银河系搭车客指南漫游五部曲 英文原版科幻小说 The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 英文版正版进口书
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书名:The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy银河系搭车客指南五部曲
作者:Douglas Adams道格拉斯·亚当斯
出版社名称:Del Rey
商品尺寸:15.4 x 3.6 x 23.2 cm
The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy《银河系搭车客指南》是英国作家道格拉斯·亚当斯所写的一系列科幻小说,1978年在英国国内电台BBC Radio 4以广播剧的形式首次出现。 2005年美国好莱坞斥资在英国拍摄了同名电影。2004年至2005年英国将后三本小说以广播的形式播出。几乎所有小说、游戏、甚至电影、舞台剧的草稿皆出自道格拉斯·亚当斯之手。 《银河系搭车客指南》到目前为止已经被翻译成30多种语言,可以说是发行很广的小说。 此外,BBC也以这个名称架设了一个百科全书般的虚拟指南“H2G2”,号称是地球版的《银河系搭车客指南》,由使用者撰写。 本书为英文版,共包含以下五个故事及一个外篇: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy《银河系漫游指南》 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe《宇宙尽头的餐馆》 Life, the Universe, and Everything《生命,宇宙及一切》 So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish《再见,多谢你们的鱼》 Mostly Harmless《基本无害》 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe《小柴法德谨慎行事》 推荐理由: 1.当代喜剧科幻经典,被西方科幻读者奉为“科幻圣经”之一; 2. BBC票选“100部深受英国人喜爱的文学作品”; 3.入选英国《卫报》评选“人生必读的100本书”; 4. IBM,Yahoo,Google员工都看的科幻小说、GEEK必读; 5.英文原版,五合一版本,印刷清晰,纸质护眼。 精彩书评: “先前我之所以对《银河系搭车客指南》敬而远之,只是因为有各种各样的人极为热忱地推荐它。不得已屈服之后,我的第二遍已经读到一半了。有成百上千的作者试图写出好玩儿的科幻小说,但真正成功的唯有这一本。”——约翰·肯扬,在《观察家报》将《银河系搭车客指南》选为1979年他的年度好书。 “这书实在好玩儿,各方各面都好玩儿……属于那种偶然涌现的幽默作品,立刻就为自己找到了相称的位置及其特有受众。”——吉莉安·雷诺兹,《每日电讯报》 “道格拉斯·亚当姆斯拥有冷嘲热讽式的幽默感,对于他的疯狂想象力而言,这是再合适不过的衬托了……我必须同意这一点。”——理查德·考克斯,《评论家论坛》 “这本书的幽默感冷酷而悲观,我们这些觉得生命苦短因而不值得认真对待的人可以问心无愧地喜欢它。”——《观察家报》 “现代神话,寓言,喜剧杰作。”——《今日电视报》 In one complete volume, here are the five classic novels from Douglas Adams’s beloved Hitchhiker series. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read) The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Life, the Universe and Everything So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Mostly Harmless Includes the bonus story “Young Zaphod Plays It Safe”Review “With droll wit, a keen eye for detail and heavy doses of insight... Adams makes us laugh until we cry.” — San Diego Union-Tribune “Lively, sharply satirical, brilliantly written... ranks with the best set pieces in Mark Twain.” — The Atlantic The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy《银河系搭车客指南》
突如其来的寂静笼罩了地球。这事实上比噪音更加可怕。有一会儿,什么也没有发生。 巨大的飞船一动不动地挂在空中,覆盖了地球上的每个国家。 在黯然退场之前,地球首先被改造成了终极的声音重放器件,这是有史以来建造过的伟大的播音系统。但伴之而来的不是演奏会,不是音乐,没有开场号曲,而仅仅是一条简短的信息。 “地球人注意了。”一个声音说,这声音堪称完美,仿佛来自四声道系统,完美得无懈可击,失真度低得能让勇敢的男人洒下眼泪。 “这里是银河超空间规划委员会。诸位无疑已经知道,银河系边远地区的开发规划要求建造一条穿过贵恒星系的超空间快速通道,令人遗憾的是,贵行星属于计划中预定毁灭的星球之一。毁灭过程将在略少于贵地球时间两分钟后开始。谢谢合作。”
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe《宇宙尽头的餐馆》 宇宙尽头的餐馆是餐饮史上很了不起的风险投资,整个餐馆被一个巨大的时间泡包裹,并沿时间轴向前投射至宇宙终结的那个时刻。 餐馆里,客人各自挑选座位坐下,吃着美食,观看整个宇宙在周围爆炸。你可以随意就座,无需预约,因为你可以返回原先时间后再补订;你愿意来多少次就可以来多少次,但要确定千万别遇见自己;同时,你需要做的不过是在自己所在的时代开个储蓄账户,存下一分钱,等抵达时间尽头的时候,所得的复利足以保证你付得起账单。为此,混球星系的广告公司的口号是:如果今天早晨你已经做了六件不可能的事情,那就干脆来宇宙尽头的“豪河”餐馆吃顿早饭吧!“黄金之心”号的乘员们正有此意。比起逃脱沃贡人的追击,避免被带到银河系非常邪恶的星球,以及教飞船学会如何冲一杯好茶,这实在是件不足挂齿的小事。 