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孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊

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孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品图0
孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品图1
孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品图2
孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品图3
孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品图4
孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品缩略图0 孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品缩略图1 孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品缩略图2 孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品缩略图3 孤岛上的红毛猩猩 英文原版小说 Kensuke s Kingdom 岛王 麦克莫波格 儿童文学经典读物 进口英语书籍 可搭柑橘与柠檬啊 商品缩略图4


书名:Kensuke’s Kingdom 孤岛上的红毛猩猩/岛王 



作者:Michael Morpurgo麦克·莫波格 

出版社名称:Scholastic Paperbacks 




商品尺寸:13.5 x 1.3 x 19 cm 


页数:176 (以实物为准)Kensuke’s Kingdom《孤岛上的红毛猩猩》是英国儿童文学作家麦克·莫波格(《战马》《柑橘与柠檬啊》《奔向荒野》作者)的代表作之一。小说讲述了一个关于孤岛,男孩,老兵,红毛猩猩之间的一段传奇友谊的故事,被称为现代版的《鲁滨逊漂流记》。 本书为英文版,推荐给8岁及以上的孩子或青少年阅读。 推荐理由: ★击败《哈利波特》,荣获英国儿童图书奖; ★世界会讲故事大师温暖人心的动物小说; ★2000年英国作家童书奖、红房子儿童图书奖; ★2000年入围英国卡内基文学奖、惠特布雷德儿童文学奖; ★2001年法国魔法师奖、索西埃儿童文学奖 ★国际大导演斯皮尔伯格评价他的作品“故事传达出的灵魂和感受在每个国家都会引起共鸣” ★孤岛,男孩,老兵,红毛猩猩……一段传奇的友谊,一个爱的王国 ★现代版的《鲁滨逊漂流记》,更为感人,更为精彩 媒体评价: “这不仅是一部少年荒岛求生记,也是个温柔的寓言,用来教导信任、同情、爱和希望。作者笔法非常高明,故事曲折,情节丰富,是成功的荒岛故事。” ——学校图书馆杂志 “故事在主角的情绪起伏中发展:一开始是面对艰苦环境的慌张和恐惧,之后则是与拯救他的人结识并逐渐变得亲密。这是一个富于感性与知性,笔法动人又不血腥、残酷的冒险故事。” ——科考斯书评 “本书的环境和人物看似典型,但作者却着墨在两位主角如何发展一份难得的情谊:一个是40年未见过人类的日本老兵健介,一个是虽然喜欢健介却仍渴望回家的少年麦克。结局美满中带着苦涩,却又十分真实,战争的残酷影响延续数十年,令人哀叹。” ——书单杂志 A spellbinding tale of survival and self-discovery from award-winning author Michael Morpurgo, who is poised for breakthrough U.S. success. It would be foolish to think that Michael Morpurgo, author of the award-winning When the Whales Came, could create something that would prove to be anything less than stunning and here, in Kensuke’s Kingdom, he certainly proves he has not lost his magic touch. When Michael is washed up on an island in the Pacific after falling from his parent’s yacht, the Peggy Sue, he struggles to survive on his own. But he soon realises there is someone close by, someone who is watching over him and helping him to stay alive. After close-run battle between life and death after being stung by a poisonous jelly fish, the mysterious someone—Kensuke—allows Michael into his world and they become friends, teaching and learning from each other, until the day separation becomes inevitable. Morpurgo here spins a yarn which gently captures the adventurous elements one would expect from a desert-island tale, but the real strength lies in the poignant and subtle observations of friendship, trust and, ultimately, humanity. Beautifully illustrated by Michael Foreman, Kensuke’s Kingdom is a stylish, deceptively simple and utterly magical book that will effortlessly capture the heart and imagination of anyone who reads it, ensuring that Morpurgo continues to stand tall amid the ranks of classic children’s authors. (Age 9 and over) —Susan Harrison 这不仅是一部少年荒岛求生记,也是个温柔的寓言,用来教导信任、同情、爱和希望。 麦克的爸爸丢了砖厂的工作后,决定卖掉所有的家当,买艘帆船,带着全家人驾驶帆船“佩姬苏”,环游世界。他们从英国南部出发,造访了非洲、南美洲和澳洲。麦克爱上了扬帆,一切都美好极了,然而就在他们离开澳洲的大堡礁,朝着巴布亚新几内亚航行的某个夜晚,麦克和小狗史特拉被风浪扫落大海。靠着一个足球,他们漂浮到一座荒岛。 荒岛上住着一个二次世界大战因船难流亡的日本老兵──健介。老人给予麦克很多帮助,两人借着有限的语言交谈,发展出浓郁的友谊。他们像祖孙,也像忘年交。当麦克的妈妈坚信麦克还活着,不停在邻近岛上搜索,终于让麦克能重返文明时,健介却选择独自留在荒岛上。因为他早已把红毛猩猩等动物当作亲人,一旦离开,动物们就抵抗不了猎人的追捕与屠杀,他必须留在他的领土里,守护他的子民。 When Michael’s father loses his job, he buys a boat and convinces Michael and his mother to sail around the world. It’s an ideal trip - even Michael’s sheepdog can come along. It starts out as the perfect family adventure - until Michael is swept overboard. He’s washed up on an island, where he struggles to survive. Then he discovers that he’s not alone. His fellow-castaway, Kensuke, is wary of him. But when Michael’s life is threatened, Kensuke slowly lets the boy into his world. The two develop a close understanding in this remote place, but the question of rescue continues to divide them. 麦克·莫波格(Michael Morpurgo),英国知名儿童文学作家,英国畅销小说家之一,英国三个获得“桂冠作家”荣誉的作家之一,曾获聪明豆儿童图书奖,蓝彼得图书奖,惠特布雷德儿童文学奖。其创作作品达百余部之多,获奖无数,多部作品曾被翻拍成电影、电视剧、舞台剧和歌剧。他的作品《孤岛上的红毛猩猩》,更是击败《哈利·波特》,获得英国儿童票选zui高奖项——英国儿童图书奖,另一部小说《战马》则被国际大导演斯皮尔伯格看中,改编为电影。2006年,他凭借在文学领域的贡献被授予大英帝国军官勋章。 麦克·莫波格极爱历史,一心渴望迷失在故事里。他的故事,解救了众多渴望幻想的小小心灵。有件事,他想一辈子都做,那就是,给很小很小的孩子写书,那种每个字都很重要的书。 Michael Morpurgo, former Children’s Laureate of Britain, is the author ofWar Horse, called “Superb” by the NYT Book Review, and now a major motion picture. His other prize-winning books includeKensuke’s Kingdom,Private Peaceful, andThe Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips. Michael lives in England, with his wife, Clare. Together, they founded the charity Farms for City Children, which gives children from urban areas an opportunity to spend a week working on a farm. Learn more at michaelmorpurgo.org.

