修道院在大火中付之一炬。   除了扑朔迷离、扣人心弦的故事情节外,本书还展现了作者渊博的学识和超凡的叙述才能。全书能深深扣住读者的心,是既叫好又叫座的经典小说巨作!

翁贝托·埃科(Umberto Eco,1932-),欧洲重要的公共知识分子,小说家、符号学家、美学家、史学家、哲学家。出生于意大利亚历山德里亚,博洛尼亚大学教授。著有大量小说和随笔作品,如《玫瑰的名字》、《傅科摆》、《昨日之岛》、《波多里诺》、《洛阿娜女王的神秘火焰》、《布拉格公墓》和《密涅瓦火柴盒》等。 Umberto Eco is the author of four bestselling novels, The Name of The Rose, Foucault's Pendulum, The Island of The Day Before and Baudolino. His collections of essays also include Five Moral Pieces, Kant and the Platypus, Serendipities, Faith in Fakes, and How To Travel With a Salmon and Other Essays. A Professor of Semiotics at the University of Bologna, Umberto Eco lives in Italy.

INthe beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was beginning with God and the duty of every faithful monk would be to repeat every day with chanting humility the one never—changing event whose incontrovertible truth can be asserted. But we see now through a glass darkly. and the truth, before it is revealed to all, face to face, we see in fragments (alas, how illegible) in the error of the world, sowe must spell out its faithful signals even when they seem obscure to us and as it amalgamated with a will wholly bent on evil. Having reached the end ofmy poor sinner’s life, my hairnow white, I grow old as the world does, waiting to be lost in the bottomless pit of silent and deserted divinity, sharing in the light of angelic intelligences: confined now with my heavy, ailing body in this cell in the dear monastery of Melk,I prepare to leave on this parchment my testimony as to the wondrous and terrible events that I happened to observe in my youth, now repeating verbatim all I saw and heard, without venturing to seek a design, as if to leave to those who will conic after (if the Antichrist has not conic first) signs of signs, so that the prayer of deciphering may be exercised on them. May the Lord grant me the grace to be the transparent witness of the happenings that took place in the abbey whose name it is only right and pious now to omit, toward the end of the year of our Lord 1327, when the Emperor Louis came down into Italy to restore the dignity of theHoly Roman Empire, in keeping with the designs of the Almighty and to the confusion of the wicked usurper, simoniac, and heresiarch who in Avignon brought shame on the holy name of the apostle (I refer to the sinful soul of Jacques of Cahors, whom the impious revered as John XXII). Perhaps, tomake more comprehensible the events in which I found myself involved, I should recall what washappening in those last year of the century, as I understood it then, living through it, and as I remember it now, complemented by other stories I heard afterward — if my memory still proves capable of connecting the threads of happenings so many and confused.

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