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【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本

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【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图0
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图1
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图2
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图3
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图4
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图5
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图6
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品图7
【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图6 【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本 商品缩略图7


如何成为一名英人(作品集) The How to be British Collection


Series:How to be British Collection

Format:Spiral bound 64 pages, 32 illustrations; 32 illustrations

Publisher:Lee Gone Publications

Imprint:Lee Gone Publications


Published:22 Apr 2003


Dimensions:114 x 184 x 17 (mm)



这是一本常年畅销的彩色卡通插图集,附有文字说明,介绍了英人可爱的奇特生活和性格。作者根据自己多年的英语教学经验,以诙谐幽默的方式向广大读者介绍了如何用英语交流,同时了解我们的 "有趣方式"。这是一种温和的讽刺手法,虽然偶尔也会对平淡无奇的食物、时尚灾难或可疑的卫生标准进行讽刺,但《如何成为英人系列》的基调更多的是怀旧而非蔑视,书中那些喜欢宠物、观看皇室表演、喝茶的人物也被读者以诙谐的方式加以喜爱。如何有礼貌 "和 "如何抱怨 "等漫画被世界各地的出版物转载,也许是因为它们抓住了外人对我们感到困惑(和有趣)的那种特殊的试探性。为了成为英人,或者说为了在英社会中不被注意到,游客须学会不 "大惊小怪"。大惊小怪是真正的英人无法忍受的。它几乎和 "大吵大闹 "一样糟糕,与 "引人注意 "同属一类。在《如何做个有礼貌的人》的一个画面中,一个男人--估计是个没见过世面的外游客--掉进了河里。他显然遇到了麻烦,正在大喊 "救命"!-- 从语音气泡来看,他正声嘶力竭地呼喊着 "HELP!一位英绅士正沿着河岸遛狗。他们身旁醒目地放着救生圈,但这位绅士和他的狗却带着不以为然的表情走开了。在下一帧画面中,河中的男子改变了策略,大声喊道: "对不起,先生。非常抱歉打扰您,但不知您是否介意帮我一下,当然,只要不麻烦......"。这一次,英绅士自然是急忙伸出援手,把救生圈扔进了水里 

A perennially popular collection of colour cartoon illustrations, with accompanying texts, on the endearing oddities of our British life and character. Drawing on their many years' experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language the authors also offer the wider world a tongue-in-cheek guide on how to get around in English and at the same time make sense of our 'funny ways'. It's a gentle brand of satire, and although there's the occasional barbed arrow for bland food, fashion disasters or dubious standards of hygiene, the tone of The "How To Be British Collection" is more nostalgic than scornful, and the pet-loving, royal-watching, tea drinking characters that populate its pages are viewed with wry affection. Cartoons like "How to be Polite" and "How to Complain" have been reproduced in publications all over the world, perhaps because they put a finger on that peculiar tentativeness that foreigners find so puzzling (and so funny) about us. In order to be British, or at any rate to pass unnoticed in British society, the visitor must learn not to 'make a fuss'. A fuss is something that the true Brit cannot stand. It is nearly as bad as a 'scene', and in the same category as 'drawing attention to yourself'. In the frame of How To Be Polite, a man -- presumably an uninitiated foreign visitor -- has fallen into a river. He's clearly in trouble and is shouting HELP! -- at the top of his voice, judging by the speech bubble. An English gentleman is walking his dog along the river bank. There's a lifebelt prominently displayed beside them, but the gent and his dog are walking away from the emergency with disapproving expressions. In the next frame, the man in the river has changed his strategy and is calling out: "Excuse me, Sir. I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you would mind helping me a moment, as long as it's no trouble, of course...". And this time, naturally, the English gent is rushing to his aid, throwing the lifebelt into the water


马丁-福特(Martyn Ford)是一位作家和插图画家,他的作品包括《如何成为英人》(How To Be British Collection)等幽默类书籍,以及《即时 PET》(Instant PET)和《五个短剧》(Five Short Plays)等英语教学课本。他出生于西米德兰兹郡的萨顿-科尔德菲尔德,毕业于利兹大学,曾多年从事英语外语教学工作。现在,他是一名全职作家和插图画家。他的几本书都是与彼得-莱贡(Peter Legon)合作编写的,包括新的《历史与传说中的伟大英故事》(2021 年)。

 Martyn Ford is an author and illustrator whose books include humour titles such as The How To Be British Collection, and English Language teaching texts like Instant PET and Five Short Plays. He was born in Sutton Coldfield in the West Midlands, graduated from Leeds University, and worked for many years teaching English as a Foreign Language. Nowadays he is a full-time writer and illustrator. Several of his books have been written in collaboration with Peter Legon, including the latest, Great English Tales from History and Legend (2021).


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【中商原版】如何成为一名英国人 英文原版 The How to be British Collection Martyn Alexander Ford 人文社科绘本


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