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【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科

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【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图0
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图1
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图2
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图3
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图4
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图5
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图6
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品图7
【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图6 【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科 商品缩略图7


全在她的头脑中:早期医学教给我们的关于女性身体的真相与谎言以及为什么它在今天很重要 All in Her Head: The Truth and Lies Early Medicine Taught Us about Womens Bodies and Why It Matters Today


Format:Hardback 368 pages


Published:13 Feb 2024


Dimensions:229 x 152 (mm)




自从医学成为一种实践以来,女性的身体就被当作练习对象来对待:检查和忽视、理想化和性化、羞辱、征服、残害和排斥。 女性医疗保健的历史是一个女性本身常常保持沉默的故事——这个故事是从男性的角度写的,这些男性自诩为女性的权势,但却不了解女性自己的声音、想法、恐惧、 痛苦和经历。 其结果是文化和社会遗产继续影响着对妇女的(虐待)待遇和照顾。


纪念斯隆·凯特琳肿瘤学家和医学历史学家伊丽莎白·科门 (Elizabeth Comen) 博士揭开了女性集体病史的帷幕,向我们重新介绍了我们的整个身体——它们是如何工作的,以及真实的医生和患者,他们的观点和经验为当今的医学思想奠定了基础 ,以及许多仍未解决的疏忽。 科门博士凭借医生的知识和同理心,遵循十一个器官系统的路线图,利用医学文献和期刊、对专家医生的采访以及她自己治疗数千名女性的经验,分享独特且不为人知的故事。

《全在她的头脑中》以幽默、智慧和深刻的科学和文化洞察力写成,旨在让女性更好地了解自己,倡导关爱我们和子孙后代的健康快乐的生活。 这本关于女性病史的共享回忆录令人大开眼界,有时令人愤怒,但始终令人着迷,它对理解和重新认识女性历史和身体做出了重要贡献。

A surprising, groundbreaking, and fiercely entertaining medical history that is both a collective narrative of women’s bodies and a call to action for a new conversation around women’s health.

For as long as medicine has been a practice, women's bodies have been treated like objects to be practiced on: examined and ignored, idealized and sexualized, shamed, subjugated, mutilated, and dismissed. The history of women’s healthcare is a story in which women themselves have too often been voiceless—a narrative instead written from the perspective of men who styled themselves as authorities on the female of the species, yet uninformed by women’s own voices, thoughts, fears, pain and experiences. The result is a cultural and societal leg­acy that continues to shape the (mis)treatment and care of women.

While the modern age has seen significant advancements in the medical field, the notion that female bodies are flawed inversions of the male ideal lingers on—as do the pervasive societal stigmas and lingering ignorance that shape women’s health and relationships with their own bodies.

Memorial Sloan Kettering oncologist and medical historian Dr. Elizabeth Comen draws back the curtain on the collective medical history of women to reintroduce us to our whole bodies—how they work, the actual doctors and patients whose perspectives and experiences laid the foundation for today’s medical thought, and the many oversights that still remain unaddressed. With a physician’s knowledge and empathy, Dr. Comen follows the road map of the eleven organ systems to share unique and untold stories, drawing upon medical texts and journals, interviews with expert physicians, as well as her own experience treating thousands of women.

Empowering women to better understand ourselves and advocate for care that healthy and joyful lives— for us and generations to come—All in Her Head is written with humor, wisdom, and deep scientific and cultural insight. Eye-opening, sometimes enraging, yet always captivating, this shared memoir of women’s medical history is an essential contribution to understanding and much-needed reclaiming of women’s history and bodies.


医学博士伊丽莎白·科门 (Elizabeth Comen) 博士将她的医疗事业奉献给了拯救女性的生命。 Comen 博士是一位屡获殊荣、国际知名的临床医生和医学科学家,是纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心专门研究乳腺癌的肿瘤内科医生,也是威尔康奈尔医学院的医学助理教授。 她在哈佛大学获得了科学史学士学位,在哈佛医学院获得了医学博士学位,然后在西奈山医院完成了内科住院医师培训,并在纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心完成了肿瘤学专科培训。

Dr. Elizabeth Comen, M.D., has dedicated her medical career to saving the lives of women. An award-winning, internationally sought-after clinician and physician-scientist, Dr. Comen is a Medical Oncologist specializing in breast cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. She earned her BA in the History of Science from Harvard College and her MD from Harvard Medical School, then completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital and her fellowship in oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. 

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【中商原版】全在她的头脑中 All in Her Head 英文原版 Elizabeth Comen 女性健康 医学知识 生活百科


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