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预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图0
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图1
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图2
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图3
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图4
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图5
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图6
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图7
预售 【中商原版】四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers 商品图8
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四色战记 红白黑黄 树墩子童话故事集 RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant 英文原版 E C Myers



Format Hardback | 96 pages

Dimensions 197 x 237 x 15mm | 450g

Publication date 15 Sep 2020

Publisher Scholastic US

Language English

ISBN10 1338652087

ISBN13 9781338652086



Rooster Teeth 的热门动画系列 RWBY 的粉丝们会想要仔细阅读这十二个简短的童话故事集的每一页! 除了《四季的故事》和《两兄弟的故事》等节目中的经典故事,读者还可以沉浸在RWBY 节目作家的八个鲜为人知的故事中。 充满活力的艺术品贯穿整个系列,让人们对 Remnant 奇异、美丽和危险的世界有了新的认识。 这个豪华版也恰好是 Ozpin 教授的个人副本,并附有前 Beacon 校长本人的前言。

粉丝们不会想错过这个必备系列,一定会揭示更多关于 RWBY 的秘密和节目的惊人世界!

Fans of Rooster Teeth's hit animated series RWBY will want to pore over every page of this gorgeously illustrated collection of twelve short fairy tales! In addition to classic tales from the show, such as The Story of the Seasons and The Tale of the Two Brothers, readers can immerse themselves in eight never-before-told stories from RWBY's show writers. Vibrant artwork throughout completes the collection, offering new insights into the strange, beautiful and dangerous world of Remnant. This deluxe edition also happens to be the personal copy of Professor Ozpin, complete with a foreword from the former Beacon headmaster himself.

Fans won't want to miss this must-have collection, sure to reveal more secrets about RWBY and the stunning world of the show!


E.C. Myers 由韩人和德人在美组装而成,由一位单身母亲和纽约扬克斯的公共图书馆抚养长大。他是众多短篇小说和四本年轻成人书籍的作者:安德烈诺顿获奖的公平硬币、量子硬币、六人的沉默和反对一切沉默。 E.C. 目前与他的妻子、儿子和三只愚蠢的宠物住在宾夕法尼亚州。你可以在互联网上找到他的踪迹,尤其是在 ecmyers.net 和 Twitter:@ecmyers。

E.C. Myers was assembled in the U.S. from Korean and German parts and raised by a single mother and the public library in Yonkers, New York. He is the author of numerous short stories and four young adult books: the Andre Norton Award-winning Fair Coin, Quantum Coin, The Silence of Six, and Against All Silence. E.C. currently lives with his wife, son, and three doofy pets in Pennsylvania. You can find traces of him all over the internet, but especially at ecmyers.net and on Twitter: @ecmyers.

Violet Tobacco 以她位于亚特兰大北部的联排别墅为例。她喜欢在她的城市旅行,探索她可以工作的不同咖啡馆。凭借戏剧背景,她将自己对讲故事的热情转化为插图。自从加入 Bright Agency 以来,Violet 有幸与 Scholastic、Simon & Schuster、Hachette 和 Disney Hyperion 合作。当她不创作时,可以看到她和她的三只猫和云形小狗一起看动画电影或玩电子游戏。 Violet 喜欢与其他有创造力的人合作,创造狂野和异想天开的世界,帮助我们更好地了解我们是谁。

Violet Tobacco illustrates from her townhome north of Atlanta. She enjoys traveling her city to explore different cafés from which she can work. With a background in theatre, she has translated her enthusiasm for storytelling into illustration. Since joining the Bright Agency, Violet has had the great fortune to work with Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, Hachette, and Disney Hyperion. When she is not creating, she can be found hanging out with her three cats and cloud-shaped pup while watching animated films or playing video games. Violet loves working with other creative individuals and creating wild and whimsical worlds that help us better understand who we are.

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