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海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽

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海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽 商品图0
海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽 商品图1
海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽 商品图2
海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽 商品缩略图0 海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽 商品缩略图1 海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽 商品缩略图2



书名:Heidi: Lessons at Home and Abroad海蒂
作者:Johanna Spyri
出版社名称:Alma Classics
商品尺寸:13.3 x 1.7 x 19.9 cm

Heidi: Lessons at Home and Abroad海蒂》是儿童文学作家约翰娜·斯比丽的代表作,是一本畅销了数百年的经典文学小说,被数代人所阅读。虽然时隔已久,但小海蒂的形象对于读者来说仍然印象深刻。这部作品先后被改编成广播剧、电影、电视、卡通片、连环画等,更被译成数十种文字,发行量不计其数,在世界各地广为传播。

4.本书为Alma Classics推出的英文原版,后附作者(The Writer)、书籍(The Book)、书中角色(The Character)等的介绍,还有一篇选择题测试(Test Yourself),可检验读者对全书内容是否真正理解。

Orphaned at an early age, Heidi has been brought up by her mother's sister Dete in Switzerland. Having been offered a job in Frankfurt, however, her aunt is forced to entrust her young charge into the care of her grandfather, the reclusive Alp-Uncle who lives in the mountains without any interaction with the villagers beneath. The curmudgeonly old man is initially reluctant to accept the new arrangement, but his grand-daughter's warmth, cleverness and exuberance soon win him over, while Heidi learns to love her new surroundings and makes a new friend, Peter the goatherd. But as Heidi gets settled in her new life, little does she suspect that a major upheaval is just around the corner.
A timeless classic of Swiss literature that has inspired many adaptations and has captured the imaginations of children the world over, Heidi's Early Lessons and Travels is here presented in a brand-new, unabridged translation by James Bowman, with charming illustrations by Susan Hellard.

“The classic tale of a glad-hearted little orphan girl whose positive take on the most adverse circumstance is a lesson for us all.” --The Sunday Times
Heidi: Lessons at Home and Abroad海蒂》是一部以情动人的文学名著,在这部书里,始终贯穿着一个浓缩于海蒂身上的“爱”的主题,作者通过优美的笔触,把一个无比可爱,充满爱心的海蒂栩栩如生地展现在读者眼前,使我们仿佛看到了一个爱的天使、爱的化身。海蒂虽然出身贫寒,但却有一颗金子般的心。她的人格魅力,她的纯真善良,深深地感染着周围的人,使饱经磨难、离群索居的爷爷重新回到人们中间,对生活有了新的认识和感悟,在帮助他人的过程中实现着生命的价值;此外,长年与轮椅相伴的富家少女克拉拉,贪玩厌学的牧羊娃彼德,陷于丧女之痛的医生,在贫困和黑暗中艰难度日的瞎眼老奶奶,他们的生活都在海蒂的影响和帮助下发生了这样或那样的变化,变得美好并充满希望。

Johanna Spyri(1827–1901) was a Swiss German writer famous for her Heidi books, which earned her great fame and success in her lifetime. She wrote several other books for both children and adults and devoted herself to many charitable causes.
FROM THE PICTURESQUE old village of Maienfeld there is a footpath that leads through green, wooded meadows to the foot of the grave, lofty peaks overlooking this side of the valley. Where the path begins its ascent, the rambler soon encounters the fragrance of short grass and strong mountain herbs wafting across from the pasture, for the way now leads steeply and directly to the alps.
On a sunny morning in June, a tall, sturdy-looking young woman of this mountainous region was climbing up the narrow path, holding by the hand a small child whose cheeks were so flushed that their glow lit up the deep brown of her suntanned skin. And no wonder, since despite the blazing June sun the child was wrapped up as if she needed protection against a severe frost. She looked barely five years old, but it was impossible to make out her natural form, as she was evidently wearing two if not three dresses, one on top of the other, and then a large red cotton scarf wound round and round, so that her little figure was quite shapeless above her heavy, hobnailed mountain shoes as she toiled hotly uphill.
The two travellers must have had an hour's climb from the valley by the time they reached the settlement halfway up the pastureland simply known as the "little village".
Here people in almost every house called out to them, from windows and doors and from the roadside, for the young woman was in the place of her birth. But rather than stopping and standing still, she responded to the shouted greetings and questions in passing until she came to the last of the small, scattered houses at the end of the village. Here a voice called from a doorway:"Wait a second, Dete. If you' re going higher I' ll come with you."
Now Dete stood still, and immediately the child freed herself from her hand and sat on the ground.

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海蒂 英文原版小说 Heidi Lessons at Home and Abroad 英文版经典儿童文学小说书 进口英语中小学英语课外阅读 约翰娜斯比丽


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