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预售 【中商原版】经典小说收藏版系列6本套 2023年出版 英文原版 Crime and Punishment 罪与罚 Hamlet 哈姆雷特 经典名著 商品图1
预售 【中商原版】经典小说收藏版系列6本套 2023年出版 英文原版 Crime and Punishment 罪与罚 Hamlet 哈姆雷特 经典名著 商品图2
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经典小说收藏版系列6本套 2023年出版


Series:Wordsworth Collector's Editions

Format: 约Hardback 2432pages


Dimensions:约139 x 186 x 69 (mm)/本 



9781840228564 经典小说收藏版系列:罪与罚(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Crime and Punishment

9781840228601 经典小说收藏版系列:尤利西斯(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Ulysses

9781840228557 经典小说收藏版系列:查特莱斯夫人的情人(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Lady Chatterley's Lover

9781840228458 经典小说收藏版系列:哈姆雷特(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Hamlet

9781840228403 经典小说收藏版系列:麦克白(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Macbeth

9781840228502 经典小说收藏版系列:仲夏夜之梦(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:A Midsummer Night's Dream


1、经典小说收藏版系列:罪与罚(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Crime and Punishment


《罪与罚》是有史以来伟大、可读的小说。 从一开始,我们就陷入了拉斯科尔尼科夫的疯狂意识中,他违背了自己更好的本能,无情地被吸引去实施残酷的双重谋杀。 从那一刻起,我们分享了他的矛盾感受:自我厌恶和骄傲,蔑视和需要他人,可怕的绝望和救赎的希望:并且,在侦探小说的显着转变中,我们跟随他的痛苦努力 调查并面对他自己犯罪的动机和后果。 结果是一部由一系列极其戏剧性的场景组成的悲剧小说,阐明了人类存在核心的永恒冲突:尤其是我们对自我表达和自我实现的渴望,而不是道德和人类法律的约束; 我们对世界的严酷不公正和我们自己的死亡的痛苦认识,而不是神圣正义和不朽的奥秘。

"Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart…”

Crime and Punishment is the great and readable novels ever written. From the beginning we are locked into the frenzied consciousness of Raskolnikov who, against his better instincts, is inexorably drawn to commit a brutal double murder. From that moment on, we share his conflicting feelings of self-loathing and pride, of contempt for and need of others, and of terrible despair and hope of redemption: and, in a remarkable transformation of the detective novel, we follow his agonised efforts to probe and confront both his own motives for, and the consequences of, his crime. The result is a tragic novel built out of a series of supremely dramatic scenes that illuminate the eternal conflicts at the heart of human existence: most especially our desire for self-expression and self-fulfilment, as against the constraints of morality and human laws; and our agonised awareness of the world’s harsh injustices and of our own mortality, as against the mysteries of divine justice and immortality.

2、经典小说收藏版系列:尤利西斯(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Ulysses

詹姆斯·乔伊斯的惊人杰作《尤利西斯》讲述了 1904 年 6 月 16 日利奥波德·布鲁姆和斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯在都柏林发生的各种事件,期间布鲁姆性感的妻子莫莉通奸。 这部充满暗示的小说其现代主义实验主义具有革命性,被 W. B. 叶芝、T. S. 艾略特和欧内斯特·海明威誉为天才之作。


James Joyce's astonishing masterpiece Ulysses recounts the events that took place between Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on June 16, 1904, during which Bloom's sexy His wife Molly committed adultery. Revolutionary in its modernist experimentalism, this suggestive novel was hailed as a work of genius by W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, and Ernest Hemingway.

Frankly candid, erudite and witty, eloquent, resourceful, humorous and generous, Ulysses provides readers with a life-changing experience.

3、经典小说收藏版系列:查特莱斯夫人的情人(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Lady Chatterley's Lover

康妮的丈夫从一战的战壕中回来后,身体部分瘫痪,只能坐在轮椅上,她的婚姻变得毫无生气,毫无欢乐,康妮抓住了她认为永远失去的性满足的机会。 知名的“查泰莱夫人审判”预示着未来几十年的性革命,并标志着当权派拘谨的失败。

Trapped in a marriage which has become sterile and joyless since her husband's return from the trenches of the First World War, partially paralysed and confined to a wheelchair, Connie seizes the chance of sexual fulfilment she had thought lost to her forever. The famous 'Lady Chatterley trial' heralded the sexual revolution of the coming decades and signalled the defeat of Establishment prudery.

