Bodegas Penafiel Miros de Ribera Tempranillo 捧翡酒庄丹魄干红葡萄酒
一群对葡萄酒满怀热爱的人在2003年成立了捧翡酒庄(Bodegas Peñafiel),并作为独立项目开始运营。位于杜罗河岸(Ribera del Duero)中心的乐土,他们的初心是生产高端葡萄酒,特别是高品质的陈酿级(Crianzas)和珍藏级(Reservas)葡萄酒。A group of wine-loving friends set Bodegas Penafiel up in 2003 as a personal project. Located in a small paradise in the heart of Ribera del Duero, they decided to base the project on producing top-range wines and specialized in high quality Crianzas and Reservas.捧翡酒庄在一个由石头建造而成的小型酒厂中创造了他们的葡萄酒,该酒厂位于以优美风景而著称的捧翡城堡黄金地段美景(Milla de Oro)的地平线上。他们的葡萄酒融合了该地区悠久的历史传统、对葡萄贴心的照料以及对最新引进的酿酒技术。Penafiel create their wines in a small stone-built winery standing out on the horizon of the famous Golden Mile (Milla de Oro), in a wonderful landscape under the Penafiel Castle. Their wines blend the historic wine traditions of the area with the utmost care for vines and the introduction of the latest technology in winemaking.在捧翡酒庄,为了给您提供一杯最优质的葡萄酒,他们从心出发。为了给您呈现出他们对葡萄酒艺术般的细致诠释,他们每日都在勤勉精进对酿酒的理解。In Bodegas Penafiel, they work from the heart to offer you the finest delight in the shape of a glass of wine. They exert themselves every day to be able to offer you their painstaking interpretation of the art of crafting wines.捧翡酒庄所在的Peñafiel镇被称为杜罗河岸的中心。它的名字来源于拉丁文Penna Fidele(忠诚的岩石或山),以其惊人的风景和葡萄园而闻名。The town of Peñafiel, where the Bodegas Peñafiel is located, is known as the heart of Ribera del Duero. Its name derives from the Latin Penna Fidele (the loyal rock or mountain), famous for its amazing landscapes and vineyards.该地区特殊的“微气候”是因为结合了大陆性气候地中海性气候,非常适合生产最有趣的陈酿级和珍藏级葡萄酒。在一年中,杜罗河畔的年均降雨量低于450毫升。河流的汇入有利于雾气的产生,为葡萄园提供了持续的湿度来源。The climate of the area is a combination of continental and Mediterranean, which creates a special microclimate perfect for producing the most interesting Crianza and Reserve wines. Throughout the year, Ribera del Duero records rainfall levels of less than 450 ml. The inflow of the river favors the fogs that provide the vineyards with a continuous source of humidity.这个地区的特殊气候和粘土石灰岩土壤,以丹魄(Tempranillo)葡萄为载体,为捧翡酒庄葡萄酒提供了强壮的结构,但没有失去其精细和优雅。The special climate of the region, clayey-limestone soils, along with Tempranillo as the main varietal, provides a great structure to these wines with fineness and delicateness.捧翡酒庄出产的每瓶酒都蕴含着酒庄风土的珍贵元素:清新的空气、激情的颜色、葡萄园中夏日的温度和冬季的湿润。Every bottle of a Bodegas Penafiel wine brings with it a fragment of these lands, expressing the soul and essence of the landscape, the texture of the air, the intensity of its colors, its dry summers, and damp winters.捧翡酒庄拥有超过32公顷的葡萄园,葡萄品种除了丹魄还有梅洛(Merlot)和赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon),分别种植在位于Peñafiel和Castrillo的两个不同的葡萄园,这两个地方的气候条件非常好,可以酿造出醉好的陈酿级和珍藏级葡萄酒。Bodegas Penafiel owns more than 32 hectares of vineyards, with the grape varieties Tempranillo, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grown in two different vineyards located in Penafiel and Castrillo, two places with an exceptional climate to create the best Crianzas and Reserves.捧翡酒庄酿制葡萄酒的葡萄来自其最好的园地,并在葡萄达到完美的成熟度时进行采收。在发酵、浸皮和陈年等酿造过程中,他们会按时检查酒液状态,确保消费者能品尝到品质醉佳的葡萄酒。Bodegas Penafiel selects their finest vineyards and harvests their wines at its optimum ripeness level. During the fermentation and maceration process, they constantly check on the time of bottle ageing to make sure you can enjoy at its best.捧翡酒庄产品的关键之一是陈年所用的法国橡木桶,它对葡萄酒的味道和质地有深刻的影响。捧翡酒庄每隔四年就会用新桶替换旧桶,以保持所产出的葡萄酒质量和口感。One of the keys to Bodegas Penafiel’s products is French oak barrels, which have a profound effect on the flavor and texture of wines. Bodegas Penafiel replaces the old barrels with new ones every four years to maintain the quality and texture of wines.荣登西班牙权威葡萄酒评分机构《佩宁指南》2021年版
Listed in Spain's leading wine rating agency, Penin Guide to Spanish Wine 2021知名酒评人James Suckling 90+评分Rated 90+ by renowned wine critic James SucklingDouble Gold Medal winner of the China Wine & Spirits Awards
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Bodegas Penafiel Miros de Ribera Tempranillo 捧翡酒庄丹魄干红葡萄酒
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