“I disappeared on the night before my twelfth birthday. July 28 1988. Only now can I at last tell the whole extraordinary story. Kensuke made me promise that I would say nothing, nothing at all, until at least ten years had passed. It was almost the last thing he said to me. I promised, and because of that I have had to live out a lie. I could let sleeping lies sleep on, but more than ten years have passed now. I have done school, done collage, and had time to think. I owe it to my family and to my friends, all of whom I have deceived for so long, to tell the truth about my long disappearance, about how I lived to come back from the dead.

But there is another reason for speaking out now, a far, far better. Kensuke was a great man, a good man, and he was my friend. I want the world to know him as I knew him.”

Until I was nearly eleven, until the letter came, life was just normal. There were the four of us in the house: my mother, my father, me and Stella—Stella Artois, that is, my one-ear up and one-ear-down black and white sheepdog, who always seemed to know what was about to happen before it did. But even she could not have foreseen how that letter was going to change our lives for ever.

Thinking back, there was a regularity, a sameness about my early childhood. It was down the road each morning to “the monkey school”. My father called it that because he said the children gibbered and screeched and hung upside down on the climbing frame in the playground. And, anyway, I was always “monkey face” to him—when he was in a playful mood, that is, which he often was. The school was really called St Joseph’s, and I was happy there, for most of the time, anyway. After school everyday, whatever the weather, I’d be off down to the recreation ground for football with Eddie Doodds, my best friend in the all world, and Matt and Bobby and the others. It was muddy down there. Cross the ball and it would just land and stick. We had our own team, the Mudlarks we called ourselves, and we were good, too. Visiting teams seemed to expect the ball to bounce for some reason, and by the time they realised it didn’t, we were often two or three goals up. We weren’t so good away from home.

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