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美日开战 英文原版小说 Debt of Honor 军事反恐小说 Tom Clancy 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 英文版进口书正版

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美日开战 英文原版小说 Debt of Honor 军事反恐小说 Tom Clancy 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 英文版进口书正版 商品图0
美日开战 英文原版小说 Debt of Honor 军事反恐小说 Tom Clancy 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 英文版进口书正版 商品图1
美日开战 英文原版小说 Debt of Honor 军事反恐小说 Tom Clancy 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 英文版进口书正版 商品缩略图0 美日开战 英文原版小说 Debt of Honor 军事反恐小说 Tom Clancy 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 英文版进口书正版 商品缩略图1


书名:Debt of Honor:A Jack Ryan Novel (Book 6) 美日开战 

作者:Tom Clancy汤姆·克兰西 





商品尺寸:10.8 x 4.3 x 17.5 cm 


页数:1008在一般谍报小说里,不乏玩世不恭、醇酒美女的情节描述,但汤姆·克兰西的书中却从不见这类东西。他的每部小说的主题都与当前的政治形势密切相关。他笔下的人物,无论是医生、工程师、战士或情报员,个个都立场坚定、爱家爱国、正派之至,他从不在书中穿插绘声绘影的色情场面,“我的书里一定坚守一个原则:绝不写叫人脸红的东西。”这位军事小说大师虽无实际的军旅生活经验,但却靠着其对于科技、政治及军事的丰富涵养及深刻认识,铺陈了一个个栩栩如生、紧张刺激的冒险故事。其中涉及军事、国防情报作业及恐怖组织活动等逼真而详实的描述,甚至一度引起相关单位密切的注意。克兰西对军事技术的熟悉、对政治时局的洞察力和预见性确实令人吃惊,更令人惊讶的是,他在书中所记述的那些详实的技术数据和内幕资料竟然全部取材于报纸、电视和互联网等公开的资源媒体,而非像外界传闻的那样来自于美国的某秘密情报机构。 克兰西的作品,不但每部布局广大、深入多方层面,而且结构严谨、气势磅礴。故事中的主角,往往深深地结合了其本人的道德及价值观,正与克兰西向来率直、坦诚的个性不谋而合。尽管在成名后,每部作品皆为畅销书,并为他带来可观的财富,但这位大师级的小说家却仍秉持其一贯的生活态度及原则,只专注于其创作的小说领域中;将他对世界的热情及敏锐的观察力,透过一个个复杂人性的及情刻画节描述,严谨而完整地传达给每位读者,期待他们与作者共同进入一连串的冒险故事中,探索军事科技及谍报领域的种种奥秘。 Debt of Honor《美日开战》一书切合时局,反映出汤姆·克兰西一贯的风格,叙事写实,情节错综复杂,布局巧妙,环环相扣,恰如《圣路易邮报》所评:“汤姆·克兰西真是说故事的专家。” 《美日开战》准确预言了一九九五年美日之间大打经济战的场面。 Razio Yamata is one of Japan’s most influential industrialists, and part of a relatively small group of authority who wield tremendous authority in the Pacific Rim’s economic powerhouse. He has devised a plan to cripple the American greatness, humble the US military, and elevate Japan to a position of dominance on the world stage. Yamata’s motivation lies in his desire to pay off a Debt of Honor to his parents and to the country he feels is responsible for their deaths—America. All he needs is a catalyst to set his plan in motion.  When the faulty gas tank on one Tennessee family’s car leads to their fiery death, an opportunistic U. S. congressman uses the occasion to rush a new trade law through the system. The law is designed to squeeze Japan economically. Instead, it provides Yamata with the leverage he needs to put his plan into action. As Yamata’s plan begins to unfold, it becomes clear to the world that someone is launching a fully-integrated operation against the United States. There’s only one man to find out who the culprit is—Jack Ryan, the new President’s National Security Advisor. Review “Heart-stopping.”  — Publishers Weekly, starred review “[A] stunning conclusion.”  — USA Today美军的航空母舰和核子潜舰为何会在和平演习中受到重创?是意外?还是预谋?日本为何敢占领美国所管辖的马里亚纳群岛?难道日军掌握了某种不为人知的强大武力?俄国为何主动要求与美国合作,共同对日本进行情报战?日、俄之间有什么利益冲突?全面性战争是可以避免的吗? 汤姆·克兰西,美国军事历史和间谍小说作家,1947年出生于美国马里兰州。1969年毕业于罗耀拉学院英文文学专业后,他参加了陆军后备役军官培训,但因视力原因未能进入陆军服役,之后成为了一名保险公司职员。1973年汤姆·克兰西跳槽到了她妻子的祖父创建的保险公司,并于1980年买下了这间公司,也是在这一年,他开始利用业余时间创作小说。 1984年,汤姆·克兰西的处女作《猎杀红色十月号》出版,首印时他希望能出版5000本,实际上却印刷了45000本,并获得了时任美国总统里根的称赞。后来这本小说在全美发行超过两百三十万本,而小说中准确的描述甚至让汤姆·克兰西获得了与美军高级军官会面的机会。 随后汤姆·克兰西又出版了许多作品,基本上都成为了畅销小说。二十多年间,汤姆·克兰西共出版了79部作品(包含合著)。 1996年,汤姆·克兰西创作了部名为《总统命令》的小说,小说中描述了恐怖分子劫持波音747客机撞击美国国会山制造恐怖袭击的情节,与2001年发生的9-11恐怖袭击事件如出一辙,民间一直传言本拉登即是参考了这部小说设计的袭击方案。作家写的作品中的恐怖袭击方式被真实的恐怖分子使用,这一桥段也被《图书馆战争》的作者借鉴写入了自己的作品中。 2008年,法国游戏公司育碧娱乐软件公司购买了汤姆·克兰西的冠名权,将以其多部作品为背景打造系列游戏。 2013年10月1日,汤姆·克兰西于马里兰州一间医院去世,死因未向公众公开。 A little more than thirty years ago Tom Clancy was a Maryland insurance broker with a passion for naval history. Years before, he had been an English major at Baltimore’s Loyola College and had always dreamed of writing a novel. His first effort, The Hunt for Red October—the first of the phenomenally successful Jack Ryan novels—sold briskly as a result of rave reviews, then catapulted onto the New York Times bestseller list after President Reagan pronounced it “the perfect yarn.” From that day forward, Clancy established himself as an undisputed master at blending exceptional realism and authenticity, intricate plotting, and razor-sharp suspense. He passed away in October 2013. Prologue Sunset, Sunrise In retrospect, it would seem an odd way to start a war. Only one of the participants knew what was really happening, and even that was a coincidence. The property settlement had been moved up on the calendar due to a death in the attorney’s family, and so the attorney was