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独自和解 英文原版青春小说 A Separate Peace 一个人的和平 全英文版进口英语书籍 另一种和平 电影原著 可搭麦田里的守望者正版 商品图0
独自和解 英文原版青春小说 A Separate Peace 一个人的和平 全英文版进口英语书籍 另一种和平 电影原著 可搭麦田里的守望者正版 商品图1
独自和解 英文原版青春小说 A Separate Peace 一个人的和平 全英文版进口英语书籍 另一种和平 电影原著 可搭麦田里的守望者正版 商品图2
独自和解 英文原版青春小说 A Separate Peace 一个人的和平 全英文版进口英语书籍 另一种和平 电影原著 可搭麦田里的守望者正版 商品缩略图0 独自和解 英文原版青春小说 A Separate Peace 一个人的和平 全英文版进口英语书籍 另一种和平 电影原著 可搭麦田里的守望者正版 商品缩略图1 独自和解 英文原版青春小说 A Separate Peace 一个人的和平 全英文版进口英语书籍 另一种和平 电影原著 可搭麦田里的守望者正版 商品缩略图2


书名:A Separate Peace 独自和解/一个人的和平 


作者:John Knowles约翰·诺尔



语种: 英文


商品尺寸:14 x 1.5 x 21.4 cm


页数:208 (以实物为准)

A Separate Peace一个人的和平》(独自和解是一部描述青春和战争的小说,小说以第二次世界大战为背景,讲述发生在一所学校中的故事:吉恩和菲尼亚斯两个朋友的恩怨情仇。小说以倒序手法,抽丝剥茧,层层展开,心理描写细腻深刻,震撼人心。 《一个人的和平》一部关于成长,关于友谊,关于战争与和平,讲述战争阴影下青春男孩成长之痛的“私密日记”。美国20世纪经典校园小说!堪与《麦田里的守望者》相媲美的青春文学经典! 推荐理由: 1.美国校园文学的经典之作,美国中学推荐阅读书目; 2. 国家文学艺术学院罗森塔尔奖作品;; 3. 电影《另一种和平》原著小说; 4. 英文原版,内容无删减,纸质护眼。 An American classic and great bestseller for over thirty years,A Separate Peace is timeless in its description of adolescence during a period when the entire country was losing its innocence to World War II. Set at a boys’ boarding school in New England during the early years of World War II,A Separate Peace is a harrowing and luminous parable of the dark side of adolescence. Gene is a lonely, introverted intellectual. Phineas is a handsome, taunting, daredevil athlete. What happens between the two friends one summer, like the war itself, banishes the innocence of these boys and their world. Review “A novel that made such a deep impression on me at sixteen that I can still conjure the atmosphere in my fifties: of yearning, infatuation mingled indistinguishably with envy, and remorse”—Lionel Shriver“A model of restraint, deeply felt and beautifully written”—Observer“A quietly vital and cleanly written novel that moves, page by page, towards a most interesting target”—Truman Capote“Is he the successor to Salinger for whom we have been waiting so long? ”—Encounter“A masterpiece”—National Review“Exceptional power and distinction”—The Times

A Separate Peace独自和解》(一个人的和平讲述了第二次世界大战前夕发生在一所学校中的故事。主人公吉恩和菲尼亚斯在那年之中不仅面对了自己成长的挑战,也承受了来自战争的恐慌。由于一次小小的猜疑,他们之间纯洁的友谊被嫉妒所侵蚀,吉恩开始对菲尼亚斯怀有敌意,并由此造成了他对菲尼亚斯无法弥补的伤害——跳水时,吉恩踩动树枝,菲尼亚斯跌倒在地后终身残废。后来,吉恩试图向菲尼亚斯说明真相并请求原谅,菲尼亚斯却又受伤死在手术台上。于是,吉恩只好满怀懊悔地走上了战场。 十五年后,当吉恩回想那段往事,体会战争的残酷和友谊的珍贵时,能聆听他忏悔的,却只有他自己和那所物是人非的学校了。 Set at a boys’ boarding school in New England during the early years of World War II,A Separate Peace is a harrowing and luminous parable of the dark side of adolescence. Gene is a lonely, introverted intellectual. Phineas is a handsome, taunting, daredevil athlete. What happens between the two friends one summer, like the war itself, banishes the innocence of these boys and their world.

约翰·诺尔斯(John Knowles),美国作家,出生于美国西弗吉尼亚州的佛蒙特镇,毕业于耶鲁大学,写过七部小说,《独自和解》为他的代表作。在写作上,他是福克纳的追随者,曾获威廉.福克纳基金奖。 John Knowles, who died in 2001, was a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy and Yale University, as well as a recipient of the William Faulkner Award and the Rosenthal Award of the National Institute of Arts and Letters.

Chapter One I went back to the Devon School not long ago, and found it looking oddly newer than when I was a student there fifteen years before. It seemed more sedate than I remembered it, more perpendicular and strait-laced, with narrower windows and shinier woodwork, as though a coat of varnish had been put over everything for better preservation. But, of course, fifteen years before there had been a war going on. Perhaps the school wasn’t as well kept up in those days; perhaps varnish, along with everything else, had gone to war. I didn’t entirely like this glossy new surface, because it made the school look like a museum, and that’s exactly what it was to me, and what I did not want it to be. In the deep, tacit way in which feeling becomes stronger than thought, I had always felt that the Devon School came into existence the day I entered it, was vibrantly real while I was a student there, and then blinked out like a candle the day I left. Now here it was after all, preserved by some considerate hand with varnish and wax. Preserved along with it, like stale air in an unopened room, was the well known fear which had surrounded and filled those days, so much of it that I hadn’t even known it was there. Because, unfamiliar with the absence of fear and what that was like, I had not been able to identify its presence. Looking back now across fifteen years, I could see with great clarity the fear I had lived in, which must mean that in the interval I had succeeded in a very important undertaking: I must have made my escape from it. I felt fear’s echo, and along with that I felt the unhinged, uncontrollable joy which had been its accompaniment and opposite face, joy which had broken out sometimes in those days like Northern Lights across black sky. There were a couple of places now which I wanted to see. Both were fearful sites, and that was why I wanted to see them. So after lunch at the Devon Inn I walked back toward the school. It was a raw, nondescript time of year, toward the end of November, the kind of wet, self-pitying November day when every speck of dirt stands out clearly. Devon luckily had very little of such weather — the icy clamp of winter, or the radiant New Hampshire summers, were more characteristic of it — but this day it blew wet, moody gusts all around me. I walked along Gilman Street, the best street in town. The houses were as handsome and as unusual as I remembered. Clever modernizations of old Colonial manses, extensions in Victorian wood, capacious Greek Revival temples lined the street, as impressive and just as forbidding as ever. I had rarely seen anyone go into one of them, or anyone playing on a lawn, or even an open window. Today with their failing ivy and stripped, moaning trees the houses looked both more elegant and more lifeless than ever. Like all old, good schools, Devon did not stand isolated behind walls and gates but emerged naturally from the town which had produced it. So there was no sudden moment of encounter as I approached it; the houses along Gilman Street began to look more defensive, which meant that I was near the school, and then more exhausted, which meant that I was in it.


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独自和解 英文原版青春小说 A Separate Peace 一个人的和平 全英文版进口英语书籍 另一种和平 电影原著 可搭麦田里的守望者正版


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