4、经典小说收藏版系列:哈姆雷特(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Hamlet

《哈姆雷特》不仅是莎士比亚的伟大戏剧,也是世界文学中令人着迷的问题悲剧。 这部戏剧于 1600 年左右初次上演,是一部扣人心弦、充满激情的复仇戏剧,充满了对比和冲突。 它的暴力与内省交替出现,忧郁与幽默交替出现,微妙与奇观交替出现。

王子,即哈姆雷特本人,被描绘成一个复杂、分裂、内省的人物。 他对死亡、道德和人类地位的反思使他成为“初个现代人”。 无数的舞制作和无数的电影和电视改编都证明了这部生动、神秘、深刻和引人入胜的戏剧的持续文化相关性。

Hamlet is not only Shakespeare's great plays, but also thefascinatingly problematical tragedy in world literature. First performed around 1600, this a gripping and exuberant drama of revenge, rich in contrasts and conflicts. Its violence alternates with introspection, its melancholy with humour, and its subtlety with spectacle.

The Prince, Hamlet himself, is depicted as a complex, divided, introspective character. His reflections on death, morality and the very status of human beings make him ‘the first modern man’. Countless stage productions and numerous adaptations for the cinema and television have demonstrated the continuing cultural relevance of this vivid, enigmatic, profound and engrossing drama.

5、经典小说收藏版系列:麦克白(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:Macbeth

莎士比亚的《麦克白》是世界已知的伟大悲剧。 麦克白本人是一位勇敢的战士,他被超自然力量、他骄傲的妻子和他自己不断膨胀的野心所致命地推动。 当他为了获得并保住苏格兰王冠而踏上凶残的道路时,我们看到了麦克白夫人和他本人所遭受的可怕的情感和心理影响。

他们命运的残酷讽刺在具有无可比拟力量的诗歌中得以表达。 在剧院里,这场悲剧始终引人入胜。

Shakespeare’s Macbeth is the great tragic dramas the world has known. Macbeth himself, a brave warrior, is fatally impelled by supernatural forces, by his proud wife, and by his own burgeoning ambition. As he embarks on his murderous course to gain and retain the crown of Scotland, we see the appalling emotional and psychological effects on both Lady Macbeth and himself.

The cruel ironies of their destiny are conveyed in poetry of unsurpassed power. In the theatre, this tragedy remains perennially engrossing.

6、经典小说收藏版系列:仲夏夜之梦(2023年新出版) Wordsworth Collector's Edition:A Midsummer Night's Dream

《仲夏夜之梦》的抒情性、喜剧性(无论是广泛的还是微妙的)和神奇的转变长期以来使《仲夏夜之梦》成为莎士比亚深受欢迎的作品之一。 超自然与世俗、虚幻与真实,一切都闪烁地融合在一起。 爱情被视为悲剧性的、辛酸的、荒唐的、滑稽的。 罗宾·古德费洛 (Robin Goodfellow) 嘲笑道:“上帝啊,这些凡人真是太愚蠢了!” 但当纺织工巴顿的头变成了驴子的时候,被多情的提泰妮娅拥抱着,这个笑话可能是针对他和他的主人奥布朗的。


Its lyricism, comedy (both broad and subtle) and magical transformations have long made A Midsummer Night’s Dream one of the most popular of Shakespeare’s works. The supernatural and the mundane, the illusory and the substantial, are all shimmeringly blended. Love is treated as tragic, poignant, absurd and farcical. ‘Lord, what fools these mortals be!’, jeers Robin Goodfellow; but the joke may be on him and on his master Oberon when Bottom the weaver, his head transformed into that of an ass, is embraced by the voluptuously amorous Titania.

Stage-productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream have emphasised the enchanting, spectacular, ambiguous aspects of this magical drama which culminates in a multiple celebration of marriage.


