【中商原版】忏悔 Penance 英文原版 Eliza Clark 恐怖谋杀案 真假推理
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忏悔 Penance
Format:Paperback / softback 304 pages
Publisher:Faber & Faber
Imprint:Faber & Faber
Edition:Export - Airside ed
Published:6 Jul 2023
Dimensions:153 x 233 x 36 (mm)
Pub. Country:United Kingdom
你知道已经发生了什么吗?你认识她吗?你在网上看到过吗?你听过播客吗?主持人开过玩笑吗?你看到了尸体的照片吗?16岁的琼-威尔逊的恐怖谋杀案震撼了Crow-on-Sea,已经过去多年了,那个可怕的夜晚的事件从未被公布,而现在,公开了。这个故事就是《忏悔》,一个令人目眩神迷的高超叙事手法,伊丽莎-克拉克通过这个海滨小镇的居民的叙述来操控我们,将我们置于记者Alec.Z. 的能力范围内。
Z. Carelli的手中,克拉克让他构建了他所声称的关于谋杀的 "非常可信的描述",以及导致谋杀的原因。在对目击者和家庭成员的数小时采访、艰苦的历史研究,以及值得注意的是与凶手本人的通信的基础上,该书的结果是对被悲剧震撼的生活和陷入动荡的小镇的一个令人振奋的快照。只有一个问题:其中有多少是真实的?
Do you know what happened already? Did you know her? Did you see it on the internet? Did you listen to a podcast? Did the hosts make jokes?Did you see the pictures of the body? Did you look for them?It's been years since the horrifying murder of sixteen-year-old Joan Wilson rocked Crow-on-Sea, and the events of that terrible night are now being published for the first time. That story is Penance, a dizzying feat of masterful storytelling, where Eliza Clark manoeuvres us through accounts from the inhabitants of this small seaside town. Placing us in the capable hands of journalist Alec.
Z. Carelli, Clark allows him to construct what he claims is the 'definitive account' of the murder - and what led up to it. Built on hours of interviews with witnesses and family members, painstaking historical research, and most notably, correspondence with the killers themselves, the result is a riveting snapshot of lives rocked by tragedy, and a town left in turmoil.The only question is: how much of it is true?
伊丽莎-克拉克是纽卡斯尔人,住在伦敦,之前在切尔西艺术学院上学。她从事社会媒体营销工作,曾为女性创意写作杂志Mslexia工作。2018年,她获得了北方新写作 "青年作家人才基金 "的资助。她的短篇恐怖小说被收录在《恐怖故事》中,她和她的伙伴主持文化播客《你就是不明白,对吗?男孩部分》是她的处女作。
A native of Newcastle, Eliza Clark lives in London, where she previously attended Chelsea College of Art. She works in social media marketing and has worked for women’s creative writing magazine Mslexia. In 2018, she received a grant from New Writing North’s “Young Writers’ Talent Fund.” Her short horror fiction has been included in Tales to Terrify, and she hosts the cultural podcast You Just Don’t Get It, Do You? with her partner. Boy Parts is her first novel.
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