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【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy

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【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品图0
【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品图1
【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品图2
【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品图3
【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品缩略图0 【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品缩略图1 【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品缩略图2 【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy 商品缩略图3






《雷蒙拉》的作者是美国受孩子们喜欢的作家之一 Beverly Cleary 女士,简单而有趣是她作品的特点,大量取材于幼年记忆,真实的生活感也让她深受大众的喜爱。虽然是以女孩子为主角,但最初的创作却是源起一位男孩子的请求,所以我觉得阅读雷梦拉的故事,不管男孩、女孩都会特别有认同感。

获奖包括纽伯瑞、美国国家图书奖在内的多项大奖,被美国图书馆协会和童书理事会列为推荐书目,并收录在《朗读手册》当中。School Library Journal 选出的百大儿童小说中,这个系列(一共15本)就有3本入选。整个系列目前已经被翻译成11种语言销售,改编成多部电影和电视作品,让全世界孩子喜欢上了这个阳光女孩。



Beverly Cleary,贝芙莉·克莱瑞,1916年生于美国的俄勒冈州。自小就受到做图书管理员的母亲的熏陶,喜爱看书。她从很小的时候就已经立志要写一些关于她童年趣事以及她身边小朋友的图书。贝芙莉曾在华盛顿大学致力于研究儿童图书的管理工作。




Romana is one of the funniest little sisters in fiction.



My 6-year old daughter and I love these books. Unlike other more contemporary series like Junie B Jones (terrible language), the characters of these books are wholesome, convincing, funny, lovable and memorable. And like all good literature, the stories and characters ring true. I am thoroughly impressed with Ms. Cleary's writing and imagination-- no wonder two of these books won the Newberry prize. These are indispensable classics.







School Library Journal 选出的百大儿童小说,Beverly Cleary有四本入选,除了她的处女作《亨利哈金斯》(Henry Huggins),其中三本都是她的雷梦拉系列。

雷梦拉这个人物最早出现在亨利哈金斯系列的时候只有四岁,当时的形象是一个纠缠姊姊的小女生,受到很多人关注。后来Beverly Cleary正式以雷梦拉为主角,发展出了这个系列。在书中,雷梦拉已经从幼儿园(五岁)升到四年级,年纪也到达十岁了。

Beverly Cleary 喜欢描写那些切身的、和现实生活相密切的平凡儿童故事。大人可能觉得那不过就是些琐碎的日常小事所串成的小说,但恰恰是孩子们读起来有共鸣的地方。




Ramona the Brave勇敢的一年级

Ramona the Pest小淘气交朋友

Ramona and Her Father我的百万美元梦

Ramona Quimby, Age 8鸡蛋头的三年级

Ramona and Her Mother穿睡衣的消防员

Ramona's World真的长大了

Beezus and Ramona天生的幻想家

Henry Huggins亨利·哈金斯

Henry and Beezus亨利和比尔斯

Henry and Ribsy亨利和利博西



The Mouse and the Motorcycle老鼠和摩托车

Ralph S Mouse老鼠拉尔夫

Runaway Ralph逃家拉尔夫


For a girl as enthusiastic about life as Ramona, starting the first grade should be easy! But with a teacher who doesn't understand her, a tattletale classmate, and a scary dog who follows her on the walk home from school, Ramona has a hard time acting like the big girl everyone expects her to be. But when she shows up to school with a missing shoe, Ramona gets a fresh grip on her courage in order to make it through a mortifying situation.

Ramona the Pest《小淘气交朋友》
Ramona Quimby is excited to start kindergarten. No longer does she have to watch her older sister, Beezus, ride the bus to school with all the big kids. She's finally old enough to do it too!
Then she gets into trouble for pulling her classmate's boingy curls during recess. Even worse, her crush rejects her in front of everyone. Beezus says Ramona needs to quit being a pest, but how can she stop if she never was trying to be one in the first place?

Ramona and Her Father《我的百万美元梦》
Ramona just wants everyone to be happy. If only her father would smile and joke again, her mother would look less worried, her sister would be cheerful, and Picky-picky would eat his cat-food. But Ramona's father has lost his job, and nobody in the Quimby household is in a very good mood.
Ramona tries to cheer up the family as only Ramona can -- by rehearsing for life as a rich and famous star of television commercials, for instance -- but her best efforts only make things worse. Her sister, Beezus, calls her a, pest, her parents lose patience with her, and her teacher claims she's forgotten her- manners. But when her father admits he wouldn't trade her for a million dollars, Ramona knows everything is going to work out fine in the end.

Ramona Quimby, Age 8《鸡蛋头的三年级》
Ramona feels quite grown-up taking the bus by herself, helping big sister Beezus make dinner, and trying hard to be nice to pesky Willa Jean after school. Turning eight years old and entering the first grade can do that to a girl. So how can her teacher call her a nuisance?

