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【中商原版】高尔夫球场 世界球道 Golf Courses Fairways of the World 英文原版 David Cannon 生活休闲

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【中商原版】高尔夫球场 世界球道 Golf Courses Fairways of the World 英文原版 David Cannon 生活休闲 商品图0
【中商原版】高尔夫球场 世界球道 Golf Courses Fairways of the World 英文原版 David Cannon 生活休闲 商品缩略图0


高尔夫球场:世界球道 Golf Courses: Fairways of the World


Format:Hardback 264 pages, 200 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS

Publisher:Universe Publishing

Imprint:Universe Publishing


Published:1 Mar 2011


Dimensions:233 x 168 x 27 (mm)



摄影师 David Cannon 在二十五年前开始了他的体育摄影职业生涯,被认为是世界上专业的高尔夫摄影师。 Cannon 曾在 50 多个家的 700 多个高尔夫球场打过球,他以真正的高尔夫球手的眼光进行拍摄,为了解一些世界上很有名的球场提供了一个非凡的窗口 - 北美有 40 多个球场,亚洲和南太平洋有数十个球场 ,以及非洲和中东的几个。 从历史悠久的圣安德鲁斯老球场的第 11 洞欣赏沐浴在金色午后阳光下的景色; 在南非豹溪 (Leopard Creek) 的任何果岭上都能瞥见长颈鹿和大象; 亲身体验新西兰拐子角 (Cape Kidnappers) 的海盗普朗克 (Pirate's Plank) 令人痛苦的第 15 洞,该洞位于悬崖顶球道的尽头,周围是 500 英尺高的落差,直达大海; 在佛罗里达州非常私人的塞米诺尔高尔夫球场的标志性第 18 洞欣赏宁静的海景。 高尔夫球场令人惊叹地捕捉到了高尔夫球场的非凡天才和美丽。 它收集了世界上很好的课程,由唐纳德·罗斯 (Donald Ross)、皮特·戴 (Pete Dye) 和罗伯特·特伦特·琼斯 (Robert Trent Jones, Sr.) 等受人尊敬的设计师以及史蒂夫·斯迈尔斯 (Steve Smyers) 和汤姆·多克 (Tom Doak) 等新秀设计,他们都巧妙地精心策划了非凡的课程 五大洲自然与课程设计的结合。 这本豪华限量版卷包含超过 200 张华丽的课程彩色照片,其中一些以前从未拍摄或出版过,有完整的跨页和对折页(有些长度超过五英尺),并包含由课程负责人签名的编号印刷品。 摄影师。 高尔夫球场:世界球道将严格限制在 5,000 份。

Photographer David Cannon began his career in sports photography twenty-five years ago and is considered the premier golf photographer in the world. Having played at more than seven hundred golf courses in over fifty countries, Cannon photographs with a true golfer's eye, offering an extraordinary window into some of the world's most celebrated courses—with more than 40 in North America, dozens in Asia and the South Pacific, and several in both Africa and the Middle East. Savor a view from the 11th hole of the incomparable and historic St. Andrews's Old Course bathed in golden afternoon light; glimpse giraffes and elephants from any green at Leopard Creek, South Africa; vicariously experience Pirate's Plank, the harrowing 15th hole at Cape Kidnappers, New Zealand, which is set at the very end of the clifftop fairway surrounded by dramatic 500-foot drops to the ocean; and take in the serene sea view from the signature 18th hole of the very private Seminole Golf Course in Florida. Golf Courses stunningly captures the singular genius and beauty of golf courses. It is a comprehensive collection of the world's best courses by revered designers including Donald Ross, Pete Dye, and Robert Trent Jones, Sr., and such new talent as Steve Smyers and Tom Doak, among many others—all of whom skillfully orchestrate the exceptional union of nature and course design on five continents. This deluxe, limited-edition volume features over two hundred sumptuous color photographs of courses, some of which have never been photographed or published previously, in full spreads and gatefolds—some measuring over five feet in length—and includes a numbered print signed by the photographer. Golf Courses: Fairways of the World will be strictly limited to 5,000 copies.


David Cannon 是圣安德鲁斯皇家古老高尔夫俱乐部的官方摄影师,他的 Getty Images 摄影团队直接与美PGA、欧洲和大利亚 PGA 巡回赛以及 LPGA 合作。 他的作品经常出现在《体育画报》、《高尔夫文摘》、《时代》、《新闻周刊》和所有领先的高尔夫杂志等出版物上。 他拍摄过世界上几位传奇高尔夫球手的照片,包括厄尼·埃尔斯、泰格·伍兹、菲尔·米克尔森、尼克·费度、杰克·尼克劳斯、格雷格·诺曼、阿诺德·帕尔默等。 他住在英苏塞克斯。 自 20 世纪 90 年代中期以来,厄尼·埃尔斯 (Ernie Els) 一直是世界高职业高尔夫球手之一。 他因其流畅、看似毫不费力的高尔夫挥杆而被昵称为“大轻松”。 迈克尔·博纳拉克 (Michael Bonallack) 爵士是圣安德鲁斯皇家古代高尔夫俱乐部的前秘书,该俱乐部与 USGA 合作制定规则和条例。 史蒂夫·斯迈尔斯 (Steve Smyers) 是一位有的景观设计师和高尔夫球手。

David Cannon is an official photographer for the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, and his Getty Images photography team works directly with the PGA of America, the European and Australian PGA tours, and the LPGA. His work has frequently appeared in such publications as Sports Illustrated, Golf Digest, Time, Newsweek, and all leading golf magazines. He has photographed several of the legendary golfers in the world, including Ernie Els, Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Nick Faldo, Jack Nicklaus, Greg Norman, Arnold Palmer and many others. He lives in Sussex, England. Ernie Els has been one of the top professional golfers in the world since the mid-1990s. He is nicknamed "The Big Easy" for his fluid, seemingly effortless golf swing. Sir Michael Bonallack is the former Secretary of Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, which is responsible for setting the rules and regulations in partnership with the USGA. Steve Smyers is a celebrated landscape architect and scratch golfer.

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【中商原版】高尔夫球场 世界球道 Golf Courses Fairways of the World 英文原版 David Cannon 生活休闲


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