说真的,有谁预约过吗?The moment before annihilation at the hands of warmongers is a curious time to crave tea. It could only happen to the cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his comrades as they hurtle across the galaxy in a desperate search for a place to eat.Life, the Universe and Everything《生命,宇宙以及一切》 有理论声称,若是有谁真的搞清楚了宇宙为何存在、因何存在,宇宙就会立刻消失,取而代之的则是更怪异、更难以说明的东西。另有理论声称,此事已经发生过了。一颗位于银河边陲、名叫“坂裘”的不起眼行星突然向整个银河系发动了灭绝袭击,原因只是由于它忽然发现了银河系的存在。在此之前,坂裘人始终以为他们孤独地生活在宇宙之中,因为这颗星球被重重尘埃星云包围。坂裘军队是一帮白色机器人,所持武器在我们看来无比类似板球拍和板球。为此,银河系的其他星球始终对地球敬而远之。因为我们打板球。The unhappy inhabitants of planet Krikkit are sick of looking at the night sky—so they plan to destroy it. The universe, that is. Now only five individuals can avert Armageddon: mild-mannered Arthur Dent and his stalwart crew.So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish《再会,谢谢所有的鱼》 亚瑟·邓特横穿银河系,结束了他漫长也危险的一次搭车。飞碟后来把他放在一颗小型行星上,午夜时分,滂沱大雨。他耐心等待。一辆车经过。他回到了地球。为超空间旁道让路而被摧毁的地球不知怎的回来了。地球被毁灭的那一天究竟发生了什么?海豚为什么全都消失了?还有,上帝给造物的留言究竟是什么?这正是他想知道,但又不敢相信的回答。Back on Earth, Arthur Dent is ready to believe that the past eight years were all just a figment of his stressed-out imagination. But a gift-wrapped fishbowl with a cryptic inscription thrusts him back to reality. So to speak. Mostly Harmless《基本无害》 墨黑遥远的太空深处,一颗名叫地球的行星以无穷多样的概率存在于这个波荡起伏的奇异复区的焦点位置。太阳系的边缘,忧心忡忡的格雷布隆首领盘坐在绿色人造革沙发上,焦躁地望着成行成列的电视和电脑屏幕。他非常痛苦。他们的任务是监视地球,但只能秘密监视。 亚瑟说,“地球到底还在不在呢?我花了那么久寻找地球,找到的星球都有点像但又不完全像。特别糟的一个叫这他妈星,当地的坏脾气小动物还咬了我一口。当然了,有一半时候,地球根本不存在,因为已经被该死的沃贡人炸碎了。我说的你能听懂吗?” 福特没有回答。他在听别的什么东西。他把《指南》递给亚瑟,让亚瑟看屏幕。屏幕上的条目写着:“地球,基本无害。”Just when Arthur Dent makes the terrible mistake of starting to enjoy life, all hell breaks loose. Can he save the Earth from total obliteration? Can he save the Guide from a hostile alien takeover? Can he save his daughter from herself?道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams,1952—2001),英国著名的科幻小说作家,也是幽默讽刺文学的代表人物、第1个成功结合喜剧和科幻的作家,同时他也是一位广播剧作家和音乐家。他以《银河系搭车客指南》系列出名,这部作品以广播剧起家,后来发展成包括五本书的“三部曲”,拍成电视连续剧。这个系列被西方科幻读者奉为“科幻圣经”之一。由于《银河系搭车客指南》系列小说的突出成就,国际小行星管理委员会甚至还将一颗小行星命名为亚瑟·邓特——该系列的主人公。
2001年,亚当斯因心脏病猝发离世——此前正在与好莱坞制片商合作,共同将《银河系搭车客指南》搬上银幕。2005年4月29日,由迪斯尼公司拍摄的《银河系搭车客指南》正式公映。首映周便获得2170多万美元,成为当周北美票房之冠。 Douglas Adamswas born in Cambridge in March 1952 and was educated at Brentwood School, Essex, before attending St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he received a B.A. and later an M.A. in English literature. A writer for radio, television, and theater, he was the creator of all the various manifestations of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy, which started as a radio show and then became a series of novels, a TV show, an album, a computer game, and several stage adaptations. Adams died on May 11, 2001.
The house stood on a slight rise just on the edge of the village. It stood on its own and looked out over a broad spread of West Country farmland. Not a remarkable house by any means—it was about thirty years old, squattish, squarish, made of brick, and had four windows set in the front of a size and proportion which more or less exactly failed to please the eye.
