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波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学

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波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学 商品图0
波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学 商品图1
波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学 商品图2
波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学 商品缩略图0 波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学 商品缩略图1 波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学 商品缩略图2


书名:Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes波西·杰克逊与希腊英雄



作者:Rick Riordan





商品尺寸:12.9 x 3.3 x 19.8 cm


页数:560 (以实物为准)


该系列中现实与历史遥相呼应,担当与成长如影随形,被赞誉为少年版《荷马史诗》。美国总统奥巴马向读者推荐此系列的书,亚马逊也将其列入“一生不可不读的100本书”,作者雷克·莱尔顿亦被票选为“受读者欢迎的作家”。 就算你从未读过“波西·杰克逊系列”也不要紧,作为红遍全美的历史教师,作者雷克·莱尔顿对于希腊神话的解读也有自己独到的心得,他独特的见解为评价古典神话提供了一个全新的视角,创意十足! IF YOU LIKE POISONINGS, BETRAYALS, MUTILATIONS, MURDERS AND FLESH-EATING FARMYARD ANIMALS, KEEP READING… In this gripping follow-up to Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods, demigod Percy Jackson tells the stories of twelve of the original Greek heroes in all their gory, bloodthirsty glory. Want to know who cut off Medusa's head? Which hero was raised by a she-bear? Who tamed Pegasus, the winged horse? Percy has all the answers…

Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes《波西·杰克逊与希腊英雄》中,波西不但为我们讲述了他那些知名前辈的故事,充分表达了他的敬佩与同情,也通过这些非常具有说服力的真实例子告诫现代的半神们:千万别忘了时刻对诸神保持敬畏之心,因为谁也不知道那些恶趣味的家伙下一秒会干出些什么事。雷克·莱尔顿,当今世界畅销童书作家之一,也是畅销书“39条线索系列”的作者之一。他将神话角色巧妙地融入冒险故事框架中,创作出了“波西·杰克逊系列”小说,深受全球广大青少年读者喜爱,占据各大畅销书排行榜,并获得诸多重要奖项。莱尔顿也经常到各地和大小读者交流写作与生活的心得,目前和家人住在美国得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥。

Rick Riordanis the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, the Kane Chronicles, and the Heroes of Olympus. He is also the author of the multi-award-winning Tres Navarre mystery series for adults. Today over 35 million copies of his Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, and Heroes of Olympus books are in print in the United States, and rights have been sold into more than 35 countries. Rick is also the author of The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones, another #1 New York Times bestseller. Rick Riordan now writes full-time. He lives in Boston with his wife and two sons.


I had to start with this guy.

After all, he’s my namesake. We’ve got different godly fathers, but my mom liked Perseus’s story for one simple reason: helives. Perseus doesn’t get hacked to pieces. He doesn’t get damned to eternal punishment. As far as heroes go, this dude gets a happy ending. Which is not to say that his life didn’t suck. And he d/d murder a lot of people, but what are you gonna do? Perseus’s bad luck started before he was even born. First, you gotta understand that, back in the day, Greece wasn’t one country. It was divided into a gazillion different little kingdoms. Nobody went around saying, ‘Hi, I’m Greek!’ People would ask you which city-state you were from: Athens, Thebes, Sparta, Zeusville or whatever. The Greek mainland was a huge piece of real estate. Every city had its own king. Sprinkled around the Mediterranean Sea were hundreds of islands, and each one of them was a separate kingdom, too. Imagine if life were like that today. Maybe you live in Manhattan. Your local king would have his own army, his own taxes, his own rules. If you broke the law in Manhattan, you could run away to Hackensack, New Jersey. The king of Hackensack could grant you asylum, and Manhattan couldn’t do anything about it (unless, of course, the two kings became allies, in which case you were toast). Cities would be attacking each other all the time. The king of Brooklyn might decide to go to war with Staten Island. Or the Bronx and Greenwich, Connecticut, might form a military alliance and invade Harlem. You can see how that would make life interesting. Anyway, one city on the Greek mainland was called Argos. It wasn’t the biggest or most powerful city, but it was a respectable size. Folks who lived there called themselves the Argives, probably because ‘Argosites’ would’ve made them sound like some kind of bacteria. The king was named Acrisius. He was a nasty piece of work. If he were your king, you would totally want to run away to Hackensack. Acrisius had a beautiful daughter named Danaë, but that wasn’t good enough for him. Back then it was all about sons. You had to have a boy child to carry on the family name, inherit the kingdom when you died, blah, blah, blah. Why couldn’t a girl take over the kingdom? I dunno. It’s stupid, but that’s how it was. Acrisius kept yelling at his wife, ‘Have sons! I want sons!’ but that didn’t help. When his wife died (probably from stress), the king started getting really nervous. If he died without male offspring, his younger brother, Proteus, would take over the kingdom, and the two of them hated each other. In desperation, Acrisius took a trip to the Oracle of Delphi to get his fortune read. Now, going to the Oracle is usually what we call a bad idea. You had to take a long trip to the city of Delphi and visit this dark cave at the edge of town, where a veiled lady sat on a three-legged stool, inhaling volcanic vapour all day and seeing visions. You would leave an expensive offering with the priests at the door. Then you could ask the Oracle one question. Most likely she’d answer you with some rambling riddle. Then you’d leave confused, terrified and poorer.


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波西杰克逊与希腊英雄英文原版小说书 Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes 少年版荷马史诗 奥巴马推荐 英文版进口青少年奇幻文学


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