Ramona and Her Mother《穿睡衣的消防员》
爸妈之间的一场“煎饼大战”让雷梦拉和碧泽斯整个晚上都心惊胆战;一套新买的睡衣却让班里多了一位 “少年消防员”;大扫除时的神秘电话让雷梦拉和妈妈的关系滑到谷底,到底发生了什么事情会让雷梦拉决定离家出走呢?
Beverly Cleary has given books to each member of the Quimby household except Mrs. Quimby. Now she gets her turn at last in a story that hits the high and low points of a working mother's life as seen from Ramona's seven-and-a-half-year-old viewpoint.
Inevitably domestic tensions, not without their amusing side, occasionally arise. Mr. and Mrs. Quimby sometimes forget who is to do what, as when the Crock-Pot is not plugged in and dinner remains uncooked. Beezus acquires a ludicrous teased hairdo at the student body shop while Ramona gets a becoming pixie haircut. Ramona, who feels unloved, takes to twitching her nose like a rabbit in a cozy picture book until her teacher becomes concerned that something is making her nervous.
Yet Ramona is wrong. She is loved, and readers will rejoice with her when she discovers the wonderful truth. Few writers today are as skilled as Mrs. Cleary at showing families in the round, and here she is at the peak of her powers.

Ramona's World《真的长大了》
Ramona Quimby is sure fourth grade will be "the best year of her life, so far." She can show off her calluses from swinging on the rings in the park, sit across the aisle from the boy she calls Yard Ape, and enjoy her cheerful new teacher, Mrs. Meacham. Most exciting of all, Ramona has a new best friend, Daisy.
Fourth grade doesn't turn out quite the way Ramona has hoped. Mrs. Meacham wants her to improve her spelling. Ramona also must be a good role model for her baby sister, Roberta. And Mrs. Quimby wants her to spend more time with, the super-perfect Susan. Fourth-grade life isn't always easy, but it's full of adventure, and at the end of it all- a "zeroteenth" birthday to celebrate!

Beezus and Ramona《天生的幻想家》
Having a little sister like four-year-old Ramona isn't always easy for Beezus Quimby. With a wild imagination, disregard for order, and an appetite for chaos, Ramona makes it hard for Beezus to be the responsible older sister she knows she ought to be…especially when Ramona threatens to ruin Beezus's birthday party.

Henry Huggins《亨利·哈金斯》
★Publishers Weekly美国《出版商周刊》推荐童书
Henry Huggins feels that nothing very interesting ever happens to him. But from the moment a stray dog in the drugstore begs for a taste of his ice-cream cone and downs it in one gulp, everything is different. Henry names the dog Ribsy and decides to keep him. Before Henry even reaches home with Ribsy he spends all of his money, gets kicked off three buses, and enjoys a hair-raising ride in a police car. And that's only the beginning of Henry's exciting new life!

Henry and Beezus《亨利和比尔斯》
All Henry Huggins wants is his very own bicycle, a shiny red one to ride up and down Klickitat Street. But no matter how Henry tries to raise money for the bike of his dreams -- from selling bubble gum to delivering newspapers -- he always ends up with too much trouble and not enough money. But Henry's old friend Beezus has an idea that may turn Henry's worst trouble yet into a real business success!

Henry and Ribsy《亨利和利博西》
At last, Henry Huggins's father has promised to take him fishing, on one condition. Henry's dog, Ribsy, has been in all sorts of trouble lately, from running off with the neighbor's barbecue roast to stealing a policeman's lunch. To go on the fishing trip, Henry must keep Ribsy out of trouble -- no chasing cats, no digging up lawns...and no getting anywhere near little Ramona Quimby, the pest of Klickitat Street.

Henry Huggins's dog, Ribsy, is hopelessly lost in a huge shopping mall parking lot. It's raining hard, the pavement is slick, horns are honking, and drivers are shouting. When Ribsy thinks he has found the Hugginses' new station wagon at last, he jumps in the open tailgate window and falls asleep, exhausted. When he wakes up find himself in the wrong car, lots of little girls pet him and make plans to give him a bath. All Ribsy wants to do is go home to Henry. Instead, he's about to begin the liveliest adventure of his life.

Socks is one happy cat....
He lives with a nice young couple called Brickers who play with him, pet him, feed him treats, and always have a warm lap for him to sit in. Then a new baby joins the family Suddenly, the Brickers are sharing their laps and love with Charles William, and Socks is getting into trouble. He runs from a phantom dog, wrestles with Nana's best wig, and fights Old Taylor the tomcat for his territory. But as Charles William grows, Socks discovers that he has a new friend and a new way to be a part of the family.
A purr-fectly hilarious portrait of life with a baby from a cat's point of view.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle《老鼠和摩托车》
"Boy!" said Ralph to himself, his whiskers quivering with excitement. "Boy, oh boy!" Feeling that this was an important moment in his life, he took hold of the handgrips. They felt good and solid beneath his paws. Yes, this motorcycle was a good machine all right.
Ralph the mouse ventures out from behind the piney knothole in the wall of his hotel-room home, scrambles up the telephone wire to the end table, and climbs aboard the toy motorcycle left there by a young guest. His thrill ride does not last long. The ringing telephone startles Ralph, and he and the motorcycle take a terrible fall - right to the bottom of a metal wastebasket. Luckily, Keith, the owner of the motorcycle, returns to find his toy. Keith rescues Ralph and teaches him how to ride the bike. Thus begins a great friendship and many awesome adventures. Once a mouse can ride a motorcyle ... almost anything can happen!

Ralph S Mouse《老鼠拉尔夫》

Runaway Ralph《逃家拉尔夫》

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【送音频】 The Complete Ramona Collection 雷梦拉娜1-8-15册套装 儿童纽伯瑞奖书桥梁书章节小说 中小学英语读物Henry and Ribsy


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