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【中商原版】烘焙元素 将任何食谱变成无麸质 无乳制品 无蛋或纯素 英文原版 The Elements of Baking Katarina Cermel

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【中商原版】烘焙元素 将任何食谱变成无麸质 无乳制品 无蛋或纯素 英文原版 The Elements of Baking Katarina Cermel 商品图0
【中商原版】烘焙元素 将任何食谱变成无麸质 无乳制品 无蛋或纯素 英文原版 The Elements of Baking Katarina Cermel 商品缩略图0


烘焙元素:将任何食谱变成无麸质、无乳制品、无蛋或纯素 The Elements of Baking Making any recipe gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free or vegan Katarina Cermel


Format:Hardback 496 pages

Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton

Imprint:Yellow Kite


Published:3 Oct 2024

Classifications:Diets & dieting, Cookery for specific diets & conditions, Vegetarian cookery

Dimensions:270 x 199 (mm)



《烘焙要素》是制作无麸质、无乳制品、无鸡蛋、素食甚至无麸质素食食谱的指南。Katarina Cermelj拥有无机化学博士学位,她向你展示了烘焙背后的科学原理和烘焙的成分,这样你就可以很容易地根据你的饮食和生活方式来调整你的烘焙,同时还能确保它的味道很棒。大量令人垂涎欲滴的食谱以及实际的定量规则,你可以用这些规则将任何食谱转换成你喜欢的任何版本,《烘焙元素》将改变你对配料的看法。

它将成为你厨房里的伴侣,也是你每次想要烘焙时参考的书。“我一读到《烘焙要素》,就知道它会永远留在我厨房的书架上。”多里·格林斯潘,《纽约时报》畅销书《与多里一起烘焙》作者。“凯特是免费食谱的大师!”《烘焙得更好》一书的作者马特·阿拉德说:“这不仅仅是一本烹饪书,它是一本烘焙科学宝典!”Tessa Arias, Handle the Heat的创始人“卡特琳娜的食谱很美味,简单易行,你根本不知道它们是‘无’的。”《香料:厨师的伴侣》一书的作者马克·迪亚科诺(Mark Diacono)是一本美味的指南,教你如何制作我们梦想中的无麸质、无乳制品、无鸡蛋和素食烘焙食品。佐伊·弗朗索瓦是《佐伊烘焙饼干》的作者,也是《佐伊烘焙的要素》的主持人,她实用而美丽地分享了一个美妙的信息——烘焙真正适合每个人。艾琳·珍妮·麦克道尔,《馅饼之书》的作者,《快乐烘焙》的主持人,“非常聪明,准备成为想要学习或热爱烘焙的人们不可少的烘焙指南。”尼克·沙玛,詹姆斯·比尔德决赛选手,《蔬菜桌》的作者

The Elements of Baking is the definitive guide to making any recipe gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, vegan or even gluten-free vegan. Armed with a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, Katarina Cermelj lays out the science behind baking and the ingredients that make it work, so you can easily adapt your baking to your diet and lifestyle, and still make sure it tastes spectacular. With an abundance of mouth-watering recipes together with actual quantitative rules that you can use to convert any recipe into whatever version you fancy, The Elements of Baking will transform the way you think about ingredients.

It will be a constant companion in the kitchen and the book you refer to every time you want to bake. "As soon as I read The Elements of Baking, I knew it would have a permanent spot on my kitchen bookshelf." Dorie Greenspan, New York Times bestselling author of Baking with Dorie. "Kat is the master of free-from recipes!" Matt Adlard, author of Bake it Better"This is so much more than a cookbook, it's a baking science bible!" Tessa Arias, creator of Handle the Heat"Katarina's recipes are delicious, foolproof and you'd simply not know that they're 'without' in any way." Mark Diacono, author of Spice: A Cook's Companion"A deliciously authoritative guide to creating the gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and vegan baked treats of our dreams." Zoe Francois, author of Zoe Bakes Cookies and host of Zoe Bakes"The Elements of Baking practically and beautifully shares a wonderful message - baking is truly for everyone."Erin Jeanne McDowell, author of The Book on Pie and host of Happy Baking"Brilliantly smart and poised to become the essential baking guide for folk who want to learn or love to bake." Nik Sharma, James Beard finalist, author of Veg-Table


Katarina Cermelj是一名美食作家、摄影师,也是流行烘焙博客the Loopy Whisk的创建者,她在博客上分享了她丰富的抗过敏食谱。她拥有牛津大学无机化学博士学位。她的科学背景、对研究的热爱和大量的固执使她能够开发出适合各种饮食限制的令人垂涎的食谱,包括不含麸质、乳制品和鸡蛋的食谱。卡塔琳娜来自斯洛文尼亚,现在住在牛津附近。她是《烘焙》一书的作者,该书曾获得2022年福特纳姆和梅森食品和饮料奖,并获得2022年食品作家协会专业主题奖。

Katarina Cermelj is a food writer, photographer and creator of the popular baking blog, The Loopy Whisk, where she shares her sumptuous allergy-friendly recipes. She has a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Oxford. Her scientific background, a love of research and a good deal of stubbornness allowed her to develop mouth-watering recipes suitable for a wide range of dietary restrictions, including gluten-, dairy- and egg-free. Originally from Slovenia, Katarina now lives near Oxford. She is the author of Baked to Perfection, which was the winner of the Fortnum and Mason Food and Drink Awards 2022 and winner of the Guild of Food Writer's Specialist Subject Award 2022.

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【中商原版】烘焙元素 将任何食谱变成无麸质 无乳制品 无蛋或纯素 英文原版 The Elements of Baking Katarina Cermel


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