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【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA

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【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图0
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图1
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图2
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图3
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图4
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图5
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图6
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图7
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品图8
【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图6 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图7 【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA 商品缩略图8


过滤世界:算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld:How Algorithms Flattened Culture


Publisher:Doubleday (January 16, 2024)


Hardcover:304 pages




Dimensions:164 x 242 x 31 (mm)



★A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK • From New Yorker staff writer and author of The Longing for Less Kyle Chayka


“[Filterworld] 是关于算法如何改变文化……[Chayka 询问]什么是品味?什么是美感?当它与我们现在生活的同质化数字现实发生碰撞时会发生什么。”——Ezra Klein

从时尚餐厅到城市网格,再到 TikTok 和 Netflix 为全世界提供服务,算法推算决定了我们的体验和选择。 无论是在内罗毕还是波特兰,这种算法都存在于人们熟悉的霓虹灯招牌和网吧裸露的砖块中,也存在于大大小小的城市中 Airbnb 的现代家具中。 在过去的十年里,随着我们越来越习惯平淡的新常态,这个由数学决定的决策网络几乎在不经意间占据了主导地位——它影响着我们听的歌曲、我们与之保持联系的朋友。

这张由算法编织的不断收紧的网被称为“过滤世界”。 凯尔·柴卡(Kyle Chayka)向我们展示了线上和线下空间是如何设计成无缝消费的,并在此过程中成为普遍焦虑的根源。 技术用户被迫与数据驱动的方程式作斗争,这些方程式试图预测他们的愿望,但往往会出错。 结果是一种顺从的状态,允许科技公司为了利润而限制人类的经历——人类的生命。 但是,让计算机控制我们的品味、行为和情感虽然很方便,但却让人对自由意志的概念产生了质疑。

在 Filterworld 中,Chayka 追踪了这种蠕动的、机器引导的策展,因为它渗透到了我们数字、物理和心理空间的深处。 随着算法不仅越来越影响我们消费什么文化,而且还影响我们产生什么文化,紧迫的问题出现了:当可共享性取代混乱、创新和创造力(这些使我们成为人类的品质)时,会发生什么? 当选项都为我们精心安排的时候,做出选择意味着什么? 互联网上的个人自由可能吗?


A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK • From New Yorker staff writer and author of The Longing for Less Kyle Chayka comes a timely history and investigation of a world ruled by algorithms, which determine the shape of culture itself.

"[Filterworld] is about how algorithms changed culture…[Chayka asks] what is taste? What is a sense of aesthetics? And what happens to it when it collides with the homogenizing digital reality in which we now live."—Ezra Klein

From trendy restaurants to city grids, to TikTok and Netflix feeds the world round, algorithmic recommendations dictate our experiences and choices. The algorithm is present in the familiar neon signs and exposed brick of Internet cafes, be it in Nairobi or Portland, and the skeletal, modern furniture of Airbnbs in cities big and small. Over the last decade, this network of mathematically determined decisions has taken over, almost unnoticed—informing the songs we listen to, the friends with whom we stay in touch—as we’ve grown increasingly accustomed to our insipid new normal.

This ever-tightening web woven by algorithms is called “Filterworld.” Kyle Chayka shows us how online and offline spaces alike have been engineered for seamless consumption, becoming a source of pervasive anxiety in the process. Users of technology have been forced to contend with data-driven equations that try to anticipate their desires—and often get them wrong. What results is a state of docility that allows tech companies to curtail human experiences—human lives—for profit. But to have our tastes, behaviors, and emotions governed by computers, while convenient, does nothing short of call the very notion of free will into question.

In Filterworld, Chayka traces this creeping, machine-guided curation as it infiltrates the furthest reaches of our digital, physical, and psychological spaces. With algorithms increasingly influencing not just what culture we consume, but what culture is produced, urgent questions arise: What happens when shareability supersedes messiness, innovation, and creativity—the qualities that make us human? What does it mean to make a choice when the options have been so carefully arranged for us? Is personal freedom possible on the Internet?

To the last question, Filterworld argues yes—but to escape Filterworld, and even transcend it, we must first understand it.


凯尔·查卡 (KYLE CHAYKA) 是《纽约客》的特约撰稿人,他撰写了一篇有关数字技术以及互联网和社交媒体对文化影响的专栏。 他的非小说类书籍《The Longing for Less》于 2020 年出版,探索了生活和艺术中的极简主义。作为一名记者和评论家,他为许多出版物做出了贡献,包括《纽约时报杂志》、《新共和》和《纽约时报》。 沃克斯。 他是艺术刊物《Hyperallergic》的一位特约撰稿人。 凯尔还是记者在线社区 Study Hall 和数字文化时事通讯 Dirt 的联合创始人。 他住在华盛顿特区

KYLE CHAYKA is a staff writer at The New Yorker, where he writes a column on digital technology and the impact of the Internet and social media on culture. His debut nonfiction book, The Longing for Less, an exploration of minimalism in life and art, was published in 2020. As a journalist and critic he has contributed to many publications, including The New York Times Magazine, Harper’s, The New Republic, and Vox. He was the first staff writer of the art publication Hyperallergic. Kyle is also the co-founder of Study Hall, an online community for journalists, and Dirt, a newsletter about digital culture. He lives in Washington, D.C.

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【中商原版】过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA


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