费奥多尔·米凯洛维奇·陀思妥耶夫斯基的一生就像他写的伟大小说一样黑暗而富有戏剧性。 他 1821 年出生于莫斯科。初部短篇小说《穷人》(Poor Folk,1846 年)为他带来了立即的成功,但他的写作生涯因 1849 年因涉嫌颠覆沙皇尼古拉一世而被捕而中断。

他的监狱经历加上他皈依了深刻的哲学,构成了他伟大小说的基础。 但正是他与安娜·斯尼特基娜(Anna Snitkina)的偶然婚姻,让陀思妥耶夫斯基在经历了一段因赌博成瘾而陷入极度贫困的时期后,才得以稳定情绪,完成了《罪与罚》(1866年)、《白痴》(1868-69年)、《群魔》(1871年)。 -72),以及卡拉马佐夫兄弟(1879-80)。 陀思妥耶夫斯基于1881年去世,留下了影响西方世界伟大思想家和作家的杰作,使他成为世界文学巨匠的不朽之作。

FYODOR MIKAILOVICH DOSTOEVSKY's life was as dark and dramatic as the great novels he wrote. He was born in Moscow in 1821. A short first novel, Poor Folk (1846) brought him instant success, but his writing career was cut short by his arrest for alleged subversion against Tsar Nicholas I in 1849.

His prison experiences coupled with his conversion to a profoundly philosophy formed the basis for his great novels. But it was his fortuitous marriage to Anna Snitkina, following a period of utter destitution brought about by his compulsive gambling, that gave Dostoevsky the emotional stability to complete Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1868-69), The Possessed (1871-72),and The Brothers Karamazov (1879-80). When Dostoevsky died in 1881, he left a legacy of masterworks that influenced the great thinkers and writers of the Western world and immortalized him as a giant among writers of world literature.

詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Augustine Aloysius Joyce,1882年2月2日—1941年1月13日),本名詹姆斯·奥古斯丁·阿洛伊修斯·乔伊斯,出生于爱尔兰都柏林,毕业于都柏林大学学院,爱尔兰作家、诗人。

乔伊斯知名的作品是《尤利西斯》(1922),这是一部里程碑式的作品,其中荷马的《奥德赛》的情节以一系列截然不同的文学风格平行排列,其中突出的可能是他使用的意识流技巧。 其他知名作品有短篇小说集《都柏林人》(1914)、小说《青年艺术家的肖像》(1916)和《芬尼根守灵夜》(1939)。 他的其他著作包括三本诗集、一部戏剧、偶尔的新闻报道和他出版的信件。

James Joyce (James Augustine Aloysius Joyce, February 2, 1882 - January 13, 1941), whose real name was James Augustine Aloysius Joyce, was born in Dublin, Ireland, and graduated from University College Dublin, Ireland Writer, poet.

Joyce is well known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work in which the episodes of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in an array of contrasting literary styles, perhaps prominent among these the stream of consciousness technique he utilised. Other well-known works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939). His other writings include three books of poetry, a play, occasional journalism and his published letters.

大卫·赫伯特·劳伦斯(David Herbert Lawrence,1885年9月11日—1930年3月2日),出生于英诺丁汉郡伊斯特伍德,20世纪英文学重要人物之一,英小说家、评论家、诗人。 他的作品具有很强的自传性,早年在诺丁汉郡的经历对他的一生产生了深远的影响。

David Herbert Lawrence (David Herbert Lawrence, September 11, 1885 - March 2, 1930), born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England, is one of the important figures in 20th century English literature, United Kingdom Novelist, critic, poet. His works are heavily autobiographical and the experiences of his early years in Nottinghamshire continued to exert a profound influence throughout his life.

威廉·莎士比亚是一位英诗人和剧作家,被广泛认为是英语伟大的作家和世界杰出的剧作家。 他经常被称为英格兰的民族诗人和“埃文的吟游诗人”。 他现存的作品(包括一些合作作品)包括 38 部戏剧、154 篇十四行诗、两篇长叙事诗和几篇其他诗歌。 他的戏剧已被翻译成各种主要语言,并且比任何其他剧作家的戏剧更频繁地上演。

William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the great writer in the English language and the world's preeminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.

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