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【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图

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【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品图0
【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品图1
【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品图2
【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品图3
【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品图4
【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品图5
【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品图6
【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图 商品缩略图6


Art Forms in Nature


Series:Dover Pictorial Archive

Format:Paperback / softback 112 pages

Publisher:Dover Publications Inc.

Edition:Revised ed


Published:1 Jan 1974


Dimensions:310 x 238 x 5 (mm)



《自然界的艺术形态》(德语:Kunstformen der Natur)是由德国医生、解剖学、生物学家恩斯特·海克尔所出版的平板印刷插画图鉴。海克尔的生物插画*早从1899年开始以十张的集合出版,1904年出版完整的总集,包含了100幅各式各样生物的插画,其中很多物种是由海克尔首度绘制的。在海克尔的职业生涯之中,以他的水彩和素描为本,由雕版家Adolf Giltsch制作了超过1000份的雕版,其中*好的几幅收录成本书。

据海克尔的学生Olaf Breidbach所言,这本书并不只是一本插图总集,而能总结海克尔的世界观,即秩序与对称的美感。海克尔特别执著于水母、菊石以及硅藻等生物型体所拥有的完美对称性,并于强调构图,以加深视觉的冲击。

本书比较知名的作品是数幅放射虫的绘图,甚至使业余的显微镜的观测风行起来;而刺胞动物门的图片,如水母、海葵等,也是公认的杰作。其中一种名为Desmonema annasethe (现称为Cyanea annasethe)的物种,是海克尔在其*后一任妻子Anna Sethe死后所观察、绘制的。

《自然界的艺术形态》对20世纪早期的绘画、建筑和设计有很大的影响,这本书使世人了解自然界中繁复、完美对称的各种构造,使科学和艺术的关联更加紧密。新艺术运动 的多位艺术家都受到此书的影响,如René Binet、Karl Blossfeldt、Hans Christiansen与艾米里·加利等。

Ernst Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919) was renowned as one of the foremost early exponents of Darwinism. His work was credited with having caused the acceptance of Darwinism in Europe, and his popular studies ― preaching the continuity of all life, organic and inorganic, from prehistoric time to the present ― converted tens of thousands of readers all over the world. Today, although no one is greatly interested in Haeckel the biologist-philosopher, his work is increasingly prized for something he himself would probably have considered secondary. These are the remarkable plates with which his work was illustrated, particularly his famous Kunstformen. The Kunstformen contains 100 beautiful lithographic plates which show a multitude of unusual life forms: Radiolaria, Foraminifera, and other forms of microscopic life; jellyfishes, starfishes, calcareous sponges, star corals, barnacles, and other sea life; mosses, lichens, red algae, ferns, fungi, orchids, and other plants; and turtles, moths, spiders, bats, frogs, lizards, hummingbirds, and antelope. With many drawings on each plate, each carefully drawn from nature, the subtle details of nature's art forms are easily compared and appreciated.

In addition to being marvelous renderings, these plates have long been noted for the peculiar emotional appeal that they have for most viewers, a premonition of surrealism with exotic organic life forms stretching back to their roots in the inorganic, and individual details drawn with awareness of subtle evolutionary changes and millennia-long developments. Artists, illustrators, and others will find them still powerful as one of the landmarks of applied art.


恩斯特·海克尔(Ernst Haeckel,1834—1919),德国近代伟大的生物学家、艺术家、哲学家、医生、教授,他亲手绘制的生物科学画展现了自然界从宏观到微观的令人屏息的秩序和美感,是后世艺术家、建筑师和设计师取之不尽、用之不竭的灵感之源。

Ernst Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919) was renowned as one of the foremost early exponents of Darwinism. His work was credited with having caused the acceptance of Darwinism in Europe, and his popular studies―preaching the continuity of all life, organic and inorganic, from prehistoric time to the present―converted tens of thousands of readers all over the world. Today, although no one is greatly interested in Haeckel the biologist-philosopher, his work is increasingly prized for something he himself would probably have considered secondary. These are the remarkable plates with which his work was illustrated, particularly his famous Kunstformen. The Kunstformen contains 100 beautiful lithographic plates which show a multitude of unusual life forms: Radiolaria, Foraminifera, and other forms of microscopic life; jellyfishes, starfishes, calcareous sponges, star corals, barnacles, and other sea life; mosses, lichens, red algae, ferns, fungi, orchids, and other plants; and turtles, moths, spiders, bats, frogs, lizards, hummingbirds, and antelope. With many drawings on each plate, each carefully drawn from nature, the subtle details of nature's art forms are easily compared and appreciated.

In addition to being marvelous renderings, these plates have long been noted for the peculiar emotional appeal that they have for most viewers, a premonition of surrealism with exotic organic life forms stretching back to their roots in the inorganic, and individual details drawn with awareness of subtle evolutionary changes and millennia-long developments. Artists, illustrators, and others will find them still powerful as one of the landmarks of applied art.

Complete reprinting of all 100 plates from Kunstformen der Natur (1904).

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【中商原版】自然界的艺术形式 英文原版 Art Forms in Nature Ernst Haeckel 恩斯特·海克尔 科普读物 生物科学 插图绘图


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