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【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens

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【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图0
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图1
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图2
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图3
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图4
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图5
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图6
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品图7
【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图6 【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens 商品缩略图7


狄更斯:双城记 Signet Classics: A Tale of Two Cities


Format:Paperback / softback 416 pages

Publisher:Penguin Putnam Inc

Imprint:Signet Classics


Published:6 Feb 2007

Dimensions:172 x 105 (mm)






A Tale of Two Cities is Charles Dickens’s great historical novel, set against the violent upheaval of the French Revolution. The most famous and perhaps the most popular of his works, it compresses an event of immense complexity to the scale of a family history, with a cast of characters that includes a bloodthirsty ogress and an antihero as believably flawed as any in modern fiction. Though the least typical of the author’s novels, A Tale of Two Cities still underscores many of his enduring themes—imprisonment, injustice, social anarchy, resurrection, and the renunciation that fosters renewal.


狄更斯(1812~1870 ),英小说家,出生于海军小职员家庭,10岁时全家被迫迁入负债者监狱,11岁就承担起繁重的家务劳动。曾在皮鞋作坊当学徒,16岁时在律师事务所当缮写员,后担任报社采访记者。他只上过几年学,全靠刻苦自学和艰辛劳动成为知名作家。他生活在英由半封建社会向工业资本主义社会的过渡时期。其作品广泛而深刻地描写这时期社会生活的各个方面,鲜明而生动地刻画了各阶层的代表人物形象,并从人道主义出发对各种丑恶的社会现象及其代表人物进行揭露批判,对劳动人民的苦难及其反抗斗争给以同情和支持。但同时他也宣扬以“仁爱”为中心的忍让宽恕和阶级调和思想。对劳动人民的反抗斗争抱行动上支持而道德上否定的矛盾态度。表现了他的现实主义的强大力量和软弱空想。狄更斯一生共创作了14部长篇小说,许多中、短篇小说和杂文、游记、戏剧、小品。代表作有描写劳资矛盾的长篇代表作《艰难时代》(1854)和描写1789年法革命的《双城记》(1859)。

As a child, Charles Dickens (1812-70) came to know not only hunger and privation, but also the horror of the infamous debtors' prison and the evils of child labor. A surprise legacy brought release from the nightmare of prison and "slave" factories and afforded Dickens the opportunity of two years' formal schooling. He taught himself shorthand and worked as a parliamentary reporter until his writing career took off with the publication of Sketches by Boz (1836) and The Pickwick Papers (1837). As a novelist and magazine editor, Dickens had a long run of serialized success through Our Mutual Friend (1864-65). In later years, ill health slowed him down, but he continued his popular dramatic readings from his fiction to an adoring public, which included Queen Victoria. At his death, The Mystery of Edwin Drood remained unfinished.

知名作家、教师和评论家弗雷德里克-布施著有 20 多部小说作品,包括《北方》、《女孩》和关于查尔斯-狄更斯的小说《共同的朋友》。

A. N. 威尔逊出生于 1950 年,曾就读于牛津大学拉格比学院和新学院。作为英皇家文学学会的会员,他在文学界和新闻界都占有重要地位。他的传记作品包括《沃尔特-司各特爵士传》(约翰-卢埃林-里斯奖)、《托尔斯泰传》(惠特布雷德传记奖)、《C.S.刘易斯传》、《希莱尔-贝洛克传》和《艾里斯-默多克传》。他对维多利亚时代的研究著作《维多利亚时代》及其续集《维多利亚时代之后》的出版都获得了广泛的好评,他还是《我的名字叫军团》和《治愈术》等小说的获奖作者。

Distinguished writer, teacher, and critic Frederick Busch was the author of more than twenty works of fiction, including North, Girls, and The Mutual Friend, a novel about Charles Dickens.

A. N. Wilson was born in 1950 and educated at Rugby and New College, Oxford. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, he has held a prominent position in the world of literature and journalism. Among his acclaimed biographies are Lives of Sir Walter Scott (John Llewellyn Rhys Prize), Tolstoy (Whitbread Award for Biography), C.S. Lewis, Hilaire Belloc, and Iris Murdoch. The Victorians, his study of the Victorian Age, and its sequel, After the Victorians, were both published to widest critical acclaim, and he is the award-winning author of such novels as My Name Is Legion and The Healing Art.

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【中商原版】狄更斯 双城记 Signet Classics A Tale of Two Cities 英文原版 Charles Dickens


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