书名:Luke Powell: Afghan Gold,卢克·鲍威尔:阿富汗黄金
作者:Luke Powell

1971年秋天,卢克从欧洲经陆路前往印度, 鲍威尔卷入了印度和巴基斯坦之间的战争,他花了以下时间, 在邻国阿富汗的冬天。鲍威尔被美丽的景色惊呆了。 国家,文化的保存状态,以及阿富汗人的能力, 完全自给自足他几乎每年都回来,直到1978年, 他在共产党政变前三天离开了这个国家。鲍威尔的能力, 将原始35毫米胶片转换成精细的印刷图像增长了15年, 他用传说中的染料转移法印刷了他的作品。阿富汗对开本 展览在北美120多家博物馆和画廊展出, 在俄罗斯占领喀布尔的那几年里,欧洲。2000年初 塔利班鎮府邀请卢克·鲍威尔回到阿富汗, 那年晚些时候,北方联盟允许他犭虫自前往一些地区, 在他们的控制下。到2003年,鲍威尔为美国拍摄了照片, 联合国阿富汗排雷方案和其他联合国机构。阿富汗黄金 卢克·鲍威尔试图将艺术与新闻分开,只展示 阿富汗美丽而传统的一面在文中,发表在一个 鲍威尔作为一个基本爱好和平的发言人, 在过去三十年里一直处于战争状态的人们, 一个异常广泛的历史背景。
While travelling overland to India from Europe in the fall of 1971, Luke Powell ran into the war between India and Pakistan, and he spent the following winter in neighbouring Afghanistan. Powell was stunned by the beauty of the country, the state of preservation of the culture, and by the Afghans’ ability to be totally self-sustaining. He returned nearly every year until 1978, when he left the country three days before a Communist coup. Powell’s ability to transform raw 35 mm film into refined printed images grew during 15 years when he printed his work with the legendary Dye Transfer Process. The Afghan Folio exhibition travelled to over 120 museums and galleries in North America and Europe, during the years when the Russians were occupying Kabul. In early 2000 the Taliban government invited Luke Powell to come back to Afghanistan, and later that year the Northern Alliance allowed him to travel alone in areas under their control. Through 2003 Powell took photographs for the United Nations Demining Program for Afghanistan and other UN agencies. In Afghan Gold Luke Powell has tried to separate art from journalism and show only the beautiful, traditional side of Afghanistan. In the text, published in a separate volume, Powell acts as a spokesman for an essentially peace-loving people who have been at war for the last three decades, placing the images in an unusually broad historical context.
Publisher : Steidl; 1st edition (16 Dec. 2013)
Language : English
Hardcover : 272 pages
ISBN-10 : 3869306483
ISBN-13 : 978-3869306483
Dimensions : 34.29 x 7.11 x 44.7 cm