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【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车

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【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品图0
【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品图1
【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品图2
【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品图3
【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车 商品缩略图3


保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years


Format:Hardback 304 pages, 300 color & b-w photos

Publisher:Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc



Published:25 Apr 2024


Dimensions:256 x 315 x 31 (mm)



通过精美插图探索 60 辆具有里程碑意义的保时捷 911,庆祝后置发动机六十年的成就。

保时捷 911 是典型的跑车——专注、目标明确、经过比赛验证且令人兴奋。 自 1963 年原型车初次亮相以来,911 一直在超越人们的预期,同时从未失去其外形或猎杀巨人的心。


在《保时捷 911 60 年》一书中,保时捷畅销书作者兰迪·莱芬韦尔 (Randy Leffingwell) 深入研究了 60 辆 911 的故事——从 1964 年到 2024 年,每一年都有一辆。911 的整个历史——工程、设计、开发、赛车和文化——以精彩的方式展现出来。 一次开车。 这种独特的 911 传承方式包括以下图标:


1964 年 901 敞篷车原型车

布鲁斯·詹宁斯 1967 911 S

1971 911 S 萨法里

路易丝·皮耶希 1975 930 Turbo

勒芒奖牌 1980 935 K3

1987 鲁夫 CTR 黄鸟

1991 964 卡雷拉 RS

1997 鲁夫涡轮 R

1998 996 GT1 勒芒奖牌

2006 年 50 周年保时捷美俱乐部 911 轿跑车

2010 911 运动精英赛

2018 Turbo S

2023 达喀尔



保时捷 911 60 年也讲述了汽车背后的人的故事:Ferdinand “Butzi” Porsche 共同设计了 911 的永恒造型,以及他的继任者 Anatole Lapine、Harm Laggaaij 和 Michael Mauer; Peter W. Schutz,将 911 从剪辑室中拯救出来的保时捷执行官,以及继续坚持下去的保时捷引领者,其中有名的是温德林·维德金 (Wendelin Wiedeking); 工程天才,如 Helmuth Bott 博士、Hans Mezger 和 Valentin Schaeffer; 以及造型师和模型师 Gerhard Schroeder、Heinrich Klie、Peter Reisinger、Anthony Hatter 和 Grant Larson。

每辆异型车都附有保时捷自己档案中的历史照片,以及美丽的当代摄影特色。 《保时捷 911 60 年》是所有保时捷车主或车迷收藏的书籍。

Celebrate six decades of rear-engine excellence with this beautifully illustrated exploration of 60 milestone Porsche 911s.

Porsche’s 911 is the quintessential sports car—focused, purposeful, race-proven, and exciting. Since its prototype debut in 1963, the 911 has defied expectations while never losing its form or its giant-slaying heart. 


In Porsche 911 60 Years, best-selling Porsche author Randy Leffingwell delves into the stories of sixty 911s—one from each year from 1964 to 2024. The 911’s entire history—engineering, design, development, racing, and culture—is revealed one fantastic car at a time. This unique approach to the 911’s legacy includes such icons as:


1964 901 Cabriolet prototype

Bruce Jennings 1967 911 S

1971 911 S Safari

Louise Piech 1975 930 Turbo

Le Mans-winning 1980 935 K3

1987 Ruf CTR Yellowbird

1991 964 Carrera RS

1997 Ruf Turbo R

1998 996 GT1 Le Mans winner

2006 50th Anniversary Porsche Club of America 911 coupe

2010 911 Sport Classic

2018 Turbo S Exclusive

2023 Dakar

And many more


Porsche 911 60 Years is also the story of the people behind the cars: Ferdinand “Butzi” Porsche, who co-designed the 911’s timeless shape and his successors, Anatole Lapine, Harm Laggaaij, and Michael Mauer; Peter W. Schutz, the Porsche CEO who saved the 911 from the cutting-room floor and the Porsche leaders who carried on, most notably Wendelin Wiedeking; engineering geniuses such as Dr. Helmuth Bott, Hans Mezger, and Valentin Schaeffer; and stylists and modelers Gerhard Schroeder, Heinrich Klie, Peter Reisinger, Anthony Hatter, and Grant Larson.

Each profiled car is accompanied by historic photography from Porsche’s own archive, and beautiful, contemporary photography features throughout. Porsche 911 60 Years is an essential volume for any Porsche owner or fan’s collection.


