书名:Flotation Chemistry(浮选化学)(聂光华)
作者:聂光华、邓政斌 编著
Flotation Chemistry(《浮选化学》)是全英文教材,主要内容包含矿物加工工程专业学生必须掌握的浮选英文基本知识,以及英语写作与表达的基本技能。 浮选体系中,酸、碱等化学药剂的添加及矿物溶解等,使矿浆溶液中发生大量的化学反应,而这些化学反应在浮选过程中对浮选起到至关重要的作用。因此,本书在介绍浮选基本理论的基础上,详细介绍浮选化学基础,之后分别介绍天然可浮性矿物、硫化物矿物、不能溶解的氧化物和硅酸盐矿物、微溶盐和可溶解盐矿物的浮选化学。前言下方附二维码,供学生下载专业词汇,方便学习。 本书的主要特点是理论与实践相结合,包含从基础理论到实际应用的内容,可供矿物加工工程相关专业本科生及研究生,以及从事相关专业的工程技术人员参考使用。
Chapter 1 Introduction001
1.1 Flotation 001
1.2 Flotation Application002
1.3 Flotation Machines 003
1.4 Factors Affecting Flotation 006
1.5 Flotation Chemistry 007
Chapter 2 Flotation Theory 009
2.1 Theory of Surface Hydrophobicity 009
2.1.1 Contact angle 010
2.1.2 Free energy 010
2.2 Theory of Surface Charge 012
2.2.1 Electrical charge 012
2.2.2 Electrical double layer 014
2.3 Theory of Mineral Adsorption 017
2.3.1 The kind of adsorption017
2.3.2 CMC’s implication to flotation 018
Chapter 3 Chemistry of Flotation Reagent 021
3.1 The Equilibration of Flotation Reagent in Solution 021
3.1.1 Acid-base theories 021
3.1.2 Balance equations for solution equilibria 022
3.1.3 pH value of solution of flotation reagent 023
3.1.4 Dissociation equilibrium of monobasic weak acid(base) 029
3.1.5 The diagram method of solution equilibria of reagent 032
3.2 Chemistry of Collector 042
3.2.1 Collectors and collector salts 042
3.2.2 Cationic collectors 044
3.2.3 Oxhydryl anionic collectors 046
3.2.4 Sulphydryl anionic collectors 050
Chapter 4 Chemistry of Mineral Solution 056
4.1 Solubility of Minerals in Pure Water 056
4.1.1 Solubility of sulfide minerals 057
4.1.2 Solubility of oxide minerals 059
4.1.3 Solubility of salt minerals 061
4.2 The Effect of Mineral Dissolution on Flotation 065
4.2.1 pH value of pulp and its buffering properties 065
4.2.2 Mineral solubility and floatability 066
4.2.3 Activation of mineral dissolved ions 066
4.2.4 Influence of mineral dissolved ions on collector action 069
4.3 Chemical Reactions and Surface Mutual Transformation of Mineral Dissolved
Ions in Mineral Surfaces 071
4.4 Logarithmic Concentration Diagram of Mineral Dissolved Components 073
Chapter 5 Flotation Chemistry of Naturally Hydrophobic Minerals 082
5.1 Flotation of Hydrophobic Minerals 082
5.1.1 Naturally hydrophobic minerals 082
5.1.2 Sulfides in oxygen-deficient systems 083
5.1.3 Flotation and depression of naturally hydrophobic minerals084
5.2 Flotation Practice of Coal 086
5.2.1 Floatability of coal086
5.2.2 Coal flotation 088
5.3 Flotation Practice of Molybdenite 089
5.3.1 Floatability of molybdenite089
5.3.2 Molybdenite flotation090
Chapter 6 Flotation Chemistry of Sulfide 092
6.1 General Considerations in Xanthate Adsorption092
6.1.1 Oxygen-deficient system 092
6.1.2 Presence of oxygen 094
6.1.3 Electrochemical phenomena in sulfide systems 095
6.1.4 Effect of semiconductor property of sulphide mineral on xanthate adsorption 097
6.2 Flotation Chemistry of Galena 099
6.2.1 Galena flotation099
6.2.2 Depression of galena flotation103
6.3 Flotation Chemistry of Chalcocite105
6.3.1 Chalcocite flotation 105
6.3.2 Depression of chalcocite flotation 108
6.4 Flotation Chemistry of Sphalerite 109
6.4.1 Sphalerite flotation 109
6.4.2 Activation 111
6.4.3 Prevention of activation 112
6.5 Flotation Chemistry of Pyrite 113
6.5.1 Pyrite flotation 113
6.5.2 Depression of pyrite flotation 117
6.6 Flotation Chemistry of Chalcopyrite 122
6.6.1 Chalcopyrite flotation 122
6.6.2 Depression of chalcopyrite flotation 124
6.7 Flotation Practice of Lead-Zinc Sulfide Ore 124
Chapter 7 Flotation Chemistry of Insoluble Oxide and Silicate 127
7.1 Flotation Chemistry of Physical Adsorption 127
7.1.1 Flotation by physical adsorption 127
7.1.2 Modulation of flotation 130
7.2 Flotation Chemistry of Chemisorption 133
7.2.1 Flotation by chemisorption 133
7.2.2 Modulation of flotation 141
7.3 Quartz Flotation 146
7.3.1 Quartz flotation by physical adsorption 146
7.3.2 Quartz flotation by chemisorption 148
Chapter 8 Flotation Chemistry of Semisoluble Salt 152
8.1 Flotation of Semisoluble Salt 152
8.1.1 Calcite and dolomite flotation 154
8.1.2 Apatite - collophane flotation 157
8.1.3 Fluorite flotation 158
8.1.4 Anglesite, cerussite and malachite flotation 161
8.2 Modifiers and Depressants 162
8.2.1 Inorganic modifiers and depressants 163
8.2.2 Organic modifiers and depressants 167
Chapter 9 Flotation Chemistry of Soluble Salt 174
9.1 Flotation by Adsorption of Cation Collectors 174
9.2 Flotation by Adsorption of Anionic Collectors 175
9.3 Modulation of Flotation177
9.4 Effect of Temperature on Flotation 178
Chapter 10 Slime Coatings and Carrier Flotation 180
10.1 Slime Coatings 180
10.2 Carrier Flotation182
References 184
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