【中商原版】费伯诗人评论系列 Poet to Poet Louis MacNeice 麦可 隆尼编 麦克尼斯 英文原版 爱尔兰诗歌史巨人
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费伯诗人评论系列:麦克尼斯(麦可.隆尼编)(爱尔兰诗歌史巨人) Poet to Poet:Louis MacNeice Michael Longley
Edited by:Michael Longley
Series:Poet to Poet
Format:Paperback / softback 128 pages
Publisher:Faber & Faber
Imprint:Faber & Faber
Edition:Main - Poet to Poet
Published:7 Apr 2005
Dimensions:198 x 121 x 9 (mm)
In this series, a contemporary poet selects and introduces a poet of the past. By their selection of verses and by the personal and critical reactions they express in their introductions, the selectors offer a passionate and accessible introduction to some of the greatest poets in history.
Louis MacNeice was born in Belfast in 1907 and educated at Marlborough and Merton College, Oxford. For most of his working life he was a writer and producer for BBC radio. His death in 1963 was sudden and unexpected.
迈克尔-朗利1939年出生于贝尔法斯特,在都柏林的三一学院接受教育,在那里他读了古典文学。他已经出版了11本诗集,包括获得Whitbread诗歌奖的《Gorse Fires》(1991年)、获得Hawthornden奖和T. S. Eliot奖的《The Weather in Japan》(2000年),以及获得Griffin国际奖的《The Stairwell》(2014年)。他的《诗集》于2006年出版。2001年,他获得女王诗歌金奖,2003年获得威尔弗雷德-欧文奖。2010年,他被任命为CBE,并在2007年至2010年担任爱尔兰诗歌教授。2015年,他被选为贝尔法斯特市的自由人。他新近的作品集《天使山》于2017年出版,《边线》也是如此。1962-2015年散文选》。他被授予2017年笔会品特奖。
Michael Longley was born in Belfast in 1939, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he read Classics. He has published eleven collections of poetry including Gorse Fires (1991) which won the Whitbread Poetry Award, The Weather in Japan (2000) which won both the Hawthornden Prize and the T. S. Eliot Prize, and The Stairwell (2014) which won the Griffin International Prize. His Collected Poems appeared in 2006. In 2001 he received the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry, and in 2003 the Wilfred Owen Award. He was appointed a CBE in 2010, and from 2007 to 2010 was Ireland Professor of Poetry. In 2015 he was elected a Freeman of the City of Belfast. His most recent collection, Angel Hill, appeared in 2017, as did Sidelines: Selected Prose 1962-2015. He was awarded the 2017 PEN Pinter Prize.
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