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Collins 魔法坏女巫 英文原版 Wicked 西方坏女巫的一生 百老汇音乐剧原著小说 绿野仙踪前传 英文版 正版进口小说书

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Collins 魔法坏女巫 英文原版 Wicked 西方坏女巫的一生 百老汇音乐剧原著小说 绿野仙踪前传 英文版 正版进口小说书 商品图0
Collins 魔法坏女巫 英文原版 Wicked 西方坏女巫的一生 百老汇音乐剧原著小说 绿野仙踪前传 英文版 正版进口小说书 商品缩略图0



作者:Gregory Maguire 





商品尺寸:10.6 x 2.8 x 17.1 cm 


页数:560★百老汇殿堂音乐剧原著小说 ★1座格莱美奖,2座奥利弗奖,3座托尼奖;百老汇演出超过5000场,累计超过5000万观众 ★同名改编音乐剧荣登“百老汇十大长寿音乐剧”榜单;2019年,《魔法坏女巫》大电影即将公映,环球影业年度大作 ★《绿野仙踪》这个故事,你读了那么多年,其实只知道一半 ★没有谁一无所有,我们都要用各自的方式面对苦难,活出平凡而伟大的人生 本书Wicked《魔法坏女巫》为外国长篇小说,是马奎尔为《绿野仙踪》创作的前传,是本可在工作之余陶冶情操、丰富文化生活,适合大众阅读的文学作品。在这个故事里,来自西方的女巫仍然是一个小女孩,她生下来就有绿皮肤,不为世人接纳,自卑、敏感。在这个故事里,《绿野仙踪》的人物呈现出不为人知的一面,让长大成人的我们对童话故事里的配角和坏人有了全新的认识。 媒体评论: 你的书架上值得放一本《魔法坏女巫》,就摆在《爱丽丝漫游仙境》和《霍比特人》中间。 ——科克斯书评   西方坏女巫还没死。不过别担心。格雷戈里·马奎尔用丰富的想象和动人的语言将她复活,以当下的视角赋予她新的启发和救赎。——纽约《每日新闻报》   马奎尔以搞怪的幽默笔调和振奋人心的悲观思想,借奇幻小说探讨善与恶、神与自由意志,必将……令奇幻迷拜倒。——《出版人周刊》 格雷戈里·马奎尔选取童年的童话形象,赋予她感性和力量,成年读者读来再次怦然心动,既恐惧又渴望。精彩的戏法,难得的佳作。——新奥尔良《时代花絮报》   几乎可谓时下经典……马奎尔一旦击球,就来了一支全垒打。——孟菲斯《商业呼声报》   《魔法坏女巫》讲述了一则辛辣的寓言,其指涉之广,从纳粹德国到美国尼克松政府,无一不包。部分情节夸大离奇,令人惊喜;既是严肃的元小说,又不乏幽默,甚至包括(呜呼)女巫性史。——波士顿《凤凰报》   这部奇幻小说可媲美格雷厄姆·格林的杰作。——圣何塞《信使报》   《魔法坏女巫》不是《绿野仙踪》的简单重述,推荐给所有喜爱讽刺作品和想象力超群的奇幻小说的读者。——《学校图书馆》杂志   格雷戈里·马奎尔的《魔法坏女巫》是对经典故事的重新演绎,也是对其批判性的致敬。马奎尔将鲍姆的奇思妙想讲得深入浅出,创造了一个献给成年人的不可思议的奥兹国,融入宗教、政治、种族矛盾、经济、神话、幽默和性爱等种种元素……全书悲情而动人,笔锋辛辣,叫人耳目一新……一部出色的小说。——英国《独立报》 When Dorothy triumphed over the Wicked Witch of the West in L. Frank Baum's classic tale, we heard only her side of the story. But what about her arch-nemesis, the mysterious witch? Where did she come from? How did she become so wicked? And what is the true nature of evil? Gregory Maguire creates a fantasy world so rich and vivid that we will never look at Oz the same way again. Wicked is about a land where animals talk and strive to be treated like first-class citizens, Munchkinlanders seek the comfort of middle-class stability and the Tin Man becomes a victim of domestic violence. And then there is the little green-skinned girl named Elphaba, who will grow up to be the infamous Wicked Witch of the West, a smart, prickly and misunderstood creature who challenges all our preconceived notions about the nature of good and evil. Review "An outstanding work of imagination." -- USA Today "It is for good readers who like satire, and love exceedingly imaginative and clever fantasy." -- School Library Journal "A magnificent work, a genuine tour de force." --Lloyd Alexander, author of the Chronicles of Prydain "... [a] magical telling of the land of Oz before and up to the arrival of Dorothy and company.... A captivating, funny, and perceptive look at destiny, personal responsibility, and the not-always-clashing beliefs of faith and magic. Save a place on the shelf between Alice and The Hobbit that spot is well deserved."-- Kirkus Reviews 奥兹说:“你不该指望我平白送你回堪萨斯,除非你有所回报。在这个国度,什么都要付出代价的。要是你想让我施展魔法送你回家,你得先为我做一件事。你帮我,我才帮你。” 小姑娘问:“我该做什么?” 奥兹回答:“杀了西方坏女巫。” ——《绿野仙踪》   《魔法坏女巫》的故事发生在多萝西到来之前的奥兹国。在这里,动物开口说话,大巫师实行高压独裁统治,蛮支金人成了安稳的中产阶级。 故事主人公名叫艾芙芭,她生来一身绿皮肤,备受歧视和排挤,却聪慧、坚定、富有同情心。为了帮助受迫害的动物们,她义无反顾地加入到反抗极权的运动中,无论遭遇什么不幸,都会坚定地重新站起来面对奥兹国这个险恶的世界。备受世人误解的她从来不自我辩解,后来成了《绿野仙踪》里世人皆知的西方坏女巫。 格雷戈里·马奎尔(Gregory Maguire,1954年6月9日-)一直致力于推广儿童文学,并从1978年开始为儿童创作童话故事。1995年,马奎尔以经典童话《绿野仙踪》里的反派人物“西方坏女巫”为主角,创作了他第1本面向成年人的小说《魔法坏女巫》。“我们现在所看到的历史,都是胜者写的。”马奎尔以“西方坏女巫”为契机,为长大成人的我们创作了一系列以经典童话中的“坏人”为主角的奇幻小说,挑战“胜者”视角下早已为人所熟知的故事。 Gregory Maguire is the bestselling author of Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Lost, Mirror Mirror, and the Wicked Years series, which includes Wicked, Son of a Witch, and A Lion Among Men. Wicked, now a beloved classic, is the basis for the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical of the same name. Maguire has lectured on art, literature, and culture both at home and abroad. He lives with his family near Boston, Massachusetts.