兰迪·莱芬韦尔(Randy Leffingwell)在《洛杉矶时报》任职期间写下了他的初本书《美肌肉》(American Muscle)。 这本书审视了《纽约时报》出版商奥蒂斯·钱德勒 (Otis Chandler) 日益增多的肌肉车收藏。 《美肌肉》于 1990 年 9 月出版,激发了莱芬韦尔对书籍创作的热爱,导致莱芬韦尔于 1995 年离开《泰晤士报》。那时,他和 Motorbooks 出版了《保时捷传奇》和其他六本书。


自 1990 年以来,Leffingwell 创作了 60 多部作品,其中大部分与汽车相关。 30 多年来,其中包括十几本保时捷书籍,从总体概述(《保时捷 75 年:期待意外》和《保时捷 911 全书》)到《保时捷 Turbo》和《保时捷 911:50 年》的深入探索。 在此期间,他定期前往德继续研究保时捷的历史。 迄今为止,莱芬韦尔已经采访了 200 多名保时捷工程师、造型师、模型制作者、赛车手和经理。


虽然莱芬韦尔也研究过其他主题,包括约翰迪尔拖拉机、哈雷戴维森摩托车和西海岸灯塔,但他承认他几乎对保时捷的故事上瘾了。 除了书籍工作外,他还是《000》杂志和 PorschePanorama 的历史编辑。 在过去的十年里,他一直在研究和撰写保时捷赛车运动的百科全书式历史。



Harm Lagaaij 1946 年出生于荷兰海牙,但他的整个青少年时期都在远离欧洲的地方度过。 1947 年至 1952 年间,他居住在厄瓜多尔和委内瑞拉,然后在文莱上英语小学直至 1960 年。他回到荷兰读高中,然后在荷兰 Driebergen 的 IVA(汽车学院)学习,并于 1968 年毕业 。他曾在 Olyslager 和 Simca 工作,然后于 1971 年 9 月加入保时捷。在 1977 年中期离开时,他已经设计了 924。 为了拓宽他的视野,他在科隆福特汽车公司担任了八年的高级设计工作室经理,然后又在宝马技术公司担任了三年的席设计师。Lagaaij 于 1989 年 1 月重返保时捷担任设计总监,鼓励变革、新思维和实验。 他为保时捷非凡的产品扩展树立了风格,从 993、996、Boxster、Cayman、Cayenne、Carrera GT 到 997。他于 2004 年 9 月从保时捷退休。2013 年,Lagaaij 荣获荷兰“Orde van Oranje-Nassau 军官勋章”,相当于大英帝勋章 (OBE)。 自2021年以来,他一直担任独立汽车设计顾问。

Randy Leffingwell wrote his first book, American Muscle, while still on staff at the Los Angeles Times. The book examined Times’ publisher Otis Chandler’s growing collection of muscle cars. American Muscle published in September 1990, jump-started a love of book creation that ultimately led Leffingwell to leave the Times in 1995. By then, he and Motorbooks had published Porsche Legends, and six other books.


Since 1990, Leffingwell has authored more than 60 titles, most of them automotive-oriented. Over 30-plus years, these include a dozen Porsche titles ranging from general overviews—Porsche 75 Years: Expect the Unexpected, and The Complete Book of Porsche 911—to deeper explorations in Porsche Turbo and Porsche 911: 50 Years. During this time, he has regularly traveled to Germany to continue his research regarding Porsche’s history. To date, Leffingwell has interviewed more than 200 Porsche engineers, stylists, model makers, racers, and managers.


While he has tackled other subjects including John Deere tractors, Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and West Coast lighthouses, Leffingwell admits he is almost addicted to the Porsche story. In addition to his book work, he is historical editor for 000 magazine and PorschePanorama. And for the past decade he has been researching and writing an encyclopedic history of Porsche’s motorsports endeavors.


Leffingwell lives near Santa Barbara, California.

Harm Lagaaij was born in The Hague, Netherlands, in 1946 but spent his entire youth far from Europe. Between 1947 and 1952 he lived in Ecuador and Venezuela, then attended English-language grade school in Brunei through 1960. He returned to the Netherlands for high school and then studied at the IVA (Institute for Automobiles) at Driebergen, Netherlands, graduating in 1968.He worked at Olyslager and then Simca before joining Porsche in September 1971. He had designed the 924 by the time he left in mid-1977. Broadening his perspectives, he spent eight years as Advanced Design Studio Manager at Ford in Cologne, then three more as chief designer at BMW Technik.Lagaaij returned to Porsche as Director of Design in January 1989, where he encouraged change, fresh thinking, and experimentation. He set the style for Porsche’s extraordinary product expansion, from the 993, 996, Boxster, Cayman, Cayenne, Carrera GT, through the 997. He retired from Porsche in September 2004. In 2013, Lagaaij received the “Officer in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau,” the Netherlands equivalent of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). Since 2021 he has been an independent automotive design consultant. 


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【中商原版】保时捷 911 六十年 Porsche 911 60 Years 英文原版 Randy Leffingwell and Harm Lagaaij 生活休闲 赛车


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