Temple东景缘 presents
James Turrell’s Gathered Sky Sunset Session
The visionary artist James Turrell awed the audience with a retrospective at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and a monumental installation at Guggenheim in New York in 2013. The first and only Skyspace by James Turrell in China, Gathered Sky is located at Temple东景缘, adjacent to a Qing dynasty temple complex and just steps away from the Forbidden City and Jingshan Park.
Exceptionally open for "Sunset Session" viewings during Beijing Design Week 2013, Gathered Sky by James Turrell was an instant success, with a full house every evening. Due to the great demand, Temple东景缘 proudly opened Gathered Sky to the general public every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday now.
詹姆斯 ∙ 特瑞尔 Gathered Sky 落日时分观赏
视觉艺术家詹姆斯 ∙ 特瑞尔(James Turrell)2013年在LACMA洛杉矶州立艺术博物馆举行的回顾展和在纽约Guggenheim古根海姆美术馆的里程碑式装置艺术展令所有观众为之惊叹。作为在中国第一个也是唯一一个Skyspace装置艺术, Gathered Sky 位于Temple东景缘,毗邻一座清朝始建的寺庙场地,距离紫禁城及景山公园仅几步之遥。
在2013年北京国际设计周期间,特别向公众开放的Gathered Sky 落日时分观赏取得了巨大的成功,每晚的观赏都挤满了慕名前来的观众。为了满足更多观众前来体验这个令人惊叹的艺术作品的需求,Temple东景缘骄傲地于2014年开始向公众再次呈现Gathered Sky落日时分观赏。观赏将于每周四、五、六、周日、周一对公众开放。
Please be reminded that 请允许我们提醒您
1. The viewing starting time is the same time as the sunset time, please google or baidu the daily sunset time. Arrival should be at least 20 minutes before sunset begins. For enquiries: 13810431568. 具体日落观赏开始时间与当日日落时间同步,请自行百度并至少于落日开始前20分钟到达。咨询电话:13810431568.
2. All ticket sales are final. No refunds or exchanges will be processed for unused tickets. Viewings will be cancelled in case of rain or snow and tickets will be refunded. 票一经售出,即为终售。未使用的票不可退款或更改日期或交换票主。如遇雨雪天气观赏将被取消,票款将全额退还。
3. No physical tickets are required. Your name and phone number are the proof of your purchase. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR MOBILE NUMBER IN THE BUYER NOTE SECTION WHEN YOU PURCHASE A TICKET. 无需实体票,您的姓名和电话号码即为购票凭证。请务必在“买家备注”栏内留下您的手机号以方便查询及退票。
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