I Munchkinlanders II Gillikin III City of Emeralds IV In the Vinkus V The Murder and Its Afterlife It was nearly evening by the time Frex had worked up the courage to enter the ramshackle hamlet of Rush Margins. He was in a deep sweat. He hit his heels to the ground and pumped his clenched fists, and called out in a hoarse, carrying tone. “Hist, oh ye of small confidence! Gather while ye may, for temptation is abroad, to try ye sorely! The words were archaic, even ridiculous, but they worked. Here came the sullen fishermen, dragging their empty nets up from the dock. Here came the subsistence farmers, whose hardscrabble plots had home little during this dry year. Before he had even begun, they all looked guilty as sin. They followed him to the rickety steps of the canoe repair house. Frex knew that everyone expected this evil clock to arrive at any instant; gossip was as contagious as the plague. He yelled at them for their thirsty anticipation. ‘Ye arc dull as toddlers reaching their hands to touch the pretty embers! Ye are if spawn of dragon womb, ready to suck on teats of fire! These were time-worn scriptural imprecations and they fell a httie flat tonight; he was tired and not at his best. “Brother Frexspar.” said Bfee, the mayor of Rush Margins, “could you perhaps tone down your harangue until we get a chance to see what fresh new form temptation might take?” You have no mettle to resist new forms, said Frex, spitting. “Haven’t you been our able teacher these several years?” said Bfee. “We’ve hardly had such a good chance to prove ourselves against sin! We’re looking forward to—to the spiritual test of it all.” The fishermen laughed and jeered, and Frex intensified his glower, but at the sound of unfamiliar wheels in the stony ruts of the road, they all turned their heads and fell silent. He had lost their attention before he had gotten started.

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