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预售 【中商原版】老子的 道德经 变革时代的新诠释 英文版 Laozis DAO de Jing A New Interpretation Laozi Ken Liu 商品图0
预售 【中商原版】老子的 道德经 变革时代的新诠释 英文版 Laozis DAO de Jing A New Interpretation Laozi Ken Liu 商品缩略图0


老子的《道德经》:变革时代的新诠释 Laozis DAO de Jing: A New Interpretation for a Transformative Time


Format:Hardback 176 pages

Publisher:Simon & Schuster



Published:26 Aug 2024


Dimensions:213 x 140 (mm)




Laozi的Dao de Jing是由一个富有同情心的心灵在一个被仇恨和野心困扰的世界中写成的,由那些渴望世界末日的对抗和经验上珍贵的意识形态的人主导。通过反对精英的聪明和学识渊博的傲慢,Laozi坚持了混凝土的智慧,谦虚,quotidian,被世界伟大权力所驳斥的日常个人。 Laozi的话语是泥土,嬉戏和挑衅的,那时为人们的心灵带来了慰藉,今天提供了安慰。现在,这个设计精美的新版本既可以作为古代中经典典礼的新翻译,又是对知小说家肯·刘(Ken Liu)的变革性体验的迷人叙述。


Liu的翻译避免了聪明,矛盾地揭示了Laozi原始作品的滑水。 Dao de Jing已被翻译成无数次,将来将被翻译成无数次。在这种不断变化和流动的情况下,我们终于在道中找到了我们的家,这是使我们在时空中有限的生物估计和和解无限的永恒原则。

A fresh, graceful translation of one of the most important and timeless classics—the foundational work of Daoism—by award-winning novelist Ken Liu, who contextualizes and demystifies this famously enigmatic text.

Laozi’s Dao De Jing was written around 400 BC by a compassionate soul in a world torn by hatred and ambition, dominated by those that yearned for apocalyptic confrontations and prized ideology over experience. By speaking out against the cleverness of elites and the arrogance of the learned, Laozi upheld the wisdom of the concrete, the humble, the quotidian, the everyday individual dismissed by the great powers of the world. Earthy, playful, and defiant, Laozi’s words gave solace to souls back then, and offer comfort today. Now, this beautifully designed new edition serves as both an accessible new translation of an ancient Chinese classic and a fascinating account of renowned novelist Ken Liu’s transformative experience while wrestling with the classic text.

Throughout this translation, Liu takes us through his own struggles to capture the meaning in Laozi’s text in a series of thoughtful and provocative interstitial entries. Unlike traditional notes that purport to be objective, these entries are explicitly personal and unapologetically subjective. Gradually, as Liu learns that true wisdom cannot be pinned down in words, the notes grow sparser until they fade away entirely. His journey suggests the only way out of struggle is to engage with texts that have survived the millennia, wrestling with ideas that gesture at something eternal, in hopes that we might eventually reach that moment of transcendent joy.

Liu’s translation, by eschewing cleverness, paradoxically reveals the slipperiness of Laozi’s original. The Dao De Jing has been translated countless times and will be translated countless times in the future. In that constant change and flow, we finally find our home in Dao, the eternal principle that allows us, finite beings in time and space, to reckon and reconcile with the infinite.



Ken Liu 是一位屡获殊荣的美推理小说作家。他的小说集《纸动物园和其他故事》已被译成十几种语言出版。刘健的其他作品包括《王的恩典》、《风暴之墙》、《面纱王座》和第二部作品集《隐秘女孩和其他故事》。他的作品曾多次被媒体改编,包括短篇小说《Good Hunting》被改编为 Netflix 的动画系列剧《Love, Death + Robots》中的一集;AMC 的《Pantheon》改编自一系列相互关联的短篇小说。“The Hidden Girl》、《The Message》和《The Oracle》也已被选中进行开发。Liu 曾担任软件工程师、公司律师和诉讼顾问。他经常在会议和大学发表演讲,主题包括未来主义、机器增强的创造力、技术史和讲故事的价值。Liu 与家人住在马萨诸塞州波士顿附近。

Laozi (571 - 471 BC), of the Li family, one said to be surnamed Lao, the other Li, with the first name Ear or Ching, and the character Dan. He was also known as Lao Dan, or Bo Yang. He was born in Qurenli, Li Township, Bitter County, State of Chu in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (originally belonging to the State of Chen, present-day Luyi County, Henan Province), studied under Shang Rong, and served as a historian in the Zhou Dynasty's Shouzou Chamber during the Spring and Autumn Periods of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. He was a Chinese thinker during the Spring and Autumn Period and lived in seclusion in Guangyang Mountain, Xingtai. His writings are widely known as the Tao Te Ching, a classic of Taoism and Daoism.

Ken Liu is an award-winning American author of speculative fiction. His collection, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories, has been published in more than a dozen languages. Liu’s other works include The Grace of Kings, The Wall of Storms, The Veiled Throne, and a second collection The Hidden Girl and Other Stories. He has been involved in multiple media adaptations of his work, including the short story “Good Hunting,” adapted as an episode in Netflix’s animated series Love, Death + Robots; and AMC’s Pantheon, adapted from an interconnected series of short stories. “The Hidden Girl,” “The Message,” and “The Oracle” have also been optioned for development. Liu previously worked as a software engineer, corporate lawyer, and litigation consultant. He frequently speaks at conferences and universities on topics including futurism, machine-augmented creativity, the history of technology, and the value of storytelling. Liu lives with his family near Boston, Massachusetts.

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预售 【中商原版】老子的 道德经 变革时代的新诠释 英文版 Laozis DAO de Jing A New Interpretation Laozi Ken Liu


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