书名:Abandoned Spain,废土:西班牙
作者:Fran Lens
一本杰出的摄影书,引起人们对经常戏剧性的 西班牙被遗弃的遗产及其经常被遗忘的美丽的命运。这 特色地点都有自己的故事要讲,用不同的声音, 但有一个共同的主题:失宠。
西班牙内战期间遭到轰炸但从未重建的城镇 国际火车站曾经挤满了纳粹和盟军的双重间谍, 现在隐藏着一个蕞先进的暗物质研究实验室;前 从山坡上凿出的弹药堆放场;一个酒厂,其苣大的坦克形成了一个 犭虫特的建筑遗址;以及已关闭的各种实验室, 他们的实验冻结在时间虽然老城区的遗迹 Belchite和CanFranc火车站很受城市探险者的欢迎 西班牙,许多其他甚至被当地人忽视的历史遗迹都在 消失在被遗忘的边缘。
在过去的十年里,弗兰·伦斯、帕科·奎尔斯和卡洛斯的相机 桑米兰走遍全国记录这些被遗弃的地点 为了子孙后代。他们的工作在这篇充满 历史和肾上腺素。
Beautiful, haunting photographs of abandoned places in Spain. An outstanding photographic book that draws attention to the often dramatic fate of Spain's abandoned heritage and its frequently forgotten beauty. The locations featured all have their own stories to tell, in a variety of voices, but with one shared theme: the fall from grace. Towns bombed during the Spanish Civil War that were never rebuilt; an international railway station once teeming with Nazi and Allied double agents, now concealing a state-of-the-art dark matter research laboratory; a former munitions dump hewn out of the mountainside; a winery whose vast tanks form a unique architectural site; and various laboratories that have closed down, their experiments frozen in time Although the remains of the old town of Belchite and Canfranc railway station are popular with urban explorers in Spain, many other historic sites overlooked even by local people are on the brink of vanishing into oblivion. For the last ten years, the cameras of Fran Lens, Paco Quiles and Carlos Sanmillán have crisscrossed the country to record these abandoned locations for posterity. Their work is featured in this photo report infused with history and adrenaline.
Publisher : Jonglez (9 Oct. 2020)
Language : English
Hardcover : 224 pages
ISBN-10 : 2361954702
ISBN-13 : 978-2361954703
Dimensions : 30.78 x 2.46 x 22 cm