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Collins 选择正确的词 英文原版 Choose the Right Word 英文版词汇学习工具书 第二版 进口同义词反义词习惯用语词典字典 商品图0
Collins 选择正确的词 英文原版 Choose the Right Word 英文版词汇学习工具书 第二版 进口同义词反义词习惯用语词典字典 商品图1
Collins 选择正确的词 英文原版 Choose the Right Word 英文版词汇学习工具书 第二版 进口同义词反义词习惯用语词典字典 商品图2
Collins 选择正确的词 英文原版 Choose the Right Word 英文版词汇学习工具书 第二版 进口同义词反义词习惯用语词典字典 商品缩略图0 Collins 选择正确的词 英文原版 Choose the Right Word 英文版词汇学习工具书 第二版 进口同义词反义词习惯用语词典字典 商品缩略图1 Collins 选择正确的词 英文原版 Choose the Right Word 英文版词汇学习工具书 第二版 进口同义词反义词习惯用语词典字典 商品缩略图2


书名:Choose the Right Word 选择正确的词

作者:S. I. Hayakawa; Eugene Ehrlich





商品尺寸:18.7 x 3.5 x 23.5 cm



Choose the Right Word《选择正确的词》是柯林斯出版的一本英语同义词辨析工具书,由著名语言学家S. I. Hayakawa编撰,本版本为第二版,经Eugene Ehrlich修订。书中从词义、词源、用法等方面对各个英语同义近义词之间的细微区别进行了非常透彻的分析,突破了一般同义词词典简单罗列词语意思的传统模式,贵在“精而深刻”,对英语学习者来说是一本很实用的词汇学习工具书。 This unique blend of thesaurus, dictionary, and manual of English usage defines, compares, and contrasts words of similar but not identical meaning —such as “infer” and “imply.” More than 6,000 synonyms are included. Review“To the careful writer and speaker, this book can be valuable” —Saturday Review“The real strength of the guide lies in the delicate discrimination in use of related words. Word relationships are carefully selected and clearly defined to reflect [contemporary] usage. The guide may also be commended for its clear and readable style.... Recommended.” —Booklist

Choose the Right Word《选择正确的词》第二版:1.收录1000个主词条,6000个常用同义、近义及相关词汇 2.讲解详细清晰,含词义辨析、用法说明、反义词、习语和俚语 3.提供大量例句,帮助读者理解每个单词或短语之间的细微差别 4.按字母顺序排列,附索引,便于检索 Thesauruses given you synonym lists but don’t tell you which word is appropriate to use in a given context. Choose the Right Word does. Now in its second edition,this unique blend of thesaurus, dictionary, and manual of English usage has been completely revised and updated. In over 1,000 entries, it defines, compares, and contrasts 6,000 commonly used synonyms and related words to help you find the right word to express yourself clearly and exactly. ·Lists of antonyms ·Comprehensive, including idiomatic and slang terms ·Thousands of examples revealing the nuances of each word and phrase treated ·Alphabetically arranged ·Fully indexed

S. I. Hayakawa, the former U.S. Senator, was a semanticist, author and educator. His best-known works are Language in Action and Language in Thought and Action. Eugene Ehrlich, formerly a professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, is the author and editor of many reference books on language, including the Oxford American Dictionary, which he co-edited and Amo, Amas, Amat and more.

Introduction byS. I. Hayakawa 序言 How to Use This Book 如何使用本书 The Entries词条 Index索引

Absorb is slightly more informal than others and has, perhaps, the widest range of uses. In its most restricted sense it suggests the taking in or soaking up specially of liquids: the liquid absorb by the sponge. In more general uses absorbed may imply the thoroughness of the action: not merely to read the chapter, but to absorb its meaning. Or it may stress the complete disappearance of the thing taken in within the encompassing medium: once-lovely countryside soon absorbed by urban sprawl. Ingest refers literally to the action of taking into the mouth, as food or drugs, for later absorption by the body. Figuratively, it designates any taking in and suggests the receptivity necessary for such a process: too tired to ingest even one more idea from the complicated philosophical essay she was reading. To digest is to alter food chemically in the digestive tract so that in can be absorbed into the bloodstream. In other uses, digest is like absorb in stressing thoroughness, but is even more emphatic. [You may completely absorb a stirring play in one evening, but you will be months digesting it.]

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Collins 选择正确的词 英文原版 Choose the Right Word 英文版词汇学习工具书 第二版 进口同义词反义词习惯用语词典字典


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