【中商原版】新加坡教辅 Science for Early Learners 学前至小学 科学启蒙练习3册 早教科学 小学1 2年级 含答案 英文原版
运费: | ¥ 5.00-30.00 |
库存: | 0 件 |

Science for Early Learners
新加坡教辅 学前至小学 科学启蒙练习3册
早教科学 小学1-2年级 含答案 英文原版
Science for Early Learners
Headstart Science Kindergarten 2
Preparatory Science for P1 & P2
预备科学课程 小学一二年级
作者:Nurita Salem 等
尺寸:约190 x 260 毫米/册
Science for Early Learners
Science for Early Learners features many fun topical exercises for children aged 5 and above. This book aims to cultivate an interest towards Science, especially for young children. Each chapter features a variety of topics ranging from easy topics such as animals to more challenging ones such as electricity. There are many types of exercises for young children to look forward to that will enrich and expand their critical thinking skills.
本书为 5 岁及以上儿童提供了许多有趣的专题练习。本书旨在培养对科学的兴趣,尤其是对幼儿而言。每一章都有各种各样的主题,从动物等简单的主题到电力等更具挑战性的主题。有许多类型的练习可供幼儿期待,这将丰富和扩展他们的批判性思维能力。
Headstart Science Kindergarten 2
Headstart Science Kindergarten 2 is designed to introduce Science to young children under the age of 6. It contains topics including Living and Non-Living Things, Animals, Plants, Objects, Human Body, Good Habits, Heat and Light, Magnets, and Solid, Liquid and Gas. This book also contains many enriching and fun exercises which can help to broaden the knowledge of children and make the learning process fun and exciting with pictures and illustrations.
本书旨在向 6 岁以下的幼儿介绍科学。它包含的主题包括生物和非生物、动物、植物、物体、人体、良好习惯、热与光、磁铁和固体,液体和气体。这本书还包含许多丰富有趣的练习,可以帮助拓宽孩子的知识,并通过图片和插图使学习过程变得有趣和令人兴奋。
Preparatory Science for P1 & P2
Preparatory Science for Primary 1 & 2 is written to introduce Primary 1 and 2 students to the fundamentals of Lower Block and Upper Block Science. This guidebook exposes them to a wide range of topics through the combination of concise explanations and eye-catching illustrations. Engaging practice questions are provided at the end of each unit to reinforce learning. An answer key is included for parents to assist the children in their learning.
本书旨在向小学 1 和 2 年级的学生介绍低年级和高年级科学的基础知识。这本指南通过简洁的解释和醒目的插图相结合,让他们接触到广泛的主题。每个单元的末尾都会提供引人入胜的练习题,以加强学习。包括答案,供家长帮助孩子学习。
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