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英文原版小说 生命不息2本套装 Life After Life A God in Ruins 归来英文版长篇小说 奥普拉推荐 阿特金森Kate Atkinson

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英文原版小说 生命不息2本套装 Life After Life A God in Ruins 归来英文版长篇小说 奥普拉推荐 阿特金森Kate Atkinson 商品图0
英文原版小说 生命不息2本套装 Life After Life A God in Ruins 归来英文版长篇小说 奥普拉推荐 阿特金森Kate Atkinson 商品图1
英文原版小说 生命不息2本套装 Life After Life A God in Ruins 归来英文版长篇小说 奥普拉推荐 阿特金森Kate Atkinson 商品缩略图0 英文原版小说 生命不息2本套装 Life After Life A God in Ruins 归来英文版长篇小说 奥普拉推荐 阿特金森Kate Atkinson 商品缩略图1



作者:Kate Atkinson

出版社名称:Black Swan



商品尺寸:每册约12.7 x 3.9 x 19.8 cm


页数:576-640/ x 2

★媲美《偷影子的人》的奇思妙想,超过《返老还童》的情节构思; ★英美畅销小说,奥普拉鼎力推荐,畅销全球28个国家; ★英国科斯塔奖年度长篇小说,《纽约时报》、《时代周刊》、《华盛顿邮报》年度图书; ★《暮光之城》制作方购下《生命不息》的电影版权。 本套装包含Life After Life《生命不息》和A God in Ruins《生命不息·归来》两本书。Life After Life《生命不息》这部作品中,作者凯特·阿特金森带领读者,跟随女主角厄苏拉的脚步,看她如何在上世纪动荡的年代里,一遍又一遍活过自己的人生。阿特金森借由这个故事让我们见证,即使在黑暗荒芜的时刻依旧有温暖的存在;并且透过她绝妙的叙事与描绘能力,带我们重返过去,颂赞了并存于人类中光明美善与丑陋不堪的面向,是阿特金森笔下深刻且富有想象力的一部作品。 A God in Ruins《生命不息·归来》是Life After Life《生命不息》的姊妹篇,是其相伴之作,而不是续集。阿特金森以超高的叙事能力,带领读者在生命的多种可能里探寻人性的真相。厄苏拉在无限轮回里尝遍生命悲苦,她深爱的弟弟却在二战的弥漫硝烟里,开始了另一种人生……明白你是谁,成为你自己!

1. Life After Life《生命不息》 要是能够不断重复人生,直到对生命满意为止,你敢这么做吗? 厄苏拉出生在1910年的英格兰,一个暴风雪之夜,因为医生没能及时赶到,她一出生便窒息而死。然而,在同一天的同一时刻,厄苏拉再次出生并活了下来。之后便有了第三次、第四次,甚至是第无数次的机会。每当犯错,她的生命便会戛然而止,然后陷入新的轮回。她一次次经历20世纪人类黑暗残酷的时刻,也一遍遍承受失去至亲的悲苦。直到她意识到,只有做正确的事,才能结束这可怕的轮回,她会怎么做呢? 2.A God in Ruins《生命不息·归来》托德家族的男孩子泰迪一直深受父母和姐姐厄苏拉的宠爱,他向往诗意的生活,外出游历,希望能做个游吟诗人。二战爆发,他应召入伍,成为皇家空军王牌飞行员。泰迪数次上战场,驾驶轰炸机九死一生。他本已做好随时赴死的准备,然而战争突然结束了,他有了明天,还有明天的明天,可是他的一部分自己再也无法调整去适应未来。内心无限凄惘的他如何才能向明天进发?当生命的多重可能被小心翼翼地捧于手上,究竟什么样的选择才是对的呢?

凯特·阿特金森(Kate Atkinson),英国著名畅销小说作家,先后荣获南岸天空艺术文学奖、科斯塔奖,水石书店年度作者,凭借畅销书《生命不息》红遍全球。《生命不息》被《纽约时报》、《时代周刊》、《华盛顿邮报》等20多家媒体评选为年度图书,也是英美畅销的长篇小说之一。 Kate Atkinson won the Costa (formerly the Whitbread) Book of the Year prize with her first novel, Behind the Scenes at the Museum. Her bestselling novels include the four featuring former detective Jackson Brodie which became the BBC television series Case Histories, starring Jason Isaacs. Her 2013 novel Life After Life spent a record number of weeks on top of the bestsellers lists on both sides of the Atlantic, and won the South Bank Sky Arts Literature Prize and the Costa Novel Award, a prize Kate Atkinson won again in 2015 for A God in Ruins. Her new novel is Transcription.

1. Life After Life生命不息 2. A God in Ruins生命不息·归来

He walked as far as the hedge that signalled the end of the airfield. The beating of the bounds. The men referred to it as his “daily constitutional” and fretted when he didn’t take it. They were superstitious. Everyone was superstitious. Beyond the hedge there were bare fields, ploughed over last autumn. He didn’t expect to see the alchemy of spring, to see the dull brown earth change to bright green and then pale gold. A man could count his life in harvests reaped. He had seen enough. They were surrounded by flat farmland. The farmhouse itself stood square and immoveable over to the left. At night a red light shone from its roof to stop them crashing into it. If they flew over it when they were coming in to land they knew they had overshot and were in trouble. From here he could see the farmer’s daughter in the yard, feeding the geese. Wasn’t there a nursery rhyme in there somewhere? No, he was thinking of the farmer’s wife, wasn’t he?—cutting off tails with a carving knife. A horrid image. Poor mice, he had thought when he was a boy. Still thought the same now that he was a man. Nursery rhymes were brutal affairs. He had never met the farmer’s daughter nor did he know her name, but he was disproportionately fond of her. She always waved them off Sometimes she was joined by her father, once or twice by her mother, but the girl’s presence in the farmyard was a constant for every raid. She caught sight of him now and waved. Rather than return the wave, he saluted her. He imagined she would like that. Of course, from this distance he was just a uniform. She had no idea who he vas. Teddy was just one of the many. He whistled for the dog.

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英文原版小说 生命不息2本套装 Life After Life A God in Ruins 归来英文版长篇小说 奥普拉推荐 阿特金森Kate Atkinson


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