The only person for whom the house was in any way special was Arthur Dent, and that was only because it happened to be the one he lived in. He had lived in it for about three years, ever since he had moved out of London because it made him nervous and irritable. He was about thirty as well, tall, dark-haired and never quite at ease with himself. The thing that used to worry him most was the fact that people always used to ask him what he was looking so worried about. He worked in local radio which he always used to tell his friends was a lot more interesting than they probably thought. It was, too—most of his friends worked in advertising. On Wednesday night it had rained very heavily, the lane was wet and muddy, but the Thursday morning sun was bright and clear as it shone on Arthur Dent’s house for what was to be the last time. It hadn’t properly registered yet with Arthur that the council wanted to knock it down and build a bypass instead. At eight o’clock on Thursday morning Arthur didn’t feel very good. He woke up blearily, got up, wandered blearily round his room, opened a window, saw a bulldozer, found his slippers, and stomped off to the bathroom to wash. Toothpaste on the brush—so. Scrub. Shaving mirror—pointing at the ceiling. He adjusted it. For a moment it reflected a second bulldozer through the bathroom window. Properly adjusted, it reflected Arthur Dent’s bristles. He shaved them off, washed, dried and stomped off to the kitchen to find something pleasant to put in his mouth. Kettle, plug, fridge, milk, coffee. Yawn. The word bulldozer wandered through his mind for a moment in search of something to connect with. The bulldozer outside the kitchen window was quite a big one. He stared at it. “Yellow,” he thought, and stomped off back to his bedroom to get dressed. Passing the bathroom he stopped to drink a large glass of water, and another. He began to suspect that he was hung over. Why was he hung over? Had he been drinking the night before? He supposed that he must have been. He caught a glint in the shaving mirror. “Yellow,” he thought, and stomped on to the bedroom. He stood and thought. The pub, he thought. Oh dear, the pub. He vaguely remembered being angry, angry about something that seemed important. He’d been telling people about it, telling people about it at great length, he rather suspected: his clearest visual recollection was of glazed looks on other people’s faces. Something about a new bypass he’d just found out about. It had been in the pipeline for months only no one seemed to have known about it. Ridiculous. He took a swig of water. It would sort itself out, he’d decided, no one wanted a bypass, the council didn’t have a leg to stand on. It would sort itself out. God, what a terrible hangover it had earned him though. He looked at himself in the wardrobe mirror. He stuck out his tongue. “Yellow,” he thought. The word yellow wandered through his mind in search of something to connect with. Fifteen seconds later he was out of the house and lying in front of a big yellow bulldozer that was advancing up his garden path.
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