【中商原版】应邀之作 拉金随笔 Required Writing Miscellaneous Pieces 1955 1982 英文原版 Philip Larkin
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应邀之作 拉金随笔 Required Writing Miscellaneous Pieces 1955 1982 英文原版 Philip Larkin
Format Paperback | 320 pages
Dimensions 125 x 192 x 19mm | 220g
Publication date 06 May 2002
Publisher Faber & Faber
Language English
Edition Statement Main
ISBN10 0571131204
ISBN13 9780571131204
Q. '你怎么会想到用蟾蜍来形容工作或劳动的形象?
A. '纯粹的天才。
The appearance of Philip Larkin's second prose collection - reviews and critical assessments of writers and writing; pieces on jazz, mostly uncollected; some long, revealing and often highly entertaining interviews given on various occasions - was a considerable literary event. Stamped by wit, originality and intelligence, it was vintage Larkin throughout:
'Deprivation is for me what daffodils were for Wordsworth.'
'I see life more as an affair of solitude diversified by company than as an affair of company diversified by solitude.'
Q. 'How did you arrive upon the image of a toad for work or labour?'
A. 'Sheer genius.'
菲利普-拉金1922年出生于考文垂,在考文垂的亨利八世国王学校和牛津的圣约翰学院接受教育。除了他的诗集,包括《The Less Deceived》、《The Whitsun Weddings》和《High Windows》,他还写了两部小说《Jill》和《A Girl in Winter》,以及两本新闻集,《All What Jazz: A Record Diary》和《Required Writing》。他从1955年起在赫尔大学担任图书管理员,直到1985年去世。他是他那一代人中受欢迎的诗人,也是无数荣誉的获得者,包括女王诗歌金奖和WHSmith奖。
Philip Larkin was born in Coventry in 1922 and educated at King Henry VIII School, Coventry, and St John's College, Oxford. As well as his volumes of poems, which include The Less Deceived, The Whitsun Weddings and High Windows, he wrote two novels, Jill and A Girl in Winter, and two books of collected journalism: All What Jazz: A Record Diary and Required Writing: Miscellaneous Prose. He worked as a librarian at the University of Hull from 1955 until his death in 1985. He was the best-loved poet of his generation, and the recipient of innumerable honours, including the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry and the WHSmith Award.
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