【中商原版】英国CGP A-Level Biology: AQA Year 1 & AS Complete Revision & Practice with Online Edition
运费: | ¥ 5.00-30.00 |
库存: | 8 件 |

A-Level Biology
AQA Year 1 & AS Complete Revision & Practice
with Online Edition
AQA 1年级&AS完整修订和实践
ISBN: 9781789080247
ISBN-10: 178908024X
语言: 英语
页数: 136
出版日期: 2018 年 5 月 24 日
出版商: Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP)
尺寸(厘米): 29.5 x 21.0 x 0.8
重量(公斤) : 0.34
这本新的和改进的 CGP 完整复习和练习书是准备 AQA AS-Level(和 A-Level di一年)生物学的wan美方式。它充满了简单的学习笔记、有用的示例和全彩图表。我们为每个主题提供了比以往更具挑战性的考试练习,包括大量练习题和考试式问题(带有详细答案),以及测试课程不同部分的混合(概要)练习部分。最后,还有一节关于实践技能的深入建议。甚至还有整本书的免费在线版本 - 只需使用书中打印的代码即可在您的 PC、Mac 或平板电脑上访问它。
This new and improved CGP Complete Revision & Practice book is the perfect way to prepare for AQA AS-Level (and Year 1 of A-Level) Biology. It's packed with straightforward study notes, helpful examples and full-colour diagrams. We've included more challenging exam practice than ever before with plenty of practice questions and exam-style questions (with detailed answers) for every topic - plus a section of mixed (synoptic) practice testing different parts of the course. To round things off there's a section of in-depth advice on Practical Skills. There's even a free Online Edition of the whole book - just use the code printed inside the book to access it on your PC, Mac or tablet.
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