scheduled for a redeye flight, two hours from now, to Hawaii. It was Mr. Yamata’s first property closing on American soil. Though he owned many properties in the continental United States, the actual title transfer had always been handled by other attorneys, invariably American citizens, who had done precisely what they had been paid to do, generally with oversight by one of Mr. Yamata’s employees. But not this time. There were several reasons for it. One was that the purchase was personal and not corporate. Another was that it was close, only two hours by private jet from his home. Mr. Yamata had told the settlement attorney that the property would be used for a weekend getaway house. With the astronomical price of real estate in Tokyo, he could buy several hundred acres for the price of a modestly large penthouse apartment in his city of residence. The view from the house he planned to build on the promontory would be breathtaking, a vista of the blue Pacific, other islands of the Marianas Archipelago in the distance, air as clean as any on the face of the earth. For all those reasons Mr. Yamata had offered a princely fee, and done so with a charming smile. And for one reason more. The various documents slid clockwise around the circular table, stopping at each chair so that signatures could be affixed at the proper place, marked with yellow Post-it notes, and then it was time for Mr. Yamata to reach into his coat pocket and withdraw an envelope. He took out the check and handed it to the attorney. "Thank you, sir," the lawyer said in a respectful voice, as Americans always did when money was on the table. It was remarkable how money made them do anything. Until three years before, the purchase of land here by a Japanese citizen would have been illegal, but the right lawyer, and the right case, and the right amount of money had fixed that, too. "The title transfer will be recorded this afternoon." Yamata looked at the seller with a polite smile and a nod, then he rose and left the building. A car was waiting outside. Yamata got in the front passenger seat and motioned peremptorily for the driver to head off. The settlement was complete, and with it the need for charm. Like most Pacific islands, Saipan is of volcanic origin. Immediately to the east is the Marianas Trench, a chasm fully seven miles deep where one geological plate dives under another. The result is a collection of towering coneshaped mountains, of which the islands themselves are merely the tips. The Toyota Land Cruiser followed a moderately smooth road north, winding around Mount Achugao and the Mariana Country Club toward Marpi Point. There it stopped. Yamata alighted from the vehicle, his gaze resting on some farm structures that would soon be erased, but instead of walking to the building site for his new house, he headed toward the rocky edge of the cliff. Though a man in his early sixties, his stride was strong and purposeful as he moved across the uneven field. If it had been a farm, then it had been a poor one, he saw, inhospitable to life. As this place had been, more than once, and from more than one cause. His face was impassive as he reached the edge of what the locals called Banzai Cliff. An onshore wind was blowing, and he could see and hear the waves marching in their endless ranks to smash against the rocks at the base of the cliff—the same rocks that had smashed the bodies of his parents and siblings after they, and so many others, had jumped off to evade capture by the advancing U.S. Marines. The sight had horrified the Marines, but Mr. Yamata would never appreciate or acknowledge that. The businessman clapped his hands once and bowed his head, both to call the attention of the lingering spirits to his presence and to show proper obeisance to their influence over his destiny. It was fitting, he thought, that his purchase of this parcel of land now meant that 50.016% of the real estate on Saipan was again in Japanese hands, more than fifty years since his family’s death at American hands. He felt a sudden chill, and ascribed it to the emotion of the moment, or perhaps the nearness of his ancestors’ spirits. Though their bodies had been swept away in the endless surf, surely their kami had never left this place, and awaited his return. He shuddered, and buttoned his coat. Yes, he’d build here, but only after he’d done what